context("EDIT web services") test_that("make_EDIT_service_URL works", { # test simple construction of URLs for # return PDF, .TXT or JSON result # url for all geoUnit keys as PDF expect_equal(make_EDIT_service_URL(src = "descriptions", catalog = "esd", geoUnit = "039X"), "") # url for a single key within geoUnit as PDF expect_equal(make_EDIT_service_URL(src = "descriptions", catalog = "esd", geoUnit = "039X", key = "1"), "") # query for ecoclass with endpoint "overview" expect_equal(make_EDIT_service_URL(src = "descriptions", catalog = "esd", geoUnit = "039X", ecoclass = "R039XA109AZ", endpoint = "overview.json"), "") }) test_that("get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit works", { # wrapper method to download class-list.json for # multiple geoUnit and return a "tidy" data.frame result instead of nested list skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() res <- suppressWarnings(get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit(c("018X","022A"))) # skip on error skip_if(is.null(res)) # verify data.frame result with 4 columns as specified @ expect_true(all(colnames(res) %in% c("geoUnit", "id", "legacyId", "name"))) })