test_that("reactive and reactiveVal are functions", { expect_s3_class(reactive({1}), "function") expect_s3_class(reactiveVal(1), "function") }) test_that("ReactiveVal", { val <- reactiveVal() isolate({ expect_true(is.null(val())) # Set to a simple value val(1) expect_equal(val(), 1) # Set to a complex value val(cars) expect_equal(val(), cars) # Check that passing in an initial value works expect_equal(reactiveVal(10)(), 10) }) o <- observe({ val() }) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(o), 1) # Just making sure o is stable flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(o), 1) # Changing value causes o to invalidate val(10) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(o), 2) # Setting new value that's same as current value is a no-op val(10) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(o), 2) # o$destroy() }) test_that("ReactiveVals have independent dependencies", { # Issue 1710 x <- reactiveVal(0) y <- reactiveVal(0) o <- observe({ y() }) # The observer always fires the first time x(1) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(o), 1) # Changing x again shouldn't invalidate the observer x(2) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(o), 1) o$destroy() }) test_that("ReactiveVal labels", { val <- reactiveVal() expect_equal(attr(val, "label", exact = TRUE), "val") name.with.dots = reactiveVal() expect_equal(attr(name.with.dots, "label", exact = TRUE), "name.with.dots") }) # Test for correct behavior of ReactiveValues test_that("ReactiveValues", { # Creation and indexing into ReactiveValues ------------------------------- values <- reactiveValues() # $ indexing values$a <- 3 expect_equal(isolate(values$a), 3) # [[ indexing values[['a']] <- 4 expect_equal(isolate(values[['a']]), 4) # Create with initialized values values <- reactiveValues(a=1, b=2) expect_equal(isolate(values$a), 1) expect_equal(isolate(values[['b']]), 2) # NULL values ------------------------------------------------------------- # Initializing with NULL value values <- reactiveValues(a=NULL, b=2) # a should exist and be NULL expect_setequal(isolate(names(values)), c("a", "b")) expect_true(is.null(isolate(values$a))) # Assigning NULL should keep object (not delete it), and set value to NULL values$b <- NULL expect_setequal(isolate(names(values)), c("a", "b")) expect_true(is.null(isolate(values$b))) # Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Error: indexing with non-string expect_error(isolate(values[[1]])) expect_error(isolate(values[[NULL]])) expect_error(isolate(values[[list('a')]])) # Error: [ indexing shouldn't work expect_error(isolate(values['a'])) expect_error(isolate(values['a'] <- 1)) # Error: unnamed arguments expect_error(reactiveValues(1)) expect_error(reactiveValues(1, b=2)) # Error: assignment to readonly values values <- .createReactiveValues(ReactiveValues$new(), readonly = TRUE) expect_error(values$a <- 1) }) test_that("reactiveValues keys are sorted", { values <- reactiveValues(b=2, a=0) values$C <- 13 values$A <- 0 values$c <- 3 values$B <- 12 # Setting an existing value shouldn't change order values$a <- 1 values$A <- 11 expect_identical(isolate(names(values)), c("b", "a", "C", "A", "c", "B")) expect_identical( isolate(reactiveValuesToList(values)), list(b=2, a=1, C=13, A=11, c=3, B=12) ) }) test_that("reactiveValues() has useful print method", { verify_output(test_path("print-reactiveValues.txt"), { x <- reactiveValues(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3) x }) }) # Test for overreactivity. funcB has an indirect dependency on valueA (via # funcA) and also a direct dependency on valueA. When valueA changes, funcB # should only execute once. test_that("Functions are not over-reactive", { values <- reactiveValues(A=10) funcA <- reactive({ values$A }) funcB <- reactive({ funcA() values$A }) obsC <- observe({ funcB() }) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 1) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 1) values$A <- 11 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 2) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 2) }) ## "foo => bar" is defined as "foo is a dependency of bar" ## ## vA => fB ## (fB, vA) => obsE ## (fB, vA) => obsF ## ## obsE and obsF should each execute once when vA changes. test_that("overreactivity2", { # ---------------------------------------------- # Test 1 # B depends on A, and observer depends on A and B. The observer uses A and # B, in that order. # This is to store the value from observe() observed_value1 <- NA observed_value2 <- NA values <- reactiveValues(A=1) funcB <- reactive({ values$A + 5 }) obsC <- observe({ observed_value1 <<- funcB() * values$A }) obsD <- observe({ observed_value2 <<- funcB() * values$A }) flushReact() expect_equal(observed_value1, 6) # Should be 1 * (1 + 5) = 6 expect_equal(observed_value2, 6) # Should be 1 * (1 + 5) = 6 expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 1) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 1) expect_equal(execCount(obsD), 1) values$A <- 2 flushReact() expect_equal(observed_value1, 14) # Should be 2 * (2 + 5) = 14 expect_equal(observed_value2, 14) # Should be 2 * (2 + 5) = 14 expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 2) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 2) expect_equal(execCount(obsD), 2) }) ## Test for isolation. funcB depends on funcA depends on valueA. When funcA ## is invalidated, if its new result is not different than its old result, ## then it doesn't invalidate its dependents. This is done by adding an observer ## (valueB) between obsA and funcC. ## ## valueA => obsB => valueC => funcD => obsE test_that("isolation", { values <- reactiveValues(A=10, C=NULL) obsB <- observe({ values$C <- values$A > 0 }) funcD <- reactive({ values$C }) obsE <- observe({ funcD() }) flushReact() countD <- execCount(funcD) values$A <- 11 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcD), countD) }) ## Test for laziness. With lazy evaluation, the observers should "pull" values ## from their dependent functions. In contrast, eager evaluation would have ## reactive values and functions "push" their changes down to their descendents. test_that("laziness", { values <- reactiveValues(A=10) funcA <- reactive({ values$A > 0 }) funcB <- reactive({ funcA() }) obsC <- observe({ if (values$A > 10) return() funcB() }) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcA), 1) expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 1) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 1) values$A <- 11 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcA), 1) expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 1) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 2) }) ## Suppose B depends on A and C depends on A and B. Then when A is changed, ## the evaluation order should be A, B, C. Also, each time A is changed, B and ## C should be run once, if we want to be maximally efficient. test_that("order of evaluation", { # ---------------------------------------------- # Test 1 # B depends on A, and observer depends on A and B. The observer uses A and # B, in that order. # This is to store the value from observe() observed_value <- NA values <- reactiveValues(A=1) funcB <- reactive({ values$A + 5 }) obsC <- observe({ observed_value <<- values$A * funcB() }) flushReact() expect_equal(observed_value, 6) # Should be 1 * (1 + 5) = 6 expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 1) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 1) values$A <- 2 flushReact() expect_equal(observed_value, 14) # Should be 2 * (2 + 5) = 14 expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 2) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 2) # ---------------------------------------------- # Test 2: # Same as Test 1, except the observer uses A and B in reversed order. # Resulting values should be the same. observed_value <- NA values <- reactiveValues(A=1) funcB <- reactive({ values$A + 5 }) obsC <- observe({ observed_value <<- funcB() * values$A }) flushReact() # Should be 1 * (1 + 5) = 6 expect_equal(observed_value, 6) expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 1) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 1) values$A <- 2 flushReact() # Should be 2 * (2 + 5) = 14 expect_equal(observed_value, 14) expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 2) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 2) }) ## Expressions in isolate() should not invalidate the parent context. test_that("isolate() blocks invalidations from propagating", { obsC_value <- NA obsD_value <- NA values <- reactiveValues(A=1, B=10) funcB <- reactive({ values$B + 100 }) # References to valueB and funcB are isolated obsC <- observe({ obsC_value <<- values$A + isolate(values$B) + isolate(funcB()) }) # In contrast with obsC, this has a non-isolated reference to funcB obsD <- observe({ obsD_value <<- values$A + isolate(values$B) + funcB() }) flushReact() expect_equal(obsC_value, 121) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 1) expect_equal(obsD_value, 121) expect_equal(execCount(obsD), 1) # Changing A should invalidate obsC and obsD values$A <- 2 flushReact() expect_equal(obsC_value, 122) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 2) expect_equal(obsD_value, 122) expect_equal(execCount(obsD), 2) # Changing B