context("Test glmsmurf.control function") test_that("Test glmsmurf.control output", { # Check if no error expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list()), NA) control <-"glmsmurf.control", list()) # Check if list expect_true(is.list(control)) # Check length expect_length(control, 16L) }) test_that("Test input for 'step' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(step = NULL)), NA) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(step = -1)), "'step' must be strictly larger than 0.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(step = 0)), "'step' must be strictly larger than 0.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(step = 1:2)), "'step' must be a numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(step = NA)), "'step' must be a numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(step = NaN)), "'step' must be a finite numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(step = Inf)), "'step' must be a finite numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'tau' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(tau = -1)), "'tau' must be strictly between 0 and 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(tau = 0)), "'tau' must be strictly between 0 and 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(tau = 1)), "'tau' must be strictly between 0 and 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(tau = 1:2)), "'tau' must be a numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(tau = NA)), "'tau' must be a numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(tau = NaN)), "'tau' must be a finite numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(tau = Inf)), "'tau' must be a finite numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'epsilon' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(epsilon = -1)), "'epsilon' must be strictly larger than 0.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(epsilon = 0)), "'epsilon' must be strictly larger than 0.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(epsilon = 1:2)), "'epsilon' must be a numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(epsilon = NA)), "'epsilon' must be a numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(epsilon = NaN)), "'epsilon' must be a finite numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(epsilon = Inf)), "'epsilon' must be a finite numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'maxiter' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(maxiter = -1)), "'maxiter' must be at least 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(maxiter = 0)), "'maxiter' must be at least 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(maxiter = 0.5)), "'maxiter' must be at least 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(maxiter = 1)), NA) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(maxiter = 1:2)), "'maxiter' must be a numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(maxiter = NA)), "'maxiter' must be a numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(maxiter = NaN)), "'maxiter' must be a finite numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(maxiter = Inf)), "'maxiter' must be a finite numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'reest' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(reest = -1)), "'reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(reest = NULL)), "'reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(reest = c(0, 1))), "'reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(reest = NA)), "'reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(reest = NaN)), "'reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(reest = Inf)), "'reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'k' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(k = -1)), "'k' must be a strictly positive integer.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(k = 0)), "'k' must be a strictly positive integer", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(k = 0.5)), "'k' must be a strictly positive integer", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(k = 1:2)), "'k' must be a strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(k = NA)), "'k' must be a strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(k = NaN)), "'k' must be a finite strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(k = Inf)), "'k' must be a finite strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(glmsmurf(formu, family = gaussian(), data = rent, pen.weights = "glm.stand", lambda = "", control = glmsmurf.control(k = nrow(rent)+1)), "The number of cross-validation folds cannot be larger than the number of observations.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'oos.prop' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(oos.prop = -1)), "'oos.prop' must be a numeric strictly between 0 and 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(oos.prop = 0)), "'oos.prop' must be a numeric strictly between 0 and 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(oos.prop = 1)), "'oos.prop' must be a numeric strictly between 0 and 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(oos.prop = 1:2)), "'oos.prop' must be a numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(oos.prop = NA)), "'oos.prop' must be a numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(oos.prop = NaN)), "'oos.prop' must be a finite numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(oos.prop = Inf)), "'oos.prop' must be a finite numeric of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) # Check if error when too few levels in training sample expect_error(glmsmurf(formu, family = gaussian(), data = rent, pen.weights = "glm.stand", lambda = "oos.mse", control = list(lambda.length = 5, print = FALSE, oos.prop = 0.99)), paste0("Some levels are missing in the training sample. Please provide different indices in 'validation.index' in the control object", " or use a different (smaller) value for 'oos.prop' in the control object."), fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'validation.index' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(validation.index = NULL)), NA) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(validation.index = -1)), "All elements of 'validation.index' should be strictly positive integers.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(validation.index = 0)), "All elements of 'validation.index' should be strictly positive integers.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(validation.index = 0.5 + (0:1))), "All elements of 'validation.index' should be strictly positive integers.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(validation.index = NA)), "'validation.index' should be a numeric vector or NULL.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(validation.index = NaN)), "All elements of 'validation.index' should be strictly positive integers.