causeError <- function(full) { A <- function() { stop("foo") } B <- function() { A() } C <- reactive({ B() }) res <- try({ captureStackTraces({ isolate({ renderTable({ C() }, server = FALSE)() }) }) }, silent = TRUE) cond <- attr(res, "condition", exact = TRUE) suppressMessages(df <- extractStackTrace(conditionStackTrace(cond), full = full)) df$loc <- cleanLocs(df$loc) # Compensate for this test being called from different call sites; # whack the df <- head(df, -sys.nframe()) df$num <- df$num - sys.nframe() df } #' @details `extractStackTrace` takes a list of calls (e.g. as returned #' from `conditionStackTrace(cond)`) and returns a data frame with one #' row for each stack frame and the columns `num` (stack frame number), #' `call` (a function name or similar), and `loc` (source file path #' and line number, if available). It was deprecated after shiny 1.0.5 because #' it doesn't support deep stack traces. #' @rdname stacktrace #' @export extractStackTrace <- function(calls, full = get_devmode_option("shiny.fullstacktrace", FALSE), offset = getOption("shiny.stacktraceoffset", TRUE)) { srcrefs <- getSrcRefs(calls) if (offset) { # Offset calls vs. srcrefs by 1 to make them more intuitive. # E.g. for "foo [bar.R:10]", line 10 of bar.R will be part of # the definition of foo(). srcrefs <- c(utils::tail(srcrefs, -1), list(NULL)) } calls <- setSrcRefs(calls, srcrefs) callnames <- getCallNames(calls) # Hide and show parts of the callstack based on ..stacktrace(on|off).. if (full) { toShow <-, length(calls)) } else { # Remove stop(), .handleSimpleError(), and h() calls from the end of # the calls--they don't add any helpful information. But only remove # the last *contiguous* block of them, and then, only if they are the # last thing in the calls list. hideable <- callnames %in% c("stop", ".handleSimpleError", "h") # What's the last that *didn't* match stop/.handleSimpleError/h? lastGoodCall <- max(which(!hideable)) toRemove <- length(calls) - lastGoodCall # But don't remove more than 5 levels--that's an indication we might # have gotten it wrong, I guess if (toRemove > 0 && toRemove < 5) { calls <- utils::head(calls, -toRemove) callnames <- utils::head(callnames, -toRemove) } # This uses a ref-counting scheme. It might make sense to switch this # to a toggling scheme, so the most recent ..stacktrace(on|off).. # directive wins, regardless of what came before it. # Also explicitly remove ..stacktraceon.. because it can appear with # score > 0 but still should never be shown. score <-, length(callnames)) score[callnames == "..stacktraceoff.."] <- -1 score[callnames == "..stacktraceon.."] <- 1 toShow <- (1 + cumsum(score)) > 0 & !(callnames %in% c("..stacktraceon..", "..stacktraceoff..", "..stacktracefloor..")) # doTryCatch, tryCatchOne, and tryCatchList are not informative--they're # just internals for tryCatch toShow <- toShow & !(callnames %in% c("doTryCatch", "tryCatchOne", "tryCatchList")) } calls <- calls[toShow] calls <- rev(calls) # Show in traceback() order index <- rev(which(toShow)) width <- floor(log10(max(index))) + 1 data.frame( num = index, call = getCallNames(calls), loc = getLocs(calls), # category = getCallCategories(calls), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) } cleanLocs <- function(locs) { locs[!grepl("test-stacks\\.R", locs, perl = TRUE)] <- "" # sub("^.*#", "", locs) locs } dumpTests <- function(df) { print(bquote({ expect_equal(df$num, .(df$num)) expect_equal(df$call, .(df$call)) expect_equal(nzchar(df$loc), .(nzchar(df$loc))) })) } test_that("integration tests", { # The expected call stack can be changed by other packages (namely, promises). # If promises changes its internals, it can break this test on CRAN. Because # CRAN package releases are generally not synchronized (that is, promises and # shiny can't be updated at the same time, unless there is manual intervention # from CRAN maintaineres), these specific test expectations make it impossible # to release a version of promises that will not break this test and cause # problems on CRAN. skip_on_cran() df <- causeError(full = FALSE) # dumpTests(df) expect_snapshot(df) df <- causeError(full = TRUE) expect_snapshot(df) # dumpTests(df) }) test_that("shiny.error", { caught <- NULL op <- options(shiny.error = function() { caught <<- TRUE }) on.exit(options(op)) # Regular errors should be intercepted by shiny.error try(shiny:::shinyCallingHandlers(stop("boom")), silent = TRUE) expect_true(caught) caught <- NULL # Validation errors shouldn't be intercepted by shiny.error try(shiny:::shinyCallingHandlers(validate(need(NULL, FALSE))), silent = TRUE) expect_null(caught) er <- eventReactive(NULL, { "Hello" }) try(shiny:::shinyCallingHandlers(isolate(er())), silent = TRUE) expect_null(caught) try(shiny:::shinyCallingHandlers(isolate(er())), silent = TRUE) expect_null(caught) }) test_that("chained silent errors aren't intercepted (tidyverse/dplyr#5552)", { withr::local_options( shiny.error = function() caught <<- TRUE ) f <- function() { withCallingHandlers( validate(need(NULL, FALSE)), error = function(cnd) { rlang::abort("Child error.", parent = cnd) } ) } caught <- NULL try(shiny:::shinyCallingHandlers(f()), silent = TRUE) expect_null(caught) caught <- NULL try(hybrid_chain(f()), silent = TRUE) expect_null(caught) }) test_that("validation error logging", { caught <- NULL # Given an error-throwing exception expr, execute it # using withLogErrors, and superassign the warning that # results (the error log is emitted using warning()) # into the parent variable `caught` captureErrorLog <- function(expr) { tryCatch( tryCatch( shiny::withLogErrors(expr), warning = function(cond) { caught <<- cond } ), error = function(e) { } ) } captureErrorLog(validate("boom")) expect_null(caught) caught <- NULL captureErrorLog(stop("boom")) expect_true(!is.null(caught)) }) test_that("observeEvent is not overly stripped (#4162)", { caught <- NULL ..stacktraceoff..( ..stacktracefloor..({ observeEvent(1, { tryCatch( captureStackTraces(stop("boom")), error = function(cond) { caught <<- cond } ) }) flushReact() }) ) st_str <- capture.output(printStackTrace(caught), type = "message") expect_true(any(grepl("observeEvent\\(1\\)", st_str))) # Now same thing, but deep stack trace version A__ <- function() { promises::then(promises::promise_resolve(TRUE), ~{ stop("boom") }) } B__ <- function() { promises::then(promises::promise_resolve(TRUE), ~{ A__() }) } caught <- NULL ..stacktraceoff..( ..stacktracefloor..({ observeEvent(1, { captureStackTraces(promises::catch(B__(), ~{ caught <<- . })) }) flushReact() wait_for_it() }) ) st_str <- capture.output(printStackTrace(caught), type = "message") # cat(st_str, sep = "\n") expect_true(any(grepl("A__", st_str))) expect_true(any(grepl("B__", st_str))) })