# tabsetPanel() et al. use p_randomInt() to generate ids (which uses withPrivateSeed()), # so we need to fix Shiny's private seed in order to make their HTML output deterministic navlist_panel <- function(...) { withPrivateSeed(set.seed(100)) navlistPanel(...) } navbar_page <- function(...) { withPrivateSeed(set.seed(100)) navbarPage(...) } tabset_panel <- function(...) { withPrivateSeed(set.seed(100)) tabsetPanel(...) } expect_snapshot2 <- function(...) { if (getRversion() < "3.6.0") { skip("Skipping snapshots on R < 3.6 because of different RNG method") } expect_snapshot(...) } expect_snapshot_bslib <- function(x, ...) { expect_snapshot2(bslib_tags(x), ...) } # Simulates the UI tags that would be produced by # shinyApp(bootstrapPage(theme), function(...) {}) bslib_tags <- function(ui, theme = bslib::bs_theme()) { old_theme <- getCurrentTheme() on.exit(setCurrentTheme(old_theme), add = TRUE) setCurrentTheme(theme) htmltools::renderTags(ui)$html } panels <- list( tabPanel("A", "a"), tabPanel("B", "b", icon = icon("github")), navbarMenu("Menu", tabPanel("C", "c")) ) test_that("tabsetPanel() markup is correct", { default <- tabset_panel(!!!panels) pills <- tabset_panel( !!!panels, type = "pills", selected = "B", header = div(class = "content-header"), footer = div(class = "content-footer") ) # BS3 expect_snapshot2(default) expect_snapshot2(pills) # BS4 expect_snapshot_bslib(default) expect_snapshot_bslib(pills) # Make sure .active class gets added to both the .dropdown as well as the # .dropdown-menu's tab dropdown_active <- tabset_panel(!!!panels, selected = "C") expect_snapshot2(dropdown_active) }) test_that("navbarPage() markup is correct", { nav_page <- navbar_page("Title", !!!panels) expect_snapshot2(nav_page) expect_snapshot_bslib(nav_page) }) # navlistPanel() can handle strings, but the others can't test_that("String input is handled properly", { nav_list <- navlist_panel(!!!c(list("A header"), panels)) expect_snapshot2(nav_list) expect_snapshot_bslib(nav_list) expect_error( tabsetPanel(!!!c(list("A header"), panels)), "tabPanel" ) }) test_that("Shiny.tag input produces a warning", { panels3 <- c(list(div("A div")), panels) expect_warning(tab_tags <- tabset_panel(!!!panels3)) # Carson March 12th, 2021: Yes, he 'empty nav' output here isn't # sensible (which is why we now throw a warning), but it's probably # too late to change the behavior (it could break user code to do # anything different) expect_snapshot2(tab_tags) }) test_that("tabPanelBody validates it's input", { expect_silent(tabPanelBody("a", "content1", "content2", icon = icon("table"))) expect_silent(tabPanelBody(value = "a", "content1", "content2", icon = icon("table"))) expect_error(tabPanelBody()) expect_error(tabPanelBody(NULL), "single, non-empty string") expect_error(tabPanelBody(1), "single, non-empty string") expect_error(tabPanelBody(TRUE), "single, non-empty string") expect_error(tabPanelBody(NA), "single, non-empty string") expect_error(tabPanelBody(NA_character_), "single, non-empty string") expect_error(tabPanelBody(""), "single, non-empty string") expect_error(tabPanelBody(letters[1:2]), "single, non-empty string") }) # https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/3352 test_that("tabItem titles can contain tag objects", { title <- tagList(tags$i("Hello"), "world") x <- tabsetPanel(tabPanel(title, "tab content")) x <- renderTags(x) # Result should contain (with different whitespace): # " Hello world" # As opposed to: # "<i>Hello</i> world expect_true( grepl("]+>\\s*Hello\\s+world", x$html) ) })