test_that("Regularizing cubes from AWS, and extracting samples from them", { s2_cube_open <- .try( { sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = c("20LKP", "20LLP"), bands = c("B8A", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2018-10-01", end_date = "2018-11-01", multicores = 1, progress = FALSE ) }, .default = NULL ) testthat::skip_if( purrr::is_null(s2_cube_open), "AWS is not accessible" ) expect_false(.cube_is_regular(s2_cube_open)) expect_true(all(sits_bands(s2_cube_open) %in% c("B8A", "CLOUD"))) timelines <- suppressWarnings(sits_timeline(s2_cube_open)) expect_equal(length(timelines), 2) expect_equal(length(timelines[["20LKP"]]), 6) expect_equal(length(timelines[["20LLP"]]), 13) dir_images <- paste0(tempdir(), "/images_aws/") if (!dir.exists(dir_images)) { suppressWarnings(dir.create(dir_images)) } expect_warning(rg_cube <- sits_regularize( cube = s2_cube_open, output_dir = dir_images, res = 240, period = "P16D", multicores = 2, progress = FALSE )) tile_bbox <- .tile_bbox(rg_cube) expect_equal(.tile_nrows(rg_cube), 458) expect_equal(.tile_ncols(rg_cube), 458) expect_equal(tile_bbox$xmax, 309780, tolerance = 1e-1) expect_equal(tile_bbox$xmin, 199980, tolerance = 1e-1) tile_fileinfo <- .fi(rg_cube) expect_equal(nrow(tile_fileinfo), 2) # Checking input class s2_cube <- s2_cube_open class(s2_cube) <- "data.frame" expect_error( sits_regularize( cube = s2_cube, output_dir = dir_images, res = 240, period = "P16D", multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) ) # Retrieving data csv_file <- system.file("extdata/samples/samples_amazonia.csv", package = "sits" ) # read sample information from CSV file and put it in a tibble samples <- tibble::as_tibble(utils::read.csv(csv_file)) ts <- sits_get_data( cube = rg_cube, samples = samples, output_dir = dir_images ) vls <- unlist(.values_ts(ts)) expect_true(all(vls > 0 & vls < 1.)) expect_equal(sits_bands(ts), sits_bands(rg_cube)) expect_equal(sits_timeline(ts), sits_timeline(rg_cube)) }) test_that("Creating Landsat cubes from MPC", { bbox <- c( xmin = -48.28579, ymin = -16.05026, xmax = -47.30839, ymax = -15.50026, crs = 4326 ) landsat_cube <- .try( { sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "LANDSAT-C2-L2", roi = bbox, bands = c("NIR08", "CLOUD"), start_date = as.Date("2008-07-18"), end_date = as.Date("2008-10-23"), progress = FALSE ) }, .default = NULL ) testthat::skip_if(purrr::is_null(landsat_cube), "MPC is not accessible") expect_true(all(sits_bands(landsat_cube) %in% c("NIR08", "CLOUD"))) expect_false(.cube_is_regular(landsat_cube)) expect_true(any(grepl("LT05", landsat_cube$file_info[[1]]$fid))) expect_true(any(grepl("LE07", landsat_cube$file_info[[1]]$fid))) r <- .raster_open_rast(.tile_path(landsat_cube)) expect_equal(landsat_cube$xmax[[1]], .raster_xmax(r), tolerance = 1) expect_equal(landsat_cube$xmin[[1]], .raster_xmin(r), tolerance = 1) output_dir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/images_mpc") if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) { dir.create(output_dir) } expect_warning(rg_landsat <- sits_regularize( cube = landsat_cube, output_dir = output_dir, res = 240, period = "P30D", multicores = 1, progress = FALSE )) expect_equal(.tile_nrows(.tile(rg_landsat)), 856) expect_equal(.tile_ncols(.tile(rg_landsat)), 967) expect_true(.cube_is_regular(rg_landsat)) l5_cube <- .try( { sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "LANDSAT-C2-L2", platform = "LANDSAT-5", roi = bbox, bands = c("NIR08", "CLOUD"), start_date = as.Date("2008-07-18"), end_date = as.Date("2008-10-23"), progress = FALSE ) }, .default = NULL ) expect_true(any(grepl("LT05", l5_cube$file_info[[1]]$fid))) expect_false(any(grepl("LE07", l5_cube$file_info[[1]]$fid))) expect_error( sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "LANDSAT-C2-L2", bands = c("NIR08", "CLOUD"), tiles = "220071", start_date = "2019-01-01", end_date = "2019-10-28", progress = FALSE ) ) }) test_that("Regularizing local cubes without CLOUD BAND", { data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") local_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir, multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) output_dir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/images_bdc_no_cloud") if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) { dir.create(output_dir) } # regularize local cube expect_warning({ local_reg_cube <- sits_regularize( cube = local_cube, period = "P2M", res = 500, output_dir = output_dir, progress = FALSE ) }) tl_orig <- sits_timeline(local_cube) tl_reg <- sits_timeline(local_reg_cube) fi_reg <- .fi(local_reg_cube) r_obj_reg <- .raster_open_rast(fi_reg$path[[1]]) values_reg <- terra::values(r_obj_reg) # check there are no NAs expect_equal(length(which(is.na(values_reg))), 0) # check interval is two months int <- lubridate::interval( start = as.Date(tl_reg[1]), end = as.Date(tl_reg[2]) ) expect_equal(lubridate::time_length(int, "month"), 2) })