context("siblings() -- requires internet connection") test_that("siblings() returns reasonable data", { skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() x <- siblings('amador', = TRUE) # if load balancer or server is down, skip tests skip_if(is.null(x)) # standard request expect_true(inherits(x, 'list')) expect_equal(length(x), 2) expect_true(inherits(x$sib, 'data.frame')) expect_true(inherits(x$, 'data.frame')) expect_equal(names(x$sib), c('series', 'sibling', 'majcompflag', 'n')) }) test_that("siblings() returns skeleton with bogus query", { skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() # a skeleton list should be returned res <- siblings('XXX') expect_null(res) }) # test cousins, takes more time test_that("siblings(..., cousins = TRUE)", { skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() x <- siblings('amador', only.major = TRUE, cousins = TRUE) # if load balancer or server is down, skip tests skip_if(is.null(x)) expect_true(inherits(x, 'list')) expect_equal(length(x), 2) expect_true(inherits(x$sib, 'data.frame')) expect_true(inherits(x$cousins, 'data.frame')) expect_equal(names(x$sib), c('series', 'sibling', 'majcompflag', 'n')) expect_equal(names(x$cousins), c('series', 'sibling', 'majcompflag', 'n')) })