library(shiny) library(testthat) library(future, warn.conflicts = FALSE) library(promises) test_that("handles observers", { server <- function(input, output, session) { rv <- reactiveValues(x = 0, y = 0) observe({ rv$x <- input$x * 2 }) observe({ rv$y <- rv$x }) output$txt <- renderText({ paste0("Value: ", rv$x) }) } testServer(server, { session$setInputs(x=1) expect_equal(rv$y, 2) expect_equal(rv$x, 2) expect_equal(output$txt, "Value: 2") session$setInputs(x=2) expect_equal(rv$x, 4) expect_equal(rv$y, 4) expect_equal(output$txt, "Value: 4") }) }) test_that("inputs aren't directly assignable", { server <- function(input, output, session) {} testServer(server, { session$setInputs(x = 0) expect_error({ input$x <- 1 }) expect_error({ input$y <- 1 }) }) }) test_that("setInputs dots are dynamic", { server <- function(input, output, session) {} inputs_initial <- list(x=1, y=2) input_y <- "y" testServer(server, { session$setInputs(!!!inputs_initial) expect_equal(input$x, 1) expect_equal(input$y, 2) session$setInputs(!!input_y := 3) expect_equal(input$y, 3) # Duplicate names are an error expect_error(session$setInputs(x = 1, x = 2)) }) }) test_that("handles more complex expressions", { server <- function(input, output, session) { output$txt <- renderText({ input$x }) } testServer(server, { for (i in 1:5){ session$setInputs(x=i) expect_equal(output$txt, as.character(i)) } expect_equal(output$txt, "5") if(TRUE){ session$setInputs(x="abc") expect_equal(output$txt, "abc") } }) }) test_that("handles reactiveVal", { server <- function(input, output, session) { x <- reactiveVal(0) observe({ x(input$y + input$z) }) } testServer(server, { session$setInputs(y=1, z=2) expect_equal(x(), 3) session$setInputs(z=3) expect_equal(x(), 4) session$setInputs(y=5) expect_equal(x(), 8) }) }) test_that("handles reactives with complex dependency tree", { server <- function(input, output, session) { x <- reactiveValues(x=1) r <- reactive({ x$x + input$a + input$b }) r2 <- reactive({ r() + input$c }) } testServer(server, { session$setInputs(a=1, b=2, c=3) expect_equal(r(), 4) expect_equal(r2(), 7) session$setInputs(a=2) expect_equal(r(), 5) expect_equal(r2(), 8) session$setInputs(b=0) expect_equal(r2(), 6) expect_equal(r(), 3) session$setInputs(c=4) expect_equal(r(), 3) expect_equal(r2(), 7) }) }) test_that("handles reactivePoll", { server <- function(input, output, session) { rv <- reactiveValues(x = 0) rp <- reactivePoll(50, session, function(){ rnorm(1) }, function(){ isolate(rv$x <- rv$x + 1) rnorm(1) }) observe({rp()}) } testServer(server, { session$flushReact() expect_equal(rv$x, 1) for (i in 1:4){ session$elapse(50) } expect_equal(rv$x, 5) }) }) test_that("handles reactiveTimer", { server <- function(input, output, session) { rv <- reactiveValues(x = 0) rp <- reactiveTimer(50) observe({ rp() isolate(rv$x <- rv$x + 1) }) } testServer(server, { session$flushReact() expect_equal(rv$x, 1) session$elapse(200) expect_equal(rv$x, 5) }) }) test_that("handles debounce/throttle", { server <- function(input, output, session) { rv <- reactiveValues(t = 0, d = 0) react <- reactive({ input$y }) rt <- throttle(react, 100) rd <- debounce(react, 100) observe({ rt() # Invalidate this block on the timer isolate(rv$t <- rv$t + 1) }) observe({ rd() isolate(rv$d <- rv$d + 1) }) } testServer(server, { session$setInputs(y = TRUE) expect_equal(rv$d, 1) for (i in 2:5){ session$setInputs(y = FALSE) session$elapse(51) session$setInputs(y = TRUE) expect_equal(rv$t, i-1) session$elapse(51) # TODO: we usually don't have to pad by a ms, but here we do. Investigate. expect_equal(rv$t, i) } # Never sufficient time to debounce. Not incremented expect_equal(rv$d, 1) session$elapse(50) # Now that 100ms has passed since the last update, debounce should have triggered expect_equal(rv$d, 2) }) }) test_that("wraps output in an observer", { testthat::skip("I'm not sure of a great way to test this without timers.") # And honestly it's so foundational in what we're doing now that it might not be necessary to test? module <- function(id) { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { rv <- reactiveValues(x=0) rp <- reactiveTimer(50) output$txt <- renderText({ rp() isolate(rv$x <- rv$x + 1) }) }) } testServer(module, { session$setInputs(x=1) # Timers only tick if they're being observed. If the output weren't being # wrapped in an observer, we'd see the value of rv$x initialize to zero and # only increment when we evaluated the output. e.g.: # # expect_equal(rv$x, 0) # Sys.sleep(1) # expect_equal(rv$x, 0) # output$txt() # expect_equal(rv$x, 1) expect_equal(rv$x, 1) expect_equal(output$txt, "1") Sys.sleep(.05) Sys.sleep(.05) expect_gt(rv$x, 