context("fetchNASISLabData() -- requires local NASIS and ODBC connection") ## helper functions used to skip tests that rely on special conditions # # # * NASIS on the local machine # * pedons / component missing from local database check_local_NASIS_labdata_available <- function() { # attempt to load pedons res <- try(suppressWarnings(fetchNASISLabData(SS = FALSE)), silent = TRUE) if (inherits(res, 'try-error')) { skip("no NCSS Lab Data in local NASIS database") } } ## tests test_that("fetchNASISLabData returns reasonable data", { # test for conditions permitting this test to run if(!local_NASIS_defined()) { skip("local NASIS database not available") } # test for lab data to check check_local_NASIS_labdata_available() # get data # ignore warnings for now x <- suppressWarnings(fetchNASISLabData(SS = FALSE)) # expected outcomes expect_true(inherits(x, 'SoilProfileCollection')) expect_equal(nrow(site(x)) > 0, TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(horizons(x)) > 0, TRUE) expect_equal(idname(x), 'labpeiid') expect_equal(hzidname(x), 'labphiid') expect_equal(horizonDepths(x), c("hzdept", "hzdepb")) })