test_that("Creating Sentinel cubes from AWS", { s2_cube <- .try( { sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = c("20LKP", "20LLP"), bands = c("B05", "CLOUD"), start_date = as.Date("2018-07-18"), end_date = as.Date("2018-08-23"), progress = FALSE ) }, .default = NULL ) testthat::skip_if( purrr::is_null(s2_cube), "AWS is not accessible" ) expect_true(all(sits_bands(s2_cube) %in% c("B05", "CLOUD"))) r <- .raster_open_rast(.tile_path(s2_cube)) expect_equal(s2_cube$xmax[[1]], .raster_xmax(r), tolerance = 1) expect_equal(s2_cube$xmin[[1]], .raster_xmin(r), tolerance = 1) s2_cube_s2a <- .try( { sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = "20LKP", bands = c("B05", "CLOUD"), start_date = as.Date("2018-07-18"), end_date = as.Date("2018-08-23"), progress = FALSE, platform = "SENTINEL-2A" ) }, .default = NULL ) n_images_1 <- nrow(s2_cube$file_info[[1]]) n_images_2 <- nrow(s2_cube_s2a$file_info[[1]]) expect_true(n_images_2 < n_images_1) }) test_that("Creating LANDSAT cubes from AWS with ROI", { roi <- c( lon_min = -47.50, lat_min = -15.80, lon_max = -47.30, lat_max = -15.50026 ) l8_cube_aws <- .try( { sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "LANDSAT-C2-L2", roi = roi, bands = c("NIR08", "CLOUD"), start_date = as.Date("2022-07-18"), end_date = as.Date("2022-08-23"), progress = FALSE ) }, .default = NULL ) testthat::skip_if(purrr::is_null(l8_cube_aws), "AWS is not accessible") expect_true(all(sits_bands(l8_cube_aws) %in% c("NIR08", "CLOUD"))) expect_equal(nrow(l8_cube_aws), 1) bbox_cube <- sits_bbox(l8_cube_aws, as_crs = "EPSG:4326") bbox_cube_1 <- sits_bbox(.tile(l8_cube_aws), as_crs = "EPSG:4326") expect_true(bbox_cube["xmax"] >= bbox_cube_1["xmax"]) expect_true(bbox_cube["ymax"] >= bbox_cube_1["ymax"]) r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(l8_cube_aws$file_info[[1]]$path[1]) tile_nrows <- .tile_nrows(l8_cube_aws)[[1]] expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == tile_nrows) l8_cube_aws_l8 <- .try( { sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "LANDSAT-C2-L2", roi = roi, bands = c("NIR08", "CLOUD"), start_date = as.Date("2022-07-18"), end_date = as.Date("2022-08-23"), progress = FALSE, platform = "LANDSAT-8" ) }, .default = NULL ) num_files_1 <- nrow(l8_cube_aws$file_info[[1]]) num_files_2 <- nrow(l8_cube_aws_l8$file_info[[1]]) expect_true(num_files_2 < num_files_1) }) test_that("Creating LANDSAT cubes from AWS with WRS", { l8_cube_aws_wrs <- .try( { sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "LANDSAT-C2-L2", tiles = "223067", bands = c("NIR08", "CLOUD"), start_date = as.Date("2022-07-18"), end_date = as.Date("2022-08-23"), progress = FALSE ) }, .default = NULL ) testthat::skip_if(purrr::is_null(l8_cube_aws_wrs), "AWS is not accessible") expect_true(all(sits_bands(l8_cube_aws_wrs) %in% c("NIR08", "CLOUD"))) expect_equal(nrow(l8_cube_aws_wrs), 1) r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(l8_cube_aws_wrs$file_info[[1]]$path[1]) tile_nrows <- .tile_nrows(l8_cube_aws_wrs)[[1]] expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == tile_nrows) })