context("input-icon") test_that("textInputIcon works", { tag <- textInputIcon( inputId = "ID", label = "With an icon", icon = shiny::icon("circle-user") ) expect_is(tag, "shiny.tag") }) test_that("textInputIcon works with list", { tag <- textInputIcon( inputId = "ID", label = "With an icon", icon = list(shiny::icon("envelope"), ""), size = "lg" ) expect_is(tag, "shiny.tag") }) test_that("textInputIcon works", { tag <- numericInputIcon( inputId = "ID", label = "With an icon", value = 0, icon = shiny::icon("circle-user") ) expect_is(tag, "shiny.tag") }) test_that("textInputIcon works with list", { tag <- numericInputIcon( inputId = "ID", label = "With an icon", value = 0, icon = list(shiny::icon("envelope"), ""), size = "lg" ) expect_is(tag, "shiny.tag") })