1) expect_equal(output$txt, as.character(rv$x)) }) # FIXME: # - Do we want the output to be accessible natively, or some $get() on the output? If we do a get() we could # do more helpful spy-type things around exec count. # - plots and such? }) test_that("works with async", { server <- function(input, output, session) { output$txt <- renderText({ val <- input$x future({ val }) }) output$error <- renderText({ future({ stop("error here") }) }) output$sync <- renderText({ # No promises here "abc" }) } testServer(server, { session$setInputs(x=1) expect_equal(output$txt, "1") expect_equal(output$sync, "abc") # Error gets thrown repeatedly expect_error(output$error, "error here") expect_error(output$error, "error here") # Responds reactively session$setInputs(x=2) expect_equal(output$txt, "2") # Error still thrown expect_error(output$error, "error here") }) }) test_that("works with multiple promises in parallel", { server <- function(input, output, session) { output$txt1 <- renderText({ future({ Sys.sleep(1) 1 }) }) output$txt2 <- renderText({ future({ Sys.sleep(1) 2 }) }) } testServer(server, { # As we enter this test code, the promises will still be running in the background. # We'll need to give them ~2s (plus overhead) to complete startMS <- as.numeric(Sys.time()) * 1000 expect_equal(output$txt1, "1") # This first call will block waiting for the promise to return expect_equal(output$txt2, "2") expect_equal(output$txt2, "2") # Now that we have the values, access should not incur a 1s delay. expect_equal(output$txt1, "1") expect_equal(output$txt1, "1") expect_equal(output$txt2, "2") endMS <- as.numeric(Sys.time()) * 1000 # We'll pad quite a bit because promises can introduce some lag. But the point we're trying # to prove is that we're not hitting a 1s delay for each output access, which = 6000ms. If we're # under that, then things are likely working. expect_lt(endMS - startMS, 4000) }) }) test_that("handles async errors", { server <- function(input, output, session, arg1, arg2){ output$err <- renderText({ future({ "my error"}) %...>% stop() %...>% print() # Extra steps after the error }) output$safe <- renderText({ future({ safeError("my safe error") }) %...>% stop() }) } testServer(server, { expect_error(output$err, "my error") # TODO: helper for safe errors so users don't have to learn "shiny.custom.error"? expect_error(output$safe, "my safe error", class="shiny.custom.error") }) }) test_that("captures htmlwidgets", { # TODO: use a simple built-in htmlwidget instead of something complex like dygraph skip_if_not_installed("dygraphs") skip_if_not_installed("jsonlite") server <- function(input, output, session){ output$dy <- dygraphs::renderDygraph({ dygraphs::dygraph(data.frame(outcome=0:5, year=2000:2005)) }) } testServer(server, { # Really, this test should be specific to each htmlwidget. Here, we don't want to bind ourselves # to the current JSON structure of dygraphs, so we'll just check one element to see that the raw # JSON was exposed and is accessible in tests. d <- jsonlite::fromJSON(output$dy)$x$data expect_equal(d[1,], 0:5) expect_equal(d[2,], 2000:2005) }) }) test_that("captures renderUI", { server <- function(input, output, session){ output$ui <- renderUI({ tags$a(href="", "hello!") }) } testServer(server, { expect_equal(output$ui$deps, list()) expect_equal(as.character(output$ui$html), "hello!") }) }) test_that("captures base graphics outputs", { server <- function(input, output, session){ output$fixed <- renderPlot({ plot(1,1) }, width=300, height=350) output$dynamic <- renderPlot({ plot(1,1) }) } testServer(server, { # We aren't yet able to create reproducible graphics, so this test is intentionally pretty # limited. expect_equal(output$fixed$width, 300) expect_equal(output$fixed$height, 350) expect_match(output$fixed$src, "^data:image/png;base64,") # Ensure that the plot defaults to a reasonable size. expect_equal(output$dynamic$width, 600) expect_equal(output$dynamic$height, 400) expect_match(output$dynamic$src, "^data:image/png;base64,") # TODO: how do you customize automatically inferred plot sizes? # session$setPlotMeta("dynamic", width=600, height=300) ? }) }) test_that("captures ggplot2 outputs", { skip_if_not_installed("ggplot2") server <- function(input, output, session){ output$fixed <- renderPlot({ withr::with_namespace("ggplot2", { ggplot(iris) + geom_point(aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)) }) }, width=300, height=350) output$dynamic <- renderPlot({ withr::with_namespace("ggplot2", { ggplot(iris) + geom_point(aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)) }) }) } testServer(server, { expect_equal(output$fixed$width, 300) expect_equal(output$fixed$height, 