context("Manipulating age groups") test_that("age groups can be created and manipulated", { ages <- seq_len(50) age_limits <- c(0, 5, 10) groups <- reduce_agegroups(ages, age_limits) expect_length(unique(groups), 3) age_groups <- limits_to_agegroups(groups) expect_length(unique(age_groups), 3) }) test_that("age groups are ordered factors", { ages <- seq_len(50) age_limits <- c(0, 5, 10) groups <- reduce_agegroups(ages, age_limits) age_groups <- limits_to_agegroups(groups) expect_s3_class(age_groups, "ordered") expect_s3_class(age_groups, "factor") }) test_that("pop_age doesn't change total population size", { ages_it_2015 <- wpp_age("Italy", 2015) ages_it_2015_10 <- pop_age(ages_it_2015, age.limit = seq(0, 100, by = 10)) expect_identical( sum(ages_it_2015$population), sum(ages_it_2015_10$population) ) # Even with interpolation expect_warning( ages_it_2015_cat <- pop_age(ages_it_2015, age.limit = c(0, 18, 40, 65)), # nolint "Linearly estimating" ) expect_identical( sum(ages_it_2015$population), sum(ages_it_2015_cat$population) ) }) test_that("pop_age throws warnings or errors", { expect_error(pop_age(3), "to be a data.frame") expect_warning(wpp_age("Germany", 2011), "Don't have population data") })