shouldn't invalidate obsC becuause references to B are in isolate() # But it should invalidate obsD. values$B <- 20 flushReact() expect_equal(obsC_value, 122) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 2) expect_equal(obsD_value, 142) expect_equal(execCount(obsD), 3) # Changing A should invalidate obsC and obsD, and they should see updated # values for valueA, valueB, and funcB values$A <- 3 flushReact() expect_equal(obsC_value, 143) expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 3) expect_equal(obsD_value, 143) expect_equal(execCount(obsD), 4) }) test_that("isolate() evaluates expressions in calling environment", { outside <- 1 inside <- 1 loc <- 1 outside <- isolate(2) # Assignment outside isolate isolate(inside <- 2) # Assignment inside isolate # Should affect vars in the calling environment expect_equal(outside, 2) expect_equal(inside, 2) isolate(local(loc <<- 2)) # <<- inside isolate(local) isolate(local(loc <- 3)) # <- inside isolate(local) - should have no effect expect_equal(loc, 2) }) test_that("Circular refs/reentrancy in reactive functions work", { values <- reactiveValues(A=3) funcB <- reactive({ # Each time fB executes, it reads and then writes valueA, # effectively invalidating itself--until valueA becomes 0. if (values$A == 0) return() values$A <- values$A - 1 return(values$A) }) obsC <- observe({ funcB() }) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 4) values$A <- 3 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 8) }) test_that("Simple recursion", { values <- reactiveValues(A=5) funcB <- reactive({ if (values$A == 0) return(0) values$A <- values$A - 1 funcB() }) obsC <- observe({ funcB() }) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 2) expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 6) }) test_that("Non-reactive recursion", { nonreactiveA <- 3 outputD <- NULL funcB <- reactive({ if (nonreactiveA == 0) return(0) nonreactiveA <<- nonreactiveA - 1 return(funcB()) }) obsC <- observe({ outputD <<- funcB() }) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcB), 4) expect_equal(outputD, 0) }) test_that("Circular dep with observer only", { values <- reactiveValues(A=3) obsB <- observe({ if (values$A == 0) return() values$A <- values$A - 1 }) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(obsB), 4) }) test_that("Writing then reading value is not circular", { values <- reactiveValues(A=3) funcB <- reactive({ values$A <- isolate(values$A) - 1 values$A }) obsC <- observe({ funcB() }) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 1) values$A <- 10 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(obsC), 2) }) test_that("names() and reactiveValuesToList()", { values <- reactiveValues(A=1, .B=2) # Dependent on names depNames <- observe({ names(values) }) # Dependent on all non-hidden objects depValues <- observe({ reactiveValuesToList(values) }) # Dependent on all objects, including hidden depAllValues <- observe({ reactiveValuesToList(values, all.names = TRUE) }) # names() returns all names expect_setequal(isolate(names(values)), c(".B", "A")) # Assigning names fails expect_error(isolate(names(v) <- c('x', 'y'))) expect_mapequal(isolate(reactiveValuesToList(values)), list(A=1)) expect_mapequal(isolate(reactiveValuesToList(values, all.names=TRUE)), list(A=1, .B=2)) flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(depNames), 1) expect_equal(execCount(depValues), 1) expect_equal(execCount(depAllValues), 1) # Update existing variable values$A <- 2 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(depNames), 1) expect_equal(execCount(depValues), 2) expect_equal(execCount(depAllValues), 2) # Update existing hidden variable values$.B <- 3 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(depNames), 1) expect_equal(execCount(depValues), 2) expect_equal(execCount(depAllValues), 3) # Add new variable values$C <- 1 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(depNames), 2) expect_equal(execCount(depValues), 3) expect_equal(execCount(depAllValues), 4) # Add new hidden variable values$.D <- 1 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(depNames), 3) expect_equal(execCount(depValues), 3) expect_equal(execCount(depAllValues), 5) }) test_that("Observer pausing works", { values <- reactiveValues(a=1) funcA <- reactive({ values$a }) obsB <- observe({ funcA() }) # Important: suspend() only affects observer at invalidation time # Observers are invalidated at creation time, so it will run once regardless # of being suspended obsB$suspend() flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcA), 1) expect_equal(execCount(obsB), 1) # When resuming, if nothing changed, don't do anything