test_that("anything but the three allowed landsccape sources leads to error", { error_msg <- "Landscape has to be either 'blank', 'naturalearth' or an object of the class 'sf'" expect_error(world(xrange = c(-15, 60), yrange = c(20, 65), landscape = "blank123"), error_msg, fixed = TRUE) expect_error(world(xrange = c(-15, 60), yrange = c(20, 65), landscape = 123), error_msg, fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("blank abstract landscape is allowed", { expect_silent(world(xrange = c(-15, 60), yrange = c(20, 65), landscape = "blank")) }) test_that("user-defined abstract landscape is allowed", { xrange <- c(-15, 60) yrange <- c(20, 65) polygon <- create_polygon(list(c(-10, 30), c(50, 30), c(40, 50), c(0, 40))) expect_silent(world(xrange = xrange, yrange = yrange, landscape = polygon)) })