expect_silent_unattended <- function(expr) { if (interactive()) { return(expr) } expect_silent(expr) } test_that("export - app.R", { maybe_skip_test() assets_ensure() # Ensure pkgcache metadata has been loaded invisible(pkgcache::meta_cache_list()) # Create a temporary output directory out_dir <- file.path(tempfile(), "out") on.exit(unlink_path(out_dir), add = TRUE) app_dir <- test_path("apps", "app-r") expect_silent_unattended({ export(app_dir, out_dir) }) asset_root_files <- c("shinylive", "shinylive-sw.js") asset_app_files <- c("app.json", "edit", "index.html") asset_edit_files <- c("index.html") expect_setequal( dir(out_dir), c(asset_root_files, asset_app_files) ) expect_setequal(dir(file.path(out_dir, "edit")), asset_edit_files) expect_silent_unattended({ export(app_dir, out_dir, subdir = "test_subdir") }) expect_setequal( dir(out_dir), c(asset_root_files, asset_app_files, "test_subdir") ) expect_setequal( dir(file.path(out_dir, "test_subdir")), asset_app_files ) expect_setequal(dir(file.path(out_dir, "test_subdir", "edit")), asset_edit_files) }) test_that("export - server.R", { maybe_skip_test() assets_ensure() # Create a temporary directory out_dir <- file.path(tempfile(), "out") on.exit(unlink_path(out_dir)) app_dir <- test_path("apps", "server-r") # Verify global.R / ui.R / server.R app can be exported expect_silent_unattended({ export(app_dir, out_dir) }) # Verify global.R / ui.R / server.R exported files exist app_json <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(out_dir, "app.json")) out_app_file_names <- vapply(app_json, `[[`, character(1), "name") expect_setequal( out_app_file_names, c("global.R", "ui.R", "server.R") ) }) test_that("export with template", { maybe_skip_test() skip_if(assets_version() <= "0.4.1") # For local testing until next release after 0.4.1 # withr::local_envvar(list("SHINYLIVE_ASSETS_VERSION" = "0.4.1")) assets_ensure() path_export <- test_path("apps", "export_template") if (FALSE) { # Run this manually to re-initialize the export template, but you'll need to # add the template parameters tested below. path_export_src <- fs::path(shinylive:::assets_dir(), "export_template") fs::dir_copy(path_export_src, path_export, overwrite = TRUE) } # Create a temporary directory out_dir <- file.path(tempfile(), "out") on.exit(unlink_path(out_dir)) app_dir <- test_path("apps", "app-r") expect_silent_unattended({ export( app_dir, out_dir, template_dir = path_export, template_params = list( # Included in export template for > 0.4.1 title = "Shinylive Test App", include_before_body = "

Shinylive Test App

", include_after_body = "", # Included in the customized export template in test suite description = "My custom export template param test app" ) ) }) index_content <- brio::read_file(fs::path(out_dir, "index.html")) expect_match( index_content, "Shinylive Test App" ) expect_match( index_content, "\\s+

Shinylive Test App

" ) expect_match( index_content, "\\s+" ) expect_match( index_content, "" ) })