# Copyright (C) 2015 Iñaki Ucar and Bart Smeets # Copyright (C) 2015-2023 Iñaki Ucar # # This file is part of simmer. # # simmer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # simmer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with simmer. If not, see . test_that("a generator without a trajectory fails", { expect_error( simmer(verbose = env_verbose) %>% add_generator("customer", 4, 1)) }) test_that("a non-function dist fails", { expect_error( simmer(verbose = env_verbose) %>% add_generator("customer", trajectory(), 1)) }) test_that("a dist that returns a non-numeric value fails", { expect_error( simmer(verbose = env_verbose) %>% add_generator("customer", trajectory(), function() {}) %>% step()) }) test_that("generates the expected amount", { t <- trajectory() %>% timeout(0) env <- simmer(verbose = env_verbose) %>% add_generator("customer", t, at(1:3)) %>% run() arr <- get_mon_arrivals(env) expect_equal(env %>% get_sources(), "customer") expect_error(env %>% get_n_generated("asdf")) expect_equal(env %>% get_n_generated("customer"), 3) expect_error(env %>% get_trajectory("asdf")) expect_equal((env %>% get_trajectory("customer"))[[1]], t) expect_equal(arr$start_time, 1:3) expect_equal(arr$end_time, 1:3) expect_equal(arr$activity_time, rep(0, 3)) }) test_that("generators are reset", { expect_equal(3, simmer(verbose = env_verbose) %>% add_generator("dummy", trajectory(), at(0, 1, 2)) %>% run() %>% reset() %>% run() %>% get_mon_arrivals() %>% nrow() ) }) test_that("preemptible < priority shows a warning", { expect_warning( simmer(verbose = env_verbose) %>% add_generator("dummy", trajectory(), at(0), priority = 3, preemptible = 1)) }) test_that("arrival names are correctly retrieved", { t <- trajectory() %>% log_(function() get_name(env)) env <- simmer() %>% add_generator("dummy", t, at(0)) expect_output(run(env), "0: dummy0: dummy0") expect_error(get_name(env)) }) test_that("arrivals are correctly monitored", { a <- trajectory() %>% seize("res2", 1) %>% batch(1) %>% seize("res1", 1) %>% timeout(5) %>% release("res1", 1) %>% separate() %>% release("res2", 1) b <- trajectory() %>% seize("res1", 1) %>% timeout(6) %>% release("res1", 1) c <- trajectory() %>% seize("res1", 1) %>% timeout(1) %>% rollback(1, times = Inf) env <- simmer(verbose = env_verbose) %>% add_resource("res1", 1) %>% add_resource("res2") %>% add_generator("a", a, at(0)) %>% add_generator("b", b, at(0)) %>% add_generator("c", c, at(0)) %>% add_generator("d", c, at(1), mon = FALSE) %>% run(until = 4) arr1 <- get_mon_arrivals(env, per_resource = FALSE, ongoing = TRUE) arr1 <- arr1[order(arr1$name), ] arr2 <- get_mon_arrivals(env, per_resource = TRUE, ongoing = TRUE) arr2 <- arr2[order(arr2$name, arr2$resource), ] expect_equal(arr1$name, c("a0", "b0", "c0")) expect_equal(arr1$start_time, c(0, 0, 0)) expect_equal(arr1$end_time, c(NA_real_, NA, NA)) expect_equal(arr1$activity_time, c(NA_real_, NA, NA)) expect_equal(arr1$finished, rep(FALSE, 3)) expect_equal(arr2$name, c("a0", "a0", "b0", "c0")) expect_equal(arr2$start_time, c(0, 0, 0, 0)) expect_equal(arr2$end_time, c(NA_real_, NA, NA, NA)) expect_equal(arr2$activity_time, c(NA_real_, NA, NA, NA)) expect_equal(arr2$resource, c("res1", "res2", "res1", "res1")) env %>% reset() %>% run(until = 10) arr1 <- get_mon_arrivals(env, per_resource = FALSE, ongoing = TRUE) arr1 <- arr1[order(arr1$name), ] arr2 <- get_mon_arrivals(env, per_resource = TRUE, ongoing = TRUE) arr2 <- arr2[order(arr2$name, arr2$resource), ] expect_equal(arr1$name, c("a0", "b0", "c0")) expect_equal(arr1$start_time, c(0, 0, 0)) expect_equal(arr1$end_time, c(5, NA, NA)) expect_equal(arr1$activity_time, c(5, NA, NA)) expect_equal(arr1$finished, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) expect_equal(arr2$name, c("a0", "a0", "b0", "c0")) expect_equal(arr2$start_time, c(0, 0, 0, 0)) expect_equal(arr2$end_time, c(5, 5, NA, NA)) expect_equal(arr2$activity_time, c(5, 5, NA, NA)) expect_equal(arr2$resource, c("res1", "res2", "res1", "res1")) env %>% reset() %>% run(until = 12) arr1 <- get_mon_arrivals(env, per_resource = FALSE, ongoing = TRUE) arr1 <- arr1[order(arr1$name), ] arr2 <- get_mon_arrivals(env, per_resource = TRUE, ongoing = TRUE) arr2 <- arr2[order(arr2$name, arr2$resource), ] expect_equal(arr1$name, c("a0", "b0", "c0")) expect_equal(arr1$start_time, c(0, 0, 0)) expect_equal(arr1$end_time, c(5, 11, NA)) expect_equal(arr1$activity_time, c(5, 6, NA)) expect_equal(arr1$finished, c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)) expect_equal(arr2$name, c("a0", "a0", "b0", "c0")) expect_equal(arr2$start_time, c(0, 0, 0, 0)) expect_equal(arr2$end_time, c(5, 5, 11, NA)) expect_equal(arr2$activity_time, c(5, 5, 6, NA)) expect_equal(arr2$resource, c("res1", "res2", "res1", "res1")) }) test_that("several generators can be attached at once", { env <- simmer(verbose=TRUE) %>% add_generator(letters[1:3], trajectory(), function() 1) expect_equal(get_sources(env), letters[1:3]) })