test_that("CSS unit validation", { # On error, return NA; on success, return result validateCssUnit_wrap <- function(x) { tryCatch(validateCssUnit(x), error = function(e) { NA_character_ }) } # Test strings and expected results strings <- c("100x", "10px", "10.4px", ".4px", "1px0", "px", "5", "%", "5%", "auto", "1auto", "") expected <- c(NA, "10px", "10.4px", ".4px", NA, NA, "5px", NA, "5%", "auto", NA, NA) results <- vapply(strings, validateCssUnit_wrap, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE) expect_equal(results, expected) # Numbers should return string with "px" expect_equal(validateCssUnit(100), "100px") }) test_that("Repeated names for selectInput and radioButtons choices", { # These test might be a bit too closely tied to the exact structure of the # tag object, but they get the job done for now. # Select input x <- selectInput('id','label', choices = c(a='x1', a='x2', b='x3'), selectize = FALSE) expect_true(grepl(fixed = TRUE, '', format(x) )) # Radio buttons using choices x <- radioButtons('id','label', choices = c(a='x1', a='x2', b='x3')) choices <- x$children expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[2]]$children[[1]], HTML('a')) expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$value, 'x1') expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$checked, 'checked') expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[2]]$children[[1]]$children[[2]]$children[[1]], HTML('a')) expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[2]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$value, 'x2') expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[2]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$checked, NULL) expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[3]]$children[[1]]$children[[2]]$children[[1]], HTML('b')) expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[3]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$value, 'x3') expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[3]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$checked, NULL) # Radio buttons using choiceNames and choiceValues x <- radioButtons('id','label', choiceNames = list(icon('calendar'), HTML('


'), 'Normal'), choiceValues = list('icon', 'html', 'text') ) choices <- x$children expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[2]]$children[[1]], HTML('')) expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$value, 'icon') expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$checked, 'checked') expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[2]]$children[[1]]$children[[2]]$children[[1]], HTML('


')) expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[2]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$value, 'html') expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[2]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$checked, NULL) expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[3]]$children[[1]]$children[[2]]$children[[1]], HTML('Normal')) expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[3]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$value, 'text') expect_equal(choices[[2]]$children[[1]][[3]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$checked, NULL) }) test_that("Choices are correctly assigned names", { # Empty non-list comes back as a list with names expect_identical( choicesWithNames(numeric(0)), stats::setNames(list(), character(0)) ) # Empty list comes back with names expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list()), stats::setNames(list(), character(0)) ) # NULL comes back as an empty list with names expect_identical( choicesWithNames(NULL), stats::setNames(list(), character(0)) ) # NA is processed as a leaf, not a group expect_identical( choicesWithNames(NA), as.list(stats::setNames(as.character(NA), NA)) ) # Empty character vector # An empty character vector isn't a sensical input, but we preserved this test # in the off chance that somebody relies on the existing behavior. expect_identical( choicesWithNames(c("")), stats::setNames(list(""), "") ) # Single-item character vector expect_identical( choicesWithNames(c("foob")), list(foob="foob") ) # Unnamed character vector expect_identical( choicesWithNames(c("a","b","3")), list(a="a", b="b", "3"="3") ) # Unnamed numeric vector expect_identical( choicesWithNames(c(1,2,3)), list(`1`="1", `2`="2", `3`="3") ) # Unnamed list expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list("a","b",3)), list(a="a", b="b", "3"="3") ) # Complex vector, with some named, some not expect_identical( choicesWithNames(c(A=Inf+0i, 1+0i, C=0+0i)), list(A="Inf+0i", "1+0i"="1+0i", C="0+0i") ) # List, with some named, some not expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(A="a", "b", C=3, 4)), list(A="a", "b"="b", C="3", "4"="4") ) # List, named, with a sub-vector expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(A="a", B="b", C=c("d", "e"))), list(A="a", B="b", C=list(d="d", e="e")) ) # List, named, with a sub-vector with numeric elements expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(A="a", B="b", C=c(1, 2))), list(A="a", B="b", C=list(`1`="1", `2`="2")) ) # List, named, with sublist expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(A="a", B="b", C=list("d", "e"))), list(A="a", B="b", C=list(d="d", e="e")) ) # List, named, with sublist with numeric elements expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(A="a", B="b", C=list(1, 2))), list(A="a", B="b", C=list(`1`="1", `2`="2")) ) # List, named, with a named sub-vector of length 1 expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(A="a", B="b", C=c(D="d"))), list(A="a", B="b", C=list(D="d")) ) # List, named, with a named sub-vector of length 1 with a logical element expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(A="a", B="b", C=c(D=TRUE))), list(A="a", B="b", C=list(D="TRUE")) ) # List, some named, with sublist expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(A="a", "b", C=list("d", E="e"))), list(A="a", b="b", C=list(d="d", E="e")) ) # List, with a single-item unnamed group list expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(C=list(123))), list(C=list("123"="123")) ) # Error when sublist is unnamed expect_error(choicesWithNames(list(A="a", "b", list(1,2)))) # Error when list is unnamed and contains a group # NULL, list(1,2), and anything of length() == 0 is considered a group. # NA is NOT a group. expect_error(choicesWithNames(list(NULL)), regexp = "must be named") expect_error(choicesWithNames(list(list(1,2))), regexp = "must be named") expect_error(choicesWithNames(list(character(0))), regexp = "must be named") # Unnamed factor expect_identical( choicesWithNames(factor(c("a","b","3"))), list(a="a", b="b", "3"="3") ) # Named factor expect_identical( choicesWithNames(structure(factor(c("foo", "bar")), names = c("A", "B"))), list(A="foo", B="bar") ) # List, named, with a sub-factor expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(A="a", B="b", C=factor(c("d", "e")))), list(A="a", B="b", C=list(d="d", e="e")) ) # List, named, with a named sub-factor expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(A="a", B="b", C=structure(factor(c("d", "e")), names = c("d", "e")))), list(A="a", B="b", C=list(d="d", e="e")) ) # List, named, with an empty group as an unnamed empty list expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(C=list())), list(C=stats::setNames(list(), character())) ) # List, named, with an empty group as an unnamed empty vector expect_identical( choicesWithNames(list(C=c())), list(C=stats::setNames(list(), character())) ) }) test_that("selectOptions returns correct HTML", { # None selected expect_identical( selectOptions(choicesWithNames(list("a", "b")), list()), HTML("\n") ) # One selected expect_identical( selectOptions(choicesWithNames(list("a", "b")), "a"), HTML("\n") ) # One selected, with named items expect_identical( selectOptions(choicesWithNames(list(A="a", B="b")), "a"), HTML("\n") ) # Two selected, with optgroup expect_identical( selectOptions(choicesWithNames(list("a", B=list("c", D="d"))), c("a", "d")), HTML("\n\n\n\n") ) # Escape HTML in strings expect_identical( selectOptions(choicesWithNames(list(""="a", B="b")), "a"), HTML("\n") ) }) test_that("selectInput selects items by default", { # None specified as selected (defaults to first) expect_true(grepl(fixed = TRUE, '