test_that("files are loaded into the right env", { renv <- new.env(parent=environment()) genv <- new.env(parent=environment()) loadSupport(test_path("../test-helpers/app1-standard"), renv=renv, globalrenv=genv) expect_equal(get("helper1", renv, inherits=FALSE), 123) expect_equal(get("helper2", renv, inherits=FALSE), "abc") expect_equal(get("global", genv, inherits=FALSE), "ABC") }) test_that("Can suppress sourcing global.R", { # Confirm that things blow up if we source global.R expect_error(loadSupport(test_path("../test-helpers/app3-badglobal"))) # Shouldn't see an error now that we're suppressing global sourcing. renv <- loadSupport(test_path("../test-helpers/app3-badglobal"), globalrenv=NULL) # But other helpers are still sourced expect_true(exists("helper1", envir=renv)) }) test_that("nested helpers are not loaded", { loadSupport(test_path("../test-helpers/app2-nested"), renv=environment(), globalrenv=NULL) expect_equal(helper1, 456) expect_false(exists("helper2")) }) test_that("app with both r/ and R/ prefers R/", { ## App 4 already has a lower-case r/ directory. Try to create an upper. dir <- test_path("../test-helpers/app4-both/R") tryCatch({ dir.create(dir) teardown(unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE)) }, warning = function(w) { testthat::skip("File system is not case-sensitive") }) writeLines("upperHelper <- 'abc'", file.path(dir, "upper.R")) renv <- loadSupport(test_path("../test-helpers/app4-both")) expect_false(exists("lowerHelper", envir=renv)) expect_equal(get("upperHelper", envir=renv), "abc") }) test_that("With ui/server.R, global.R is loaded before R/ helpers and into the right envs", { calls <- list() sourceStub <- function(...){ calls[[length(calls)+1]] <<- list(...) NULL } # Temporarily opt-in to R/ file autoloading withr::local_options(list(shiny.autoload.r=TRUE)) # + shinyAppDir_serverR # +--- sourceUTF8 # +--+ loadSupport # | +--- sourceUTF8 loadSpy <- rewire(loadSupport, sourceUTF8 = sourceStub) sad <- rewire(shinyAppDir_serverR, sourceUTF8 = sourceStub, loadSupport = loadSpy) sa <- sad(normalizePath(test_path("../test-helpers/app1-standard"))) sa$onStart() sa$onStop() # Close down to free up resources # Should have seen three calls -- first to global then to the helpers expect_length(calls, 3) expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "global\\.R$", perl=TRUE) expect_match(calls[[2]][[1]], "helperCap\\.R$", perl=TRUE) expect_match(calls[[3]][[1]], "helperLower\\.r$", perl=TRUE) # Check environments # global.R loaded into the global env gEnv <- calls[[1]]$envir expect_identical(gEnv, globalenv()) # helpers are loaded into a child of the global env helperEnv1 <- calls[[2]]$envir helperEnv2 <- calls[[3]]$envir expect_identical(helperEnv1, helperEnv2) expect_identical(parent.env(helperEnv1), globalenv()) calls <- NULL # Source the server sa$serverFuncSource() expect_length(calls, 1) # server.R is sourced into a child environment of the helpers expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "/server\\.R$") expect_identical(parent.env(calls[[1]]$envir), helperEnv1) calls <- NULL # Invoke the UI by simulating a request sa$httpHandler(list()) expect_length(calls, 1) # ui.R is sourced into a child environment of the helpers expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "ui\\.R$") expect_identical(parent.env(calls[[1]]$envir), helperEnv1) }) test_that("Loading supporting R files is opt-out", { calls <- list() sourceStub <- function(...){ calls[[length(calls)+1]] <<- list(...) NULL } # Temporarily unset autoloading option withr::local_options(list(shiny.autoload.r = NULL)) # + shinyAppDir_serverR # +--- sourceUTF8 # +--+ loadSupport # | +--- sourceUTF8 loadSpy <- rewire(loadSupport, sourceUTF8 = sourceStub) sad <- rewire(shinyAppDir_serverR, sourceUTF8 = sourceStub, loadSupport = loadSpy) sa <- sad(normalizePath(test_path("../test-helpers/app1-standard"))) sa$onStart() sa$onStop() # Close down to free up resources # Should have seen three calls from global.R -- helpers are enabled expect_length(calls, 3) expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "global\\.R$", perl=TRUE) }) test_that("Disabling supporting R files works", { calls <- list() sourceStub <- function(...){ calls[[length(calls)+1]] <<- list(...) NULL } # Temporarily unset autoloading option withr::local_options(list(shiny.autoload.r = FALSE)) # + shinyAppDir_serverR # +--- sourceUTF8 # +--+ loadSupport # | +--- sourceUTF8 loadSpy <- rewire(loadSupport, sourceUTF8 = sourceStub) sad <- rewire(shinyAppDir_serverR, sourceUTF8 = sourceStub, loadSupport = loadSpy) sa <- sad(normalizePath(test_path("../test-helpers/app1-standard"))) sa$onStart() sa$onStop() # Close