skip_if(!is_slendr_env_present()) map <- world(xrange = c(1, 100), yrange = c(1, 100), landscape = "blank") pop <- population("POP", time = 1, N = 100, center = c(50, 50), radius = 50, map = map) model <- compile_model( populations = pop, generation_time = 1, simulation_length = 100, resolution = 1, competition = 10, mating = 2, dispersal = 1, overwrite = TRUE, force = TRUE ) samples <- schedule_sampling(model, times = 100, list(pop, 10)) slim_ts <- normalizePath(tempfile(fileext = ".slim.trees"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) msprime_ts <- normalizePath(tempfile(fileext = ".msprime.trees"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) slim( model, samples = samples, sequence_length = 100000, recombination_rate = 1e-8, method = "batch", random_seed = 42 ) %>% ts_write(slim_ts) msprime( model, samples = samples, sequence_length = 100000, recombination_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42 ) %>% ts_write(msprime_ts) test_that("ape phylo conversion only works on simplified, coalesced trees (SLiM)", { ts1 <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) suppressWarnings(ts2 <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts)) ts3 <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 100, recombination_rate = 1e-8) expect_error( ts_phylo(ts1, 0, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE), "A tree sequence tree which is not fully coalesced" ) expect_error( ts_phylo(ts2, 0, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE), "A tree sequence tree which is not fully coalesced" ) expect_error( ts_phylo(ts3, 0, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE), "Please simplify your tree sequence first" ) }) test_that("ape phylo conversion only works on simplified, coalesced trees (msprime)", { ts1 <- ts_read(model = model, file = msprime_ts) suppressWarnings(ts2 <- ts_read(model = model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_simplify()) suppressWarnings(ts3 <- ts_read(model = model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 100, recombination_rate = 1e-8)) expect_s3_class(ts_phylo(ts1, 0, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE), "slendr_phylo") expect_s3_class(ts_phylo(ts2, 0, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE), "slendr_phylo") expect_s3_class(ts_phylo(ts3, 0, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE), "slendr_phylo") }) ts1 <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 1000, recombination_rate = 1e-8) %>% ts_simplify() %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 0.0000001) ts2 <- ts_read(model = model, file = msprime_ts) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 0.0000001) test_that("ape phylo and tskit.Tree objects are created by ts_tree/ts_phylo (SLiM)", { t1 <- ts_tree(ts1, 0, mode = "index") # we deal with the "not all nodes are spatial" warninng below suppressWarnings(t2 <- ts_phylo(ts1, 0, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE)) expect_s3_class(t1, "tskit.trees.Tree") expect_s3_class(t2, "phylo") }) test_that("ape phylo and tskit.Tree objects are created by ts_tree/ts_phylo (msprime)", { t1 <- ts_tree(ts2, 0, mode = "index") # we deal with the "not all nodes are spatial" warning below suppressWarnings(t2 <- ts_phylo(ts2, 0, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE)) expect_s3_class(t1, "tskit.trees.Tree") expect_s3_class(t2, "phylo") }) test_that("ape phylo and tskit.Tree objects are equivalent (SLiM)", { t1 <- ts_tree(ts1, 0, mode = "index") suppressWarnings(t2 <- ts_phylo(ts1, 0, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE)) expect_true(t1$num_edges == nrow(t2$edge)) expect_true(t1$num_samples() == length(t2$tip.label)) t1_internal <- t1$parent_array %>% .[. != -1] %>% unique() t1_leaves <- reticulate::iterate(t1$leaves(t1$root)) t1_nodes <- c(t1_internal, t1_leaves) t2_nodes <- unique(as.vector(t2$edge)) expect_true(length(t1_nodes) == length(t2_nodes)) # even the recapitated nodes should have numerical time_tskit values # (after the fix of the join operation which caused NA to be introduced) expect_true(all(!$time_tskit))) }) test_that("ape phylo and tskit.Tree objects are equivalent (msprime)", { t1 <- ts_tree(ts2, 0, mode = "index") suppressWarnings(t2 <- ts_phylo(ts2, 0, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE)) expect_true(t1$num_edges == nrow(t2$edge)) expect_true(t1$num_samples() == length(t2$tip.label)) t1_internal <- t1$parent_array %>% .