350) expect_match(output$fixed$src, "^data:image/png;base64,") # Ensure that the plot defaults to a reasonable size. expect_equal(output$dynamic$width, 600) expect_equal(output$dynamic$height, 400) expect_match(output$dynamic$src, "^data:image/png;base64,") }) }) test_that("handles synchronous errors", { server <- function(input, output, session){ output$err <- renderText({ stop("my error") }) output$safe <- renderText({ stop(safeError("my safe error")) }) } testServer(server, { expect_error(output$err, "my error") # TODO: helper for safe errors so users don't have to learn "shiny.custom.error"? expect_error(output$safe, "my safe error", class="shiny.custom.error") }) }) test_that("accessing a non-existent output gives an informative message", { server <- function(input, output, session){} testServer(server, { expect_error(output$dontexist, "hasn't been defined yet") }) }) test_that("handles invalidateLater", { server <- function(input, output, session) { rv <- reactiveValues(x = 0) observe({ isolate(rv$x <- rv$x + 1) # We're only testing one invalidation if (isolate(rv$x) <= 1){ invalidateLater(50) } }) } testServer(server, { session$flushReact() # Should have run once expect_equal(rv$x, 1) session$elapse(49) expect_equal(rv$x, 1) session$elapse(1) # Should have been incremented now expect_equal(rv$x, 2) }) }) test_that("session ended handlers work", { server <- function(input, output, session){} testServer(server, { rv <- reactiveValues(closed = FALSE) session$onEnded(function(){ rv$closed <- TRUE }) expect_equal(session$isEnded(), FALSE) expect_equal(session$isClosed(), FALSE) expect_false(rv$closed) session$close() expect_equal(session$isEnded(), TRUE) expect_equal(session$isClosed(), TRUE) expect_true(rv$closed) }) }) test_that("session flush handlers work", { server <- function(input, output, session) { rv <- reactiveValues(x = 0, flushCounter = 0, flushedCounter = 0, flushOnceCounter = 0, flushedOnceCounter = 0) onFlush(function(){rv$flushCounter <- rv$flushCounter + 1}, once=FALSE) onFlushed(function(){rv$flushedCounter <- rv$flushedCounter + 1}, once=FALSE) onFlushed(function(){rv$flushOnceCounter <- rv$flushOnceCounter + 1}, once=TRUE) onFlushed(function(){rv$flushedOnceCounter <- rv$flushedOnceCounter + 1}, once=TRUE) observe({ rv$x <- input$x * 2 }) } testServer(server, { session$setInputs(x=1) expect_equal(rv$x, 2) # We're not concerned with the exact values here -- only that they increase fc <- rv$flushCounter fdc <- rv$flushedCounter session$setInputs(x=2) expect_gt(rv$flushCounter, fc) expect_gt(rv$flushedCounter, fdc) # These should have only run once expect_equal(rv$flushOnceCounter, 1) expect_equal(rv$flushedOnceCounter, 1) }) }) test_that("can't test within test", { server <- function(input, output, session) { testServer() } expect_error(testServer(server, {}), "only within tests") }) test_that("validates server function", { server <- function(input, output, session) {} expect_error( testServer(server, {}, args = list(an_arg = 123)), "Arguments were provided" ) app <- shinyApp(fluidPage(), function(x, y, z) {}) expect_error(testServer(app, {}), "must declare") }) # Provided an instance of an R6 object and its generator, returns a list with # `methods` and `fields`. `methods` contains a character vector of names of # public methods. `fields` is a character vector of public fields. Any active # bindings are considered `fields`. get_mocked_publics <- function(instance, generator) { publics <- ls(instance, all.names = TRUE) actives <- names(generator$active) %||% character(0) # Active bindings are considered fields. methods_or_fields <- publics[!(publics %in% actives)] methods <- character(0) fields <- actives for (name in methods_or_fields) { if (is.function(instance[[name]])) { methods <- c(methods, name) } else { fields <- c(fields, name) } } list(methods = methods, fields = fields) } test_that("MockShinySession has all public ShinySession methods and fields", { real_methods <- names(ShinySession$public_methods) real_fields <- c(names(ShinySession$public_fields), names(ShinySession$active)) # Here we must instantiate a MockShinySession because methods are added to the # instance in the constructor. mock_session <- MockShinySession$new() mocked <- get_mocked_publics(mock_session, MockShinySession) expect_equal(intersect(real_methods, mocked$methods), real_methods) expect_equal(intersect(real_fields, mocked$fields), real_fields) }) test_that("downloadHandler() works", { data <- mtcars tmpd <- NULL server <- function(input, output, session) { filename <- reactive({ paste0(input$name, ".", input$extension) }) output$downloadData <- downloadHandler( filename = filename(), content = function(file) { tmpd <<- dirname(file) saveRDS(data, file) } ) } testServer(server, { session$setInputs(name = "mtcars", extension = "rds") f <- output$downloadData expect_equal(basename(f), "mtcars.rds") expect_equal(readRDS(f), data) }) # Ensure the temp file was closed when the session ended. expect_false(file.exists(tmpd)) }) test_that("getOutputInfo() returns current output name", { savedOutputInfo <- NULL server <- function(input, output, session) { output$txt <- renderText({ savedOutputInfo <<- getCurrentOutputInfo() "some text" }) } testServer(server, { expect_equal(savedOutputInfo, NULL) # savedOutputInfo is not set until output$txt is accessed expect_equal(output$txt, "some text") expect_equal(savedOutputInfo, list(name = "txt")) expect_equal(getCurrentOutputInfo(), NULL) }) }) test_that("promise chains evaluate in correct order", { messages <- list() clearMessages <- function() { messages <<- list() } pushMessage <- function(msg) { messages <<- c(messages, msg) } server <- function(input, output, session) { r1 <- reactive({ promise(function(resolve, reject) { pushMessage("promise 1") resolve(input$go) })$then(function(value) { pushMessage(paste("promise 1 then", value)) paste("r1", input$go) }) }) r2 <- reactive({ promise(function(resolve, reject) { pushMessage("promise 2") resolve(input$go) })$then(function(value) { pushMessage(paste("promise 2 then", value)) paste("r2", input$go) }) }) output$text1 <- renderText({ pushMessage("output$text1") r1() }) output$text2 <- renderText({ pushMessage("output$text2") input$go r2() }) } testServer(server, { expect_length(messages, 0) session$setInputs(go = 1) expect_equal(output$text1, "r1 1") expect_equal(output$text2, "r2 1") expect_equal(messages, list( "output$text1", "promise 1", "output$text2", "promise 2", "promise 1 then 1", "promise 2 then 1" )) clearMessages() session$setInputs(go = 2) expect_equal(output$text1, "r1 2") expect_equal(output$text2, "r2 2") expect_equal(messages, list( "output$text1", "promise 1", "output$text2", "promise 2", "promise 1 then 2", "promise 2 then 2" )) }) }) # Modules specific behaviour ------------------------------------------------ test_that("exposes the returned value from the module", { module <- function(id) { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session){ reactive({ return(input$a + input$b) }) }) } testServer(module, { session$setInputs(a=1, b=2) expect_equal(session$getReturned()(), 3) # And retains reactivity session$setInputs(a=2) expect_equal(session$getReturned()(), 4) }) }) test_that("passes dots", { module <- function(id, someArg) { expect_false(missing(someArg)) moduleServer(id, server <- function(input, output, session) { expect_equal(someArg, 123) }) } testServer(module, {}, args = list(someArg = 123)) }) test_that("handles modules with additional arguments", { module <- function(id, arg1, arg2) { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session){ output$txt1 <- renderText({ arg1 }) output$txt2 <- renderText({ arg2 }) output$inp <- renderText({ input$x }) }) } testServer(module, { expect_equal(output$txt1, "val1") expect_equal(output$txt2, "val2") }, list(arg1="val1", arg2="val2")) }) test_that("assigning an output in a module function with a non-function errors", { module <- function(id) { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { output$someVar <- 123 }) } expect_error(testServer(module, {}), "^Unexpected") }) test_that("renderCachedPlot with cache = app and cache = session works", { module <- function(id, cache, callback) { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { output$plot <- renderCachedPlot({ callback() plot(input$x, input$y) }, cacheKeyExpr = c(input$x, input$y), cache = cache ) }) } timesRendered <- 0 callback <- function() (timesRendered <<- timesRendered + 1) testServer(module, { expect_equal(timesRendered, 0) session$setInputs(x = 1:10, y = 1:10) output$plot expect_equal(timesRendered, 1) session$setInputs(x = 1:10, y = 1:10) output$plot expect_equal(timesRendered, 1) }, args = list(cache = "session", callback = callback)) timesRendered <- 0 testServer(module, { expect_equal(timesRendered, 0) session$setInputs(x = 1:10, y = 1:10) output$plot expect_equal(timesRendered, 1) session$setInputs(x = 1:10, y = 1:10) output$plot expect_equal(timesRendered, 1) }, args = list(cache = "app", callback = callback)) }) # Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("isServer is only returns true for server funtions", { expect_false(isServer(10)) expect_false(isServer(function(x) {})) expect_false(isServer(function(output, session, input) {})) expect_true(isServer(function(input, output, session) {})) })