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(validation.index = Inf)), "All elements of 'validation.index' should be strictly positive integers.", fixed = TRUE) # Check if error when too few levels in training sample expect_error(glmsmurf(formu, family = gaussian(), data = rent, pen.weights = "glm.stand", lambda = "oos.mse", control = list(lambda.length = 5, print = FALSE, validation.index = 5:nrow(rent))), paste0("Some levels are missing in the training sample. Please provide different indices in 'validation.index' in the control object", " or use a different (smaller) value for 'oos.prop' in the control object."), fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'lambda.vector' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.vector = NULL)), NA) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.vector = -1)), "All elements of 'lambda.vector' should be strictly positive numbers.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.vector = 0)), "All elements of 'lambda.vector' should be strictly positive numbers.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.vector = numeric(0))), "'lambda.vector' must be a vector of strictly positive numbers or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.vector = NA)), "'lambda.vector' must be a vector of strictly positive numbers or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.vector = NaN)), "All elements of 'lambda.vector' should be strictly positive numbers.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.vector = Inf)), "All elements of 'lambda.vector' should be strictly positive numbers.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'lambda.min' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.min = NULL)), NA) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.min = -1)), "'lambda.min' must be a strictly positive number of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.min = 0)), "'lambda.min' must be a strictly positive number of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.min = 1:2)), "'lambda.min' must be a strictly positive number of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.min = NA)), "'lambda.min' must be a strictly positive number of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.min = NaN)), "'lambda.min' must be a finite numeric of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.min = Inf)), "'lambda.min' must be a finite numeric of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'lambda.max' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.max = NULL)), NA) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.max = -1)), "'lambda.max' must be a strictly positive number of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.max = 0)), "'lambda.max' must be a strictly positive number of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.max = 1:2)), "'lambda.max' must be a strictly positive number of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.max = NA)), "'lambda.max' must be a strictly positive number of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.max = NaN)), "'lambda.max' must be a finite numeric of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.max = Inf)), "'lambda.max' must be a finite numeric of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.max = 1, lambda.min = 2)), "'lambda.max' must be strictly larger than 'lambda.min'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.max = 1, lambda.min = 1)), "'lambda.max' must be strictly larger than 'lambda.min'.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'lambda.length' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.length = -1)), "'lambda.length' must be a strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.length = 0)), "'lambda.length' must be a strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.length = 0.5)), "'lambda.length' must be a strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.length = 1:2)), "'lambda.length' must be a strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.length = NA)), "'lambda.length' must be a strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.length = NaN)), "'lambda.length' must be a strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.length = Inf)), "'lambda.length' must be a strictly positive integer of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'lambda.reest' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.reest = -1)), "'lambda.reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.reest = NULL)), "'lambda.reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.reest = c(0, 1))), "'lambda.reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.reest = NA)), "'lambda.reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.reest = NaN)), "'lambda.reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.reest = Inf)), "'lambda.reest' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_false("glmsmurf.control", list(lambda.reest = TRUE, reest = FALSE))$lambda.reest) }) test_that("Test input for 'ncores' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(ncores = NULL)), NA) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(ncores = -1)), "'ncores' must be a positive integer or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(ncores = 0)), "'ncores' must be a positive integer or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(ncores = 0.5)), "'ncores' must be a positive integer or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(ncores = 1:2)), "'ncores' must be a positive integer of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(ncores = NA)), "'ncores' must be a positive integer of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(ncores = NaN)), "'ncores' must be a positive integer of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(ncores = Inf)), "'ncores' must be a positive integer of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'po.ncores' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(po.ncores = NULL)), NA) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(po.ncores = -1)), "'po.ncores' must be a positive integer or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(po.ncores = 0)), "'po.ncores' must be a positive integer or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(po.ncores = 0.5)), "'po.ncores' must be a positive integer or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(po.ncores = 1:2)), "'po.ncores' must be a positive integer of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(po.ncores = NA)), "'po.ncores' must be a positive integer of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(po.ncores = NaN)), "'po.ncores' must be a positive integer of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(po.ncores = Inf)), "'po.ncores' must be a positive integer of length 1 or 'NULL'.", fixed = TRUE) expect_warning("glmsmurf.control", list(po.ncores = 2, ncores = 2)), "'po.ncores' is set to 1 since 'ncores' is already larger than 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_warning("glmsmurf.control", list(po.ncores = 2, ncores = 1)), paste0("Setting 'po.ncores' larger than one is not advised unless at least one of the ", "proximal operators takes long to compute."), fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Test input for 'print' in glmsmurf.control", { expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(print = -1)), "'print' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(print = NULL)), "'print' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(print = c(0, 1))), "'print' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(print = NA)), "'print' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(print = NaN)), "'print' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error("glmsmurf.control", list(print = Inf)), "'print' must be a logical of length 1.", fixed = TRUE) })