down to free up resources # Should have seen one calls from global.R -- helpers are disabled expect_length(calls, 1) expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "global\\.R$", perl=TRUE) }) test_that("app.R is loaded after R/ helpers and into the right envs", { calls <- list() sourceSpy <- function(...){ calls[[length(calls)+1]] <<- list(...) do.call(sourceUTF8, list(...)) } # Temporarily opt-in to R/ file autoloading withr::local_options(list(shiny.autoload.r = TRUE)) # + shinyAppDir_serverR # +--- sourceUTF8 # +--+ loadSupport # | +--- sourceUTF8 loadSpy <- rewire(loadSupport, sourceUTF8 = sourceSpy) sad <- rewire(shinyAppDir_appR, sourceUTF8 = sourceSpy, loadSupport = loadSpy) sa <- sad("app.R", normalizePath(test_path("../test-helpers/app2-nested"))) sa$onStart() sa$onStop() # Close down to free up resources # Should have seen three calls -- first to two helpers then to app.R expect_length(calls, 2) expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "helper\\.R$", perl=TRUE) expect_match(calls[[2]][[1]], "app\\.R$", perl=TRUE) # Check environments # helpers are loaded into a child of the global env helperEnv1 <- calls[[1]]$envir expect_identical(parent.env(helperEnv1), globalenv()) # app.R is sourced into a child environment of the helpers expect_identical(parent.env(calls[[2]]$envir), helperEnv1) }) test_that("global.R and sources in R/ are sourced in the app directory", { appDir <- test_path("../test-helpers/app1-standard") appGlobalEnv <- new.env(parent = globalenv()) appEnv <- new.env(parent = appGlobalEnv) loadSupport(appDir, renv = appEnv, globalrenv = appGlobalEnv) # Set by ../test-helpers/app1-standard/global.R expect_equal(normalizePath(appGlobalEnv$global_wd), normalizePath(appDir)) # Set by ../test-helpers/app1-standard/R/helperCap.R expect_equal(normalizePath(appEnv$source_wd), normalizePath(appDir)) }) test_that("Setting options in various places works", { withr::local_options(list(shiny.launch.browser = FALSE)) # Use random ports to avoid errors while running revdepcheck in parallel # https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/pull/3488 # Try up to 100 times to find a unique port for (i in 1:100) { test_app_port <- httpuv::randomPort() test_wrapped2_port <- httpuv::randomPort() test_option_port <- httpuv::randomPort() # If all ports are unique, move on if (length(unique( c(test_app_port, test_wrapped2_port, test_option_port) )) == 3) { break } } # Use system envvars to pass values into the tests withr::local_envvar( list( SHINY_TESTTHAT_PORT_APP = as.character(test_app_port), SHINY_TESTTHAT_PORT_WRAPPED2 = as.character(test_wrapped2_port), SHINY_TESTTHAT_PORT_OPTION = as.character(test_option_port) ) ) appDir <- test_path("../test-helpers/app7-port") withPort <- function(port, expr) { withr::local_options(list(app7.port = port)) force(expr) } expect_port <- function(expr, port) { later::later(~stopApp(), 0) testthat::expect_message(expr, paste0("Listening on", port), fixed = TRUE) } expect_port(runApp(appDir), test_app_port) appObj <- source(file.path(appDir, "app.R"))$value expect_port(print(appObj), test_app_port) appObj <- shinyAppDir(appDir) expect_port(print(appObj), test_app_port) # The outermost call (shinyAppDir) has its options take precedence over the # options in the inner call (shinyApp in app7-port/app.R). options_port <- httpuv::randomPort() appObj <- shinyAppDir(appDir, options = list(port = options_port)) expect_port(print(appObj), options_port) expect_port(runApp(appObj), options_port) # Options set directly on the runApp call take precedence over everything. provided_port <- httpuv::randomPort() expect_port(runApp(appObj, port = provided_port), provided_port) # wrapped.R calls shinyAppDir("app.R") expect_port(runApp(file.path(appDir, "wrapped.R")), test_app_port) # wrapped2.R calls shinyAppFile("wrapped.R", options = list(port = 3032)) expect_port(runApp(file.path(appDir, "wrapped2.R")), test_wrapped2_port) shiny_port_orig <- getOption("shiny.port") # Calls to options(shiny.port = xxx) within app.R should also work reliably expect_port(runApp(file.path(appDir, "option.R")), test_option_port) # Ensure that option was unset/restored expect_identical(getOption("shiny.port"), shiny_port_orig) # options(shiny.port = xxx) is overrideable override_port <- httpuv::randomPort() appObj <- shinyAppFile(file.path(appDir, "option.R"), options = list(port = override_port)) expect_port(print(appObj), override_port) # onStop still works even if app.R has an error (ensure option was unset) expect_error(runApp(file.path(appDir, "option-broken.R")), "^boom$") expect_null(getOption("shiny.port")) })