context("test-process_missing.R -- Missing Handling for sl3_Task objects") if (FALSE) { setwd("..") setwd("..") getwd() library("devtools") document() load_all("./") # load all R files in /R and datasets in /data. Ignores NAMESPACE: setwd("..") install("sl3", build_vignettes = FALSE, dependencies = FALSE ) # INSTALL W/ devtools: } data(cpp) covars <- c( "apgar1", "apgar5", "parity", "gagebrth", "mage", "meducyrs", "sexn" ) outcome <- "haz" warnings <- capture_warnings({ task_drop_missing <- make_sl3_Task(cpp, covars, outcome, drop_missing_outcome = TRUE ) }) expect_equal( warnings, c( "Missing outcome data detected: dropping outcomes.", "Imputing missing values and adding missingness indicators for the following covariates with missing values: apgar1, apgar5, parity, meducyrs. See documentation of the process_data function for details." ) ) expect_false(any($Y))) expect_equal( task_drop_missing$nodes$covariates, c( "apgar1", "apgar5", "parity", "gagebrth", "mage", "meducyrs", "sexn", "delta_apgar1", "delta_apgar5", "delta_parity", "delta_meducyrs" ) ) warnings <- capture_warnings({ task_impute_covariates <- make_sl3_Task(cpp, covars, outcome) }) expect_equal( warnings, c( "Imputing missing values and adding missingness indicators for the following covariates with missing values: apgar1, apgar5, parity, meducyrs. See documentation of the process_data function for details.", "Missing outcome data detected. This is okay for prediction, but will likely break training. \n You can drop observations with missing outcomes by setting drop_missing_outcome=TRUE in make_sl3_Task." ) ) expect_equal(task_impute_covariates$nrow, nrow(cpp)) # create data with missingness mtcars_with_missing <- data.table(copy(mtcars)) mtcars_with_missing[sample(1:nrow(mtcars), 10), cyl := NA] # also add character column mtcars_with_missing[, gear := as.character(gear)] # create a task specifing nodes covariates <- c("cyl", "gear") suppressWarnings({ task_from_nodes <- sl3_Task$new(mtcars_with_missing, nodes = list(outcome = "mpg", covariates = covariates)) }) expected_covariates <- c(covariates, "delta_cyl") test_that( "missing processing works when nodes is specified", expect_equal(task_from_nodes$nodes$covariates, expected_covariates) )