context("main functions") test.sisal <- function() { X <- cbind(sine=sin((1:100)/5), linear=seq(from=-1, to=1, length.out=100), matrix(rnorm(200), 100, 2, dimnames=list(NULL, paste("random", 1:2, sep=".")))) y <- drop(X %*% c(3, 10, 1, 0) + rnorm(100)) foo <- sisal(X, y, Mtimes = 50, kfold = 5, verbose = 0) test_that("Class of result is correct", { expect_true(inherits(foo, "sisal")) }) sisal_names <- c("L.f", "L.v", "", "", "E.v", "L.f.nobranch", "L.v.nobranch", "", "", "E.v.nobranch", "n.evaluated", "edges", "vertices", "vertices.logical", "", "var.names", "n", "d", "n.missing", "n.clean", "lm.L.f", "lm.L.v", "lm.full", "magic.L.f", "magic.L.v", "magic.full", "mean.y", "sd.y", "zeroRange.y", "mean.X", "sd.X", "zeroRange.X", "constant.X", "params", "pairwise.points", "pairwise.wins", "pairwise.preferences", "pairwise.rank", "path.length", "nested.path", "nested.rank", "branching.useful", "warnings", "n.warn") test_that("Result has the right items", { expect_named(foo, sisal_names) }) ## TODO: more tests } test.sisal() test.testSisal <- function() { ## TODO: real tests test_that("Dummy test passes", { expect_true(TRUE) }) } test.testSisal() test.bootMSE <- function() { ## TODO: real tests test_that("Dummy test passes", { expect_true(TRUE) }) } test.bootMSE()