obsB$resume() flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcA), 1) expect_equal(execCount(obsB), 1) # Make sure suspended observers do not flush, but do invalidate obsB_invalidated <- FALSE obsB$onInvalidate(function() {obsB_invalidated <<- TRUE}) obsB$suspend() values$a <- 2 flushReact() expect_equal(obsB_invalidated, TRUE) expect_equal(execCount(funcA), 1) expect_equal(execCount(obsB), 1) obsB$resume() values$a <- 2.5 obsB$suspend() flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcA), 2) expect_equal(execCount(obsB), 2) values$a <- 3 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcA), 2) expect_equal(execCount(obsB), 2) # If onInvalidate() is added _after_ obsB is suspended and the values$a # changes, then it shouldn't get run (onInvalidate runs on invalidation, not # on flush) values$a <- 4 obsB_invalidated2 <- FALSE obsB$onInvalidate(function() {obsB_invalidated2 <<- TRUE}) obsB$resume() flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(funcA), 3) expect_equal(execCount(obsB), 3) expect_equal(obsB_invalidated2, FALSE) }) test_that("suspended/resumed observers run at most once", { values <- reactiveValues(A=1) obs <- observe({ values$A }) expect_equal(execCount(obs), 0) # First flush should run obs once flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(obs), 1) # Modify the dependency at each stage of suspend/resume/flush should still # only result in one run of obs() values$A <- 2 obs$suspend() values$A <- 3 obs$resume() values$A <- 4 flushReact() expect_equal(execCount(obs), 2) }) test_that("reactive() accepts injected quosures", { # Normal usage - no quosures a <- 1 f <- reactive({ a + 10 }) a <- 2 expect_identical(isolate(f()), 12) # quosures can be used in reactive() a <- 1 f <- reactive({ rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::quo(!!a + 10)) }) a <- 2 expect_identical(isolate(f()), 12) # inject() with quosures a <- 1 exp <- rlang::quo(a + 10) f <- inject(reactive(!!exp)) a <- 2 expect_identical(isolate(f()), 12) # inject() with !!! a <- 1 exp <- list(rlang::quo(a + 10)) f <- inject(reactive(!!!exp)) a <- 2 expect_identical(isolate(f()), 12) # inject() with captured environment a <- 1 exp <- local({ q <- rlang::quo(a + 10) a <- 2 q }) f <- inject(reactive(!! exp )) a <- 3 expect_identical(isolate(f()), 12) # inject() with nested quosures a <- 1 y <- quo(a) exp <- quo(!!y + 10) a <- 2 ff <- inject(reactive(!! exp )) a <- 3 expect_identical(isolate(ff()), 13) }) test_that("observe() accepts injected quosures", { # Normal usage - no quosures val <- NULL a <- 1 observe({ val <<- a + 10 }) a <- 2 flushReact() expect_identical(val, 12) # quosures can be used in reactive() val <- NULL a <- 1 f <- observe({ val <<- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::quo(!!a + 10)) }) a <- 2 flushReact() expect_identical(val, 12) # inject() with quosures val <- NULL a <- 1 exp <- rlang::quo(val <<- a + 10) f <- inject(observe(!!exp)) a <- 2 flushReact() expect_identical(val, 12) # inject() with !!! val <- NULL a <- 1 exp <- list(quo(val <<- a + 10)) f <- inject(observe(!!!exp)) a <- 2 flushReact() expect_identical(val, 12) # inject() with captured environment val <- NULL a <- 1 exp <- local({ q <- rlang::quo(val <<- a + 10) a <- 2 q }) f <- inject(observe(!! exp )) a <- 3 flushReact() expect_identical(val, 12) # inject() with nested quosures val <- NULL a <- 1 y <- quo(a) exp <- rlang::quo(val <<- !!y + 10) a <- 2 f <- inject(observe(!!exp)) a <- 3 flushReact() expect_identical(val, 13) }) test_that("reactive() accepts quoted and unquoted expressions", { vals <- reactiveValues(A=1) # Unquoted expression, with curly braces fun <- reactive({ vals$A + 1 }) expect_equal(isolate(fun()), 2) # Unquoted expression, no curly braces fun <- reactive(vals$A + 1) expect_equal(isolate(fun()), 2) # Quoted expression fun <- reactive(quote(vals$A + 1), quoted = TRUE) expect_equal(isolate(fun()), 2) # Quoted expression, saved in a variable q_expr <- quote(vals$A + 1) fun <- reactive(q_expr, quoted = TRUE) expect_equal(isolate(fun()), 2) # Functions being passed to reactives is no longer treated specially fun <- reactive(function() { vals$A + 1 }) expect_true(is.function(isolate(fun()))) # Check that environment is correct - parent of parent environment should be # this one. Note that rlang::as_function() injects an intermediate # environment. this_env <- environment() fun <- reactive(environment()) expect_identical(isolate(parent.env(parent.env(fun()))), this_env) # Sanity check: environment structure for a reactive() should be the same as for # a normal function fun <- function() environment() expect_identical(parent.env(fun()), this_env) }) test_that("observe() accepts