context("fetchOSD() -- requires internet connection") ## these are the elements of the list returned when extended=TRUE ## update here as-needed extended.table.names <<- c("SPC", "competing", "geog_assoc_soils" ,"geomcomp", "hillpos", "mtnpos", "terrace", "flats", "shape_across", "shape_down", "pmkind", "pmorigin", "mlra", "climate.annual", "climate.monthly", "NCCPI", "soilweb.metadata") test_that("fetchOSD() works", { skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() ## sample data x <<- fetchOSD(soils = c('sierra', 'cecil')) skip_if(is.null(x)) # standard request expect_true(inherits(x, 'SoilProfileCollection')) # all of the results should contain the search term f <- grepl('sierra|cecil', x$id, = TRUE) expect_equal(all(f), TRUE) }) test_that("fetchOSD() returns NULL with bogus query", { skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() # a message is printed and NULL returned when no results res <- suppressMessages(fetchOSD(soils='XXX')) expect_null(res) }) test_that("fetchOSD() returns a list + SPC in extended mode", { skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() x.extended <<- fetchOSD(soils = c('sierra', 'cecil'), extended = TRUE) skip_if(is.null(x.extended)) # extended request expect_true(inherits(x.extended, 'list')) expect_true(inherits(x.extended$SPC, 'SoilProfileCollection')) }) test_that("fetchOSD() returns reasonable data", { skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if(is.null(x)) # standard request expect_equal(nrow(site(x)) == 2, TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(horizons(x)) > 0, TRUE) expect_equal(idname(x), 'id') expect_equal(horizonDepths(x), c("top", "bottom")) }) test_that("fetchOSD() returns reasonable data in extended mode", { skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if(is.null(x.extended)) # extended request expect_equal( names(x.extended), extended.table.names ) }) ## pending further investigation due to FY22 changes: inactive series included in soilweb holdings # # # test_that("fetchOSD() returns warning in extended mode, when active + inactive series specified", { # # skip_if_offline() # # skip_on_cran() # # # warning added in response to #128 # expect_warning( # xx <- fetchOSD(soils = c('sierra', 'Breadsprings', 'Hagerwest', 'Tintero'), extended = TRUE) # ) # # # extended request components # expect_equal( # names(xx), extended.table.names # ) # # })