library(shiny) app <- shinyApp( ui = fluidPage( "\u2264 and \u2265", uiOutput("bin_prob_k"), uiOutput("bin_prob_inequality"), uiOutput("bin_prob_out"), plotOutput("pmf") ), server = function(input, output) { output$bin_prob_k = renderUI({ numericInput("binom4_k", label = "Number of successes (k)", value = 3, step = 1, min = 0, max = 10) }) bin_choices = reactive({ nms = paste("P(X",c("=","\u2264","<","\u2265",">"),input$binom4_k,")",sep="") return(nms) }) output$bin_prob_inequality = renderUI({ selectInput("bin_prob_type", label = "Inequality type", choices = bin_choices()) }) output$pmf <- renderPlot({ n=10 prob = 0.4 probs = dbinom(0:n, size=n, prob=prob) mtext(input$bin_prob_type, side = 3, col = "red", cex = 1.2) }) output$bin_prob_out = renderUI({ withMathJax(paste0("\\(",input$bin_prob_type,"\\)",sep="")) }) } )