test_that("get_solution() inputs are checked", { expect_error(get_solution(astronomical_solution = "hoi")) expect_error(get_solution(astronomical_solution = "full-La11")) expect_error(get_solution(astronomical_solution = data.frame(x = 1, y = 5))) # this runs via prepare_solution }) test_that("get_solution() can load eccentricity solutions", { withr::local_options(width = 150) expect_snapshot(get_solution(astronomical_solution = "ZB20b", quiet = FALSE) |> head()) }) test_that("get_solution() can load full solutions", { withr::local_options(width = 150) expect_snapshot(get_solution(astronomical_solution = "full-ZB18a", quiet = TRUE) |> head()) expect_snapshot(get_solution(astronomical_solution = "full-ZB18a", quiet = FALSE, force = TRUE) |> head(), # get rid of the cache directory printing in this snapshot because it differs between CIs and machines transform = ~ gsub("^i The cache directory is '.*'.$", "i The cache directory is 'transformed-for-CI'.", .x) ) })