modules <- data.frame( "component" = c("select", "select", "plot", "plot"), "long_component" = c("Select data", "Select data", "Plot data", "Plot data"), "module" = c("user", "query", "hist", "scatter"), "long_module" = c("Upload your own data", "Query a database to obtain data", "Plot the data as a histogram", "Plot the data as a scatterplot"), "map" = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), "result" = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), "rmd" = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), "save" = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), "async" = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) common_objects = c("raster", "histogram", "scatter") test_that("Check create template returns expected errors", { directory <- tempfile() dir.create(directory, recursive = TRUE) dir.create(file.path(directory, "existing")) expect_error(create_template(path = 123, name = "shinyscholar", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "path must be a character string") expect_error(create_template(path = "~/a_faulty_path", name = "shinyscholar", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "The specified path does not exist") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = 123, common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "name must be a character string") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shiny_scholar", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "Package names can only contain letters and numbers") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "1shinyscholar", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "Package names cannot start with numbers") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shiny", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "A package on CRAN already uses that name") expect_error(create_template(path = directory, name = "existing", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "The specified app directory already exists") expect_error(create_template(path = directory, name = "shinydemo", common_objects = common_objects, modules = "not_df", author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "modules must be a dataframe") expect_warning(create_template(path = directory, name = "shinydemo", common_objects = common_objects, modules = within(modules, rm("async")), author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "As of v0.2.0 the modules dataframe should also contain an async column") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = common_objects, modules = within(modules, rm("long_module")), author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "The modules dataframe must contain the column\\(s\\): long_module") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = common_objects, modules = within(modules, rm("long_module", "map")), author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "The modules dataframe must contain the column\\(s\\): long_module,map") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = common_objects, modules = cbind(modules, data.frame("banana" = rep(FALSE, 4))), author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "The modules dataframe contains banana which is/are not valid column names") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = common_objects, modules = cbind(modules, data.frame("banana" = rep(FALSE, 4), "apple" = rep(1,4))), author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "The modules dataframe contains banana,apple which is/are not valid column names") modules$map <- c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "You have included a map but none of your modules use it") modules$map <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) modules$result <- c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "At least one module must return results") modules$result <- c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = modules, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "common_objects must be a vector of character strings") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = c(123, 123), modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), "common_objects must be a vector of character strings") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = c("logger", common_objects), modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, logger = NULL), paste0("common_objects contains logger which are included\nin common by default\\. ", "Please choose a different name\\.")) expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = 123, install = FALSE, include_map = "no", logger = NULL), "author must be a character string") expect_error(create_template(path = "~", name = "shinydemo", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE, include_map = "no", logger = NULL), "include_map, include_table") }) test_that("Check create template function works as expected", { modules$map <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) directory <- tempfile() dir.create(directory, recursive = TRUE) #the name must be shinyscholar so that the calls to package files work create_template(path = directory, name = "shinyscholar", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", install = FALSE) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "server.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "ui.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "global.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "R", "select_user_f.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "R", "run_shinyscholar.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "modules", "select_user.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "modules", "select_user.Rmd"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "modules", "select_user.yml"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "modules", ""))) if (suggests){ #there is not much to test when running the app, but this confirms that it runs test_that("{shinytest2} recording: testing_create_template", { app <- shinytest2::AppDriver$new(app_dir = file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny"), name = "create_test") common <- app$get_value(export = "common") expect_true(is.null(common$raster)) app$stop() }) } }) test_that("Check create template function works with false settings", { modules$map <- c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) modules$result <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) modules$rmd = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) modules$save = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) modules$async = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) directory <- tempfile() dir.create(directory, recursive = TRUE) #the name must be shinyscholar so that the calls to package files work create_template(path = directory, name = "shinyscholar", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, author = "Simon E. H. Smart", include_map = FALSE, include_table = FALSE, include_code = FALSE, install = FALSE) global <- readLines(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "global.R")) core_target <- grep("core_modules <-", global) global[core_target] <- 'core_modules <- c(file.path("modules", "core_intro.R"), file.path("modules", "core_load.R"), file.path("modules", "core_save.R"))' writeLines(global, file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "global.R")) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "server.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "ui.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "global.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "R", "select_user_f.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "R", "run_shinyscholar.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "modules", "select_user.R"))) expect_false(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "modules", "select_user.Rmd"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "modules", "select_user.yml"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny", "modules", ""))) if (suggests){ #there is not much to test when running the app, but this confirms that it runs test_that("{shinytest2} recording: testing_create_template", { app <- shinytest2::AppDriver$new(app_dir = file.path(directory, "shinyscholar", "inst", "shiny"), name = "create_test") common <- app$get_value(export = "common") expect_true(is.null(common$raster)) app$stop() }) } })