context("Plotting contact matrices") suppressWarnings({ dta <- contact_matrix(polymod, countries = "United Kingdom", age.limits = c(0, 18, 65), per.capita = TRUE) }) test_that("contact matrix can be plotted", { expect_no_error(matrix_plot(dta$matrix)) }) test_that("contact matrix per capita can be plotted", { expect_no_error(matrix_plot(dta$matrix.per.capita)) }) test_that("contact matrix can be plotted with different color palette", { expect_no_error(matrix_plot(dta$matrix, color.palette = rainbow)) }) test_that("contact matrix can be plotted with ad-hoc min and max values for the legend", { expect_no_error(matrix_plot(dta$matrix, min.legend = 4, max.legend = 40)) }) test_that("contact matrix can be plotted with (ad-hoc) min and max values for the legend", { expect_no_error(matrix_plot(dta$matrix, min.legend = 4, max.legend = 40)) })