quoted and unquoted expressions", { vals <- reactiveValues(A=0) valB <- 0 # Unquoted expression, with curly braces observe({ valB <<- vals$A + 1}) flushReact() expect_equal(valB, 1) # Unquoted expression, no curly braces observe({ valB <<- vals$A + 2}) flushReact() expect_equal(valB, 2) # Quoted expression observe(quote(valB <<- vals$A + 3), quoted = TRUE) flushReact() expect_equal(valB, 3) # Quoted expression, saved in a variable q_expr <- quote(valB <<- vals$A + 4) fun <- observe(q_expr, quoted = TRUE) flushReact() expect_equal(valB, 4) # Functions are no longer treated specially observe(function() { valB <<- vals$A + 5 }) flushReact() expect_equal(valB, 4) # Check that environment is correct - parent of parent environment should be # this one. rlang::as_function() injects one intermediate env. this_env <- environment() inside_env <- NULL fun <- observe(inside_env <<- environment()) flushReact() expect_identical(parent.env(parent.env(inside_env)), this_env) }) test_that("Observer priorities are respected", { results <- c() observe(results <<- c(results, 10), priority=10) observe(results <<- c(results, 30), priority=30) observe(results <<- c(results, 20), priority=20L) observe(results <<- c(results, 21), priority=20) observe(results <<- c(results, 22), priority=20L) flushReact() expect_identical(results, c(30, 20, 21, 22, 10)) }) # The specific order that observers fire in does not necessarily need to be the # one below. However, it is important that they fire in an order that is # consistent across platforms, so that developers don't see one behavior on # their dev platform and another on their deployment platform. (#2466) test_that("Observers fire in consistent order across platforms", { # Reset the counter for the reactive environment. Not a good thing to do in # general, but necessary for this test. reactive_env <- .getReactiveEnvironment() reactive_env$.nextId <- 0L v <- reactiveVal(0) order <- list() order[1:20] <- list(integer()) observe({ order[[v()]] <<- c(order[[v()]], 1L) message(v(), ": observer 1") }) observe({ order[[v()]] <<- c(order[[v()]], 2L) message(v(), ": observer 2") }) observe({ order[[v()]] <<- c(order[[v()]], 3L) message(v(), ": observer 3") }) for (i in 1:20) { suppressMessages({ v(isolate(v()) + 1); shiny:::flushReact() }) } expected_order <- list() expected_order[1:2] <- list(c(1L, 2L, 3L)) expected_order[3:20] <- list(c(2L, 3L, 1L)) expect_identical(order, expected_order) }) test_that("installExprFunction doesn't rely on name being `expr`", { justExecute <- function(anExpression, envirToUse = parent.frame(), isQuoted = FALSE) { shiny:::installExprFunction(anExpression, "myFunc", envirToUse, quoted = isQuoted) myFunc() } expect_identical(-1, justExecute({-1})) }) test_that("reactivePoll and reactiveFileReader", { path <- tempfile('file') on.exit(unlink(path)) write.csv(cars, file=path, row.names=FALSE) rfr <- reactiveFileReader(100, NULL, path, read.csv) expect_equal(isolate(rfr()), cars) write.csv(rbind(cars, cars), file=path, row.names=FALSE) Sys.sleep(0.15) timerCallbacks$executeElapsed() expect_equal(isolate(rfr()), cars) flushReact() expect_equal(isolate(rfr()), rbind(cars, cars)) }) test_that("classes of reactive object", { v <- reactiveValues(a = 1) r <- reactive({ v$a + 1 }) o <- observe({ print(r()) }) expect_false(is.reactivevalues(12)) expect_true(is.reactivevalues(v)) expect_false(is.reactivevalues(r)) expect_false(is.reactivevalues(o)) expect_false(is.reactive(12)) expect_false(is.reactive(v)) expect_true(is.reactive(r)) expect_false(is.reactive(o)) o$destroy() }) test_that("{} and NULL also work in reactive()", { expect_error(reactive({}), NA) expect_error(reactive(NULL), NA) }) test_that("shiny.suppressMissingContextError option works", { options(shiny.suppressMissingContextError=TRUE) on.exit(options(shiny.suppressMissingContextError=FALSE), add = TRUE) expect_true(reactive(TRUE)()) }) test_that("reactive domains are inherited", { domainA <- createMockDomain() domainB <- createMockDomain() local({ domainY <- NULL domainZ <- NULL x <- observe({ y <- observe({ # Should be domainA (inherited from observer x) domainY <<- getDefaultReactiveDomain() }) z <- observe({ # Should be domainB (explicitly passed in) domainZ <<- getDefaultReactiveDomain() }, domain = domainB) }, domain = domainA) flushReact() flushReact() expect_identical(domainY, domainA) expect_identical(domainZ, domainB) }) local({ domainY <- 1 x <- NULL y <- NULL z <- NULL r3 <- NULL domainR3 <- NULL r1 <- reactive({ y <<- observe({ # Should be NULL (r1 has no domain) domainY <<- getDefaultReactiveDomain() }) }) r2 <- reactive({ z <<- observe({ # Should be