context("test-hts.R -- Lrnr_hts for hierarchical time series forecasts") skip() if (!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) { return() } if (FALSE) { setwd("..") setwd("..") getwd() library("devtools") document() # load all R files in /R and datasets in /data. Ignores NAMESPACE: load_all("./") # devtools::check() # runs full check setwd("..") # INSTALL W/ devtools: install("sl3", build_vignettes = FALSE, dependencies = FALSE) } # Example adapted from hts package manual # The hierarchical structure looks like 2 child nodes associated with level 1, # which are followed by 3 and 2 sub-child nodes respectively at level 2. library(hts) set.seed(3274) abc <- + matrix(sort(rnorm(200)), ncol = 4, nrow = 50)) setnames(abc, paste("Series", 1:ncol(abc), sep = "_")) abc[, time := .I] nodes <- list(2, c(3, 2)) horizon <- 12 suppressWarnings(abc_long <- melt(abc, id = "time", = "series")) # create sl3 task (no outcome for hierarchical/grouped series) node_list <- list(outcome = "value", time = "time", id = "series") train_task <- sl3_Task$new(data = abc_long, nodes = node_list) test_data <- expand.grid(time = 51:55, series = unique(abc_long$series)) test_data <-[, value := 0] test_task <- sl3_Task$new(data = test_data, nodes = node_list) test_that("Lrnr_hts produces expected forecasts as hts implementation", { # compute forecast via sl3 learner hts_learner <- Lrnr_hts$new() hts_learner_fit <- hts_learner$train(train_task) hts_learner_preds <- hts_learner_fit$predict(test_task) # compute forecast via hts package hts_fit <- hts::hts(ts(as.matrix(abc)[, -5])) train_hmax <- max(abc$time) test_hmax <- max(unique(test_data$time)) hts_fpreds <- forecast(hts_fit, h = test_hmax - train_hmax)$bts hts_preds <-[, time := (train_hmax + 1):test_hmax] hts_preds <- melt(hts_preds, id.vars = "time", = "series") # predictions should be exactly the same expect_equal(hts_learner_preds, hts_preds$value) })