if (suggests){ test_that("Check select_async function works as expected", { skip_on_ci() skip_on_cran() if (!is.null(check_live)){ result <- select_async(poly = poly_matrix, date = "2023-06-20", token = token) missing_values <- length(terra::values(result$raster)[terra::values(result$raster) > 1]) non_missing_values <- length(terra::values(result$raster)[terra::values(result$raster) < 1]) expect_is(result$raster, "SpatRaster") expect_gt(missing_values, 2000) expect_gt(non_missing_values, 100) expect_error(select_async("poly", date = "2023-06-20", token = token), "poly must be a matrix") expect_error(select_async(poly_matrix, date = "2023-16-20", token = token), "date must be a string with the format YYYY") expect_error(select_async(poly_matrix, date = 2023, token = token), "date must be a string with the format YYYY") expect_error(select_async(poly_matrix, date = "2023-06-20", token = NULL), "This function requires a NASA token") expect_error(select_async(poly_matrix, date = "2023-06-20", token = "not_a_token"), "This function requires a NASA token") } else { expect_error(select_query(poly = poly_matrix, date = "2023-06-20", token = token), "The FAPAR API is currently offline") } }) test_that("Check select_async returns an error if the polygon is too large", { skip_on_ci() skip_on_cran() expect_error(select_async(poly = poly_matrix_large, date = "2023-06-20", token = token), paste0("Your selected area is too large \\(24592760 km2\\)", " when the maximum is 1m km2\\. Please select a smaller area")) }) test_that("Check select_async returns missing values when over the sea", { skip_on_ci() skip_on_cran() if (!is.null(check_live)){ expect_error(select_async(poly = poly_matrix_sea, date = "2023-06-20", token = token), paste0("No data was found for your selected area\\. ", "This could be due to cloud coverage or because the area is not over land\\.")) } }) test_that("{shinytest2} recording: e2e_select_query", { skip_on_ci() skip_on_cran() if (!is.null(check_live)){ rerun_test("select_async_test", list(save_path = save_path)) common <- readRDS(save_path) common$raster <- terra::unwrap(common$raster) expect_equal(is.null(common$poly), FALSE) expect_is(common$raster, "SpatRaster") expect_equal(common$meta$select_async$name, "FAPAR") } }) }