domainB (r2 has explicit domainB) domainZ <<- getDefaultReactiveDomain() }) }, domain = domainB) observe({ r3 <<- reactive({ # This should be domainA. Doesn't matter where r3 is invoked, it only # matters where it was created. domainR3 <<- getDefaultReactiveDomain() }) r1() r2() }, domain = domainA) flushReact() flushReact() isolate(r3()) expect_identical(execCount(y), 1L) expect_identical(execCount(z), 1L) expect_identical(domainY, NULL) expect_identical(domainZ, domainB) expect_identical(domainR3, domainA) }) }) test_that("observers autodestroy (or not)", { domainA <- createMockDomain() local({ a <- observe(NULL, domain = domainA) b <- observe(NULL, domain = domainA, autoDestroy = FALSE) c <- observe(NULL, domain = domainA) c$setAutoDestroy(FALSE) d <- observe(NULL, domain = domainA, autoDestroy = FALSE) d$setAutoDestroy(TRUE) e <- observe(NULL) domainA$end() flushReact() expect_identical(execCount(a), 0L) expect_identical(execCount(b), 1L) expect_identical(execCount(c), 1L) expect_identical(execCount(d), 0L) expect_identical(execCount(e), 1L) }) }) test_that("observers are garbage collected when destroyed", { domain <- createMockDomain() rv <- reactiveValues(x = 1) # Auto-destroy. GC on domain end. a <- observe(rv$x, domain = domain) # No auto-destroy. GC with rv. b <- observe(rv$x, domain = domain, autoDestroy = FALSE) # No auto-destroy and no reactive dependencies. GC immediately. c <- observe({}, domain = domain) c$setAutoDestroy(FALSE) # Similar to b, but we'll set it to autoDestroy later. d <- observe(rv$x, domain = domain, autoDestroy = FALSE) # Like a, but we'll destroy it immediately. e <- observe(rx$x, domain = domain) e$destroy() collected <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) reg.finalizer(a, function(o) collected$a <- TRUE) reg.finalizer(b, function(o) collected$b <- TRUE) reg.finalizer(c, function(o) collected$c <- TRUE) reg.finalizer(d, function(o) collected$d <- TRUE) reg.finalizer(e, function(o) collected$e <- TRUE) rm(list = c("a", "b", "c", "e")) # Not "d" gc() # Nothing can be GC'd yet, because all of the observers are # pending execution (i.e. waiting for flushReact). expect_equal(ls(collected), character()) flushReact() # Now "c" can be garbage collected, because it ran and took # no dependencies (and isn't tied to the session in any way). # And "e" can also be garbage collected, it's been destroyed. gc() expect_equal(ls(collected), c("c", "e")) domain$end() # We can GC "a" as well; even though it references rv, it is # destroyed when the session ends. gc() expect_equal(sort(ls(collected)), c("a", "c", "e")) # It's OK to turn on auto-destroy even after the session was # destroyed. d$setAutoDestroy(TRUE) # This should no-op. d$setAutoDestroy(FALSE) rm(d) gc() expect_equal(sort(ls(collected)), c("a", "c", "d", "e")) rm(rv) # Both rv and "b" can now be collected. gc() expect_equal(sort(ls(collected)), c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")) }) test_that("maskReactiveContext blocks use of reactives", { vals <- reactiveValues(x = 123) # Block reactive contexts (created by isolate) expect_error(isolate(maskReactiveContext(vals$x))) expect_error(isolate(isolate(maskReactiveContext(vals$x)))) # Reactive contexts within maskReactiveContext shouldn't be blocked expect_identical(maskReactiveContext(isolate(vals$x)), 123) expect_identical(isolate(maskReactiveContext(isolate(vals$x))), 123) }) test_that("Flush completes even when errors occur", { vals <- reactiveValues(x = 1) r <- reactive({ if (vals$x == 0) stop("x is zero!") else vals$x }) # Set up counters n11 <- n12 <- n21 <- n22 <- 0 observe({ n11 <<- n11 + 1 r() n12 <<- n12 + 1 }) observe({ n21 <<- n21 + 1 r() n22 <<- n22 + 1 }) flushReact() expect_true(all(c(n11, n12, n21, n22) == 1)) # Trigger an error vals$x <- 0 suppress_stacktrace( # Errors in reactive are translated to warnings in observers by default expect_warning(expect_warning(flushReact())) ) # Both observers should run up until the reactive that errors expect_true(all(c(n11, n12, n21, n22) == c(2,1,2,1))) # Nothing should happen on next flush flushReact() expect_true(all(c(n11, n12, n21, n22) == c(2,1,2,1))) }) test_that("event handling helpers take correct dependencies", { vals <- reactiveValues(action = NULL, x = 1) o1_count <- 0 o1 <- observeEvent(vals$action, { vals$x o1_count <<- o1_count + 1 }) o2_count <- 0 o2 <- observeEvent(ignoreNULL = FALSE, vals$action, { vals$x o2_count <<- o2_count + 1 }) r1 <- eventReactive(vals$action, { vals$x }) r2 <- eventReactive(ignoreNULL = FALSE, vals$action, { vals$x }) flushReact() expect_error(isolate(r1())) expect_identical(isolate(r2()), 1) expect_equal(o1_count, 