require("shiny", quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE) shiny_app <- shinyApp( ui = fluidPage( "Eval JS", tags$script(" var test_value = 42; var test_string = 'Hello world!'; "), verbatimTextOutput("txt") ), server = function(input, output) { # empty output$txt <- renderText({ "(app loaded)" }) } ) test_that("Duplicate input ids are found", { app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app) app$wait_for_js("test_value === 42") app$wait_for_js("let a = test_value; let b = 42; a === b") app$wait_for_js("test_value === 42;") app$wait_for_js("test_string != '\"';") app$wait_for_js("test_string !== \"'\";") app$wait_for_js("test_string === 'Hello world!';") # app$wait_for_js("'test'==='test'") app$wait_for_js('"test"==="test"') # Provide a test # Errors will be thrown above if the conditions can not be met expect_true(TRUE) }) test_that("Errors are caught in $wait_for_js()", { app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app) expect_error( app$wait_for_js("test_value === /"), "test_value === /" ) expect_error( app$wait_for_js("false", timeout = 100), "Timed out waiting for JavaScript script to return `true`" ) })