[. != -1] %>% unique() t1_leaves <- reticulate::iterate(t1$leaves(t1$root)) t1_nodes <- c(t1_internal, t1_leaves) t2_nodes <- unique(as.vector(t2$edge)) expect_true(length(t1_nodes) == length(t2_nodes)) }) test_that("ts_nodes only works on slendr_ts and phylo objects (SLiM)", { i <- 1 t1 <- ts_tree(ts1, i - 1, mode = "index") suppressWarnings(t2 <- ts_phylo(ts1, i - 1, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE)) t1_internal <- t1$parent_array %>% .[. != -1] %>% unique() t1_leaves <- reticulate::iterate(t1$leaves(t1$root)) t1_nodes <- c(t1_internal, t1_leaves) t2_nodes <- unique(as.vector(t2$edge)) data <- ts_nodes(t2) expect_true(nrow(data) == t2$Nnode + length(t2$tip.label)) expect_true(nrow(data) == length(intersect(t2_nodes, data$phylo_id))) }) test_that("ts_nodes only works on slendr_ts and phylo objects (msprime)", { i <- 1 t1 <- ts_tree(ts2, i - 1, mode = "index") suppressWarnings(t2 <- ts_phylo(ts2, i - 1, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE)) t1_internal <- t1$parent_array %>% .[. != -1] %>% unique() t1_leaves <- reticulate::iterate(t1$leaves(t1$root)) t1_nodes <- c(t1_internal, t1_leaves) t2_nodes <- unique(as.vector(t2$edge)) data <- ts_nodes(t2) expect_true(nrow(data) == t2$Nnode + length(t2$tip.label)) expect_true(nrow(data) == length(intersect(t2_nodes, data$phylo_id))) }) test_that("ts_nodes output contains the correct information for a given phylo tree (SLiM)", { for (i in seq_len(ts1$num_trees)) { t1 <- ts_tree(ts1, i - 1, mode = "index") suppressWarnings(t2 <- ts_phylo(ts1, i - 1, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE)) t1_internal <- t1$parent_array %>% .[. != -1] %>% unique() t1_leaves <- reticulate::iterate(t1$leaves(t1$root)) t1_nodes <- c(t1_internal, t1_leaves) t2_nodes <- unique(as.vector(t2$edge)) data <- ts_nodes(t2) expect_true(nrow(data) == t2$Nnode + length(t2$tip.label)) expect_true(nrow(data) == length(intersect(t2_nodes, data$phylo_id))) } }) test_that("ts_nodes output contains the correct information for a given phylo tree (msprime)", { for (i in seq_len(ts2$num_trees)) { t1 <- ts_tree(ts2, i - 1, mode = "index") suppressWarnings(t2 <- ts_phylo(ts2, i - 1, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE)) t1_internal <- t1$parent_array %>% .[. != -1] %>% unique() t1_leaves <- reticulate::iterate(t1$leaves(t1$root)) t1_nodes <- c(t1_internal, t1_leaves) t2_nodes <- unique(as.vector(t2$edge)) data <- ts_nodes(t2) expect_true(nrow(data) == t2$Nnode + length(t2$tip.label)) expect_true(nrow(data) == length(intersect(t2_nodes, data$phylo_id))) } }) test_that("ts_phylo refuses a non-coalesced tree sequence", { ts <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) expect_error(ts_phylo(ts, 0), "A tree sequence tree which is not fully coalesced") }) test_that("ts_phylo errors on a not-yet-simplified tree sequence", { ts <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 10, recombination_rate = 0) expect_error(ts_phylo(ts, 0, quiet = TRUE), "Please simplify your tree sequence") ts <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 10, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_simplify() expect_s3_class(suppressWarnings(ts_phylo(ts, 0, quiet = TRUE)), "slendr_phylo") }) test_that("ts_phylo gives a warning when a tree sequence is not fully spatial", { ts <- ts_read(model = model, file = slim_ts) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 10, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_simplify() expect_warning(ts_phylo(ts, 0, quiet = TRUE), "Not all nodes have a known spatial location.") pop2 <- population("POP", time = 1, N = 10, center = c(50, 50), radius = 50, map = map) model2 <- compile_model(populations = pop2, generation_time = 1, simulation_length = 1000, resolution = 1, competition = 10, mating = 50, dispersal = 1) ts <- slim(model2, sequence_length = 1, recombination_rate = 0, method = "batch", random_seed = 42 ) %>% ts_simplify() expect_s3_class(ts_nodes(ts_phylo(ts, 0, quiet = TRUE)), "sf") expect_s3_class(attr(ts_phylo(ts, 0, quiet = TRUE), "edges"), "sf") }) test_that("ts_nodes and ts_edges give the same result in single-tree tree sequences", { ts <- slim( model, samples = samples, sequence_length = 100000, recombination_rate = 0, method = "batch", random_seed = 42 ) %>% ts_recapitate(Ne = 100, recombination_rate = 0) %>% ts_simplify() suppressWarnings(tree <- ts_phylo(ts, 0, quiet = TRUE)) nodes_tree <- ts_nodes(tree) %>% dplyr::arrange(time) %>% dplyr::select(-phylo_id) nodes_ts <- ts_nodes(ts) %>% dplyr::arrange(time) expect_true(all(nodes_ts == nodes_tree, na.rm = TRUE)) })