0) expect_equal(o2_count, 1) expect_equal(execCount(o1), 1) expect_equal(execCount(o2), 1) vals$x <- 2 flushReact() expect_error(isolate(r1())) expect_identical(isolate(r2()), 1) expect_equal(o1_count, 0) expect_equal(o2_count, 1) expect_equal(execCount(o1), 1) expect_equal(execCount(o2), 1) vals$action <- 1 flushReact() expect_identical(isolate(r1()), 2) expect_identical(isolate(r2()), 2) expect_equal(o1_count, 1) expect_equal(o2_count, 2) expect_equal(execCount(o1), 2) expect_equal(execCount(o2), 2) }) for (do_priming in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { label <- if (do_priming) "with priming" else "without priming" test_that(sprintf("debounce/throttle work properly (%s)", label), { # Some of the CRAN test machines are heavily loaded and so the timing for # these tests isn't reliable. https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/pull/2789 skip_on_cran() # The changing of rv$a will be the (chatty) source of reactivity. rv <- reactiveValues(a = 0) # This observer will be what changes rv$a. src <- observe({ invalidateLater(300) rv$a <- isolate(rv$a) + 1 }) on.exit(src$destroy(), add = TRUE) # Make a debounced reactive to test. dr <- debounce(reactive(rv$a), 500) # Make a throttled reactive to test. tr <- throttle(reactive(rv$a), 500) # Keep track of how often dr/tr are fired dr_fired <- 0 dr_monitor <- observeEvent(dr(), { dr_fired <<- dr_fired + 1 }) on.exit(dr_monitor$destroy(), add = TRUE) tr_fired <- 0 tr_monitor <- observeEvent(tr(), { tr_fired <<- tr_fired + 1 }) on.exit(tr_monitor$destroy(), add = TRUE) # Starting values are both 0. Earlier I found that the tests behaved # differently if I accessed the values of dr/tr before the first call to # flushReact(). That bug was fixed, but to ensure that similar bugs don't # appear undetected, we run this test with and without do_priming. if (do_priming) { expect_identical(isolate(dr()), 0) expect_identical(isolate(tr()), 0) } # Pump timer and reactives for about 1.3 seconds stopAt <- Sys.time() + 1.3 while (Sys.time() < stopAt) { timerCallbacks$executeElapsed() flushReact() Sys.sleep(0.001) } # dr() should not have had time to fire, other than the initial run, since # there haven't been long enough gaps between invalidations. expect_identical(dr_fired, 1) # The value of dr() should not have updated either. expect_identical(isolate(dr()), 0) # tr() however, has had time to fire multiple times and update its value. expect_identical(tr_fired, 3) expect_identical(isolate(tr()), 4) # Now let some time pass without any more updates. src$destroy() # No more updates stopAt <- Sys.time() + 1 while (Sys.time() < stopAt) { timerCallbacks$executeElapsed() flushReact() Sys.sleep(0.001) } # dr should've fired, and we should have converged on the right answer. expect_identical(dr_fired, 2) isolate(expect_identical(rv$a, dr())) expect_identical(tr_fired, 4) isolate(expect_identical(rv$a, tr())) }) } test_that("reactive domain works across async handlers", { obj <- new.env() hasReactiveDomain <- NULL withReactiveDomain(obj, { promises::then( promises::promise_resolve(TRUE), ~{hasReactiveDomain <<- identical(getDefaultReactiveDomain(), obj)} ) }) while (is.null(hasReactiveDomain) && !later::loop_empty()) { later::run_now() } testthat::expect_true(hasReactiveDomain) }) # For #2441, #2423 test_that("Unreachable reactives are GC'd", { v <- reactiveVal(1) r <- reactive({ v() 12345 }) o <- observe({ r() }) # Finalizer on the reactive's underlying Observable object r_finalized <- FALSE reg.finalizer(attr(r, "observable"), function(e) { r_finalized <<- TRUE }) # Finalizer on the Observer o_finalized <- FALSE reg.finalizer(o, function(e) { o_finalized <<- TRUE }) flushReact() gc() expect_false(r_finalized) rm(r) # Remove the only (strong) reference to r gc() expect_true(r_finalized) expect_false(o_finalized) rm(o) # Remove the only reference to o gc() expect_true(o_finalized) rm(v) gc() # Same, with reactiveValues instead of reactiveVal v <- reactiveValues(x = 1) r <- reactive({ v$x 12345 }) o <- observe({ r() }) # Finalizer on the reactive's underlying Observable object r_finalized <- FALSE reg.finalizer(attr(r, "observable"), function(e) { r_finalized <<- TRUE }) # Finalizer on the Observer o_finalized <- FALSE reg.finalizer(o, function(e) { o_finalized <<- TRUE }) flushReact() gc() expect_false(r_finalized) rm(r) # Remove the only (strong) reference to r gc() expect_true(r_finalized) expect_false(o_finalized) rm(o) # Remove the only reference to o gc() expect_true(o_finalized) }) test_that("Reactive contexts are not GC'd too early", { # When a ReactiveVal or ReactiveValue has an dependency arrow pointing to a # reactive expression (Observable object), it's implemented by having a weak # reference to a reactive context. We need to make sure that the reactive # context is not GC'd too early. This is done by having the Observable have a # strong reference to the context. # Check reactiveVal v <- reactiveVal(1) r <- reactive({ v() }) o <- observe({ r() gc() }) # Finalizer on the reactive's underlying Observable object r_finalized <- FALSE reg.finalizer(attr(r, "observable"), function(e) { r_finalized <<- TRUE }) for (i in 1:3) { v(isolate(v()) + 1) flushReact() } expect_identical(execCount(r), 3L) expect_false(r_finalized) o$destroy() rm(v, r, o) gc() expect_true(r_finalized) # Same, but with reactiveValues v <- reactiveValues(x=1) r <- reactive({ v$x }) o <- observe({ r() gc() }) # Finalizer on the reactive's underlying Observable object r_finalized <- FALSE reg.finalizer(attr(r, "observable"), function(e) { r_finalized <<- TRUE }) for (i in 1:3) { v$x <- (isolate(v$x) + 1) flushReact() } expect_identical(execCount(r), 3L) expect_false(r_finalized) }) test_that("reactivePoll doesn't leak observer (#1548)", { i <- 0 count <- reactivePoll(50, NULL, checkFunc = function() { i <<- i + 1 i }, valueFunc = function() i ) observe({ count() }) while (i < 3) { Sys.sleep(0.05) shiny:::timerCallbacks$executeElapsed() shiny:::flushReact() } # Removing the reference to count means that no one can use it anymore, and so # the finalizer should run. The finalizer sets a flag which will allow the # observer (which calls `checkFunc`) to run one more time; in that run, it # will remove itself. rm(count) gc() # If the reactivePoll was cleaned up, then the first run of this loop will # increment i (bringing its value to 4), but in that run, the observer will # remove itself so subsequent runs will no longer run `checkFunc`. for (n in 1:3) { Sys.sleep(0.05) shiny:::timerCallbacks$executeElapsed() shiny:::flushReact() } expect_equal(i, 3L) }) test_that("reactivePoll prefers session$scheduleTask", { called <- 0 session <- list(reactlog = function(...){}, onEnded = function(...){}, .scheduleTask = function(millis, cb){ expect_equal(millis, 50) called <<- called + 1 }) count <- reactivePoll(50, session, function(){}, function(){}) observe({ count() }) for (i in 1:4) { Sys.sleep(0.05) shiny:::flushReact() } expect_gt(called, 0) }) test_that("invalidateLater prefers session$scheduleTask", { called <- 0 session <- list(reactlog = function(...){}, onEnded = function(...){}, .scheduleTask = function(millis, cb){ expect_equal(millis, 10) called <<- called + 1 }) observe({ invalidateLater(10, session) }) for (i in 1:4) { Sys.sleep(0.05) shiny:::flushReact() } expect_gt(called, 0) }) test_that("reactiveTimer prefers session$scheduleTask", { called <- 0 session <- list(reactlog = function(...){}, onEnded = function(...){}, .scheduleTask = function(millis, cb){ expect_equal(millis, 10) called <<- called + 1 }) rt <- reactiveTimer(10, session) observe({ rt() }) for (i in 1:4) { Sys.sleep(0.05) shiny:::flushReact() } expect_gt(called, 0) }) test_that("Reactive expression visibility", { res <- NULL rv <- reactive(1) o <- observe({ res <<- withVisible(rv()) }) flushReact() expect_identical(res, list(value = 1, visible = TRUE)) res <- NULL rv <- reactive(invisible(1)) o <- observe({ res <<- withVisible(rv()) }) flushReact() expect_identical(res, list(value = 1, visible = FALSE)) # isolate expect_identical( withVisible(isolate(1)), list(value = 1, visible = TRUE) ) expect_identical( withVisible(isolate(invisible(1))), list(value = 1, visible = FALSE) ) }) test_that("Reactive expression labels", { r <- list() # Automatic label r$x <- reactive({ a+1;b+ 2 }) # Printed output - uses expression, not `label` expect_identical( capture.output(print(r$x)), c("reactive({", " a + 1", " b + 2", "}) ") ) # Label used for debugging expect_identical( as.character(attr(r$x, "observable")$.label), "r$x" ) # With explicit label r$y <- reactive({ a+1;b+ 2 }, label = "hello") expect_identical( capture.output(print(r$y)), c("reactive({", " a + 1", " b + 2", "}) ") ) expect_identical( as.character(attr(r$y, "observable")$.label), "hello" ) }) test_that("Contexts can be masked off", { expect_error( { r <- reactiveVal() isolate({ maskReactiveContext({ r() }) }) }, regexp = "Operation not allowed without an active reactive context" ) }) test_that("Contexts can be masked off via promise domains", { r <- reactiveVal() done <- FALSE isolate({ maskReactiveContext({ promises::promise_resolve(NULL)$then(function(value) { done <<- TRUE expect_error( { r() }, regexp = "Operation not allowed without an active reactive context" ) }) }) }) while (!done) { later::run_now(all=FALSE) } })