library(shinytest2) test_that("tooltips work as expected", { # Don't run these tests on the CRAN build servers skip_on_cran() shiny_app_path <- system.file("examples/tooltip/app.R", package = "shinyMobile") app <- AppDriver$new( shiny_app_path, name = "tooltip-app" ) app$click(selector = "#target_1") # Animation/transition takes a bit of time app$wait_for_idle(1000) # Expect text to be present in HTML: there are no Shiny inputs/outputs related to tooltips app$expect_text(selector = ".tooltip-content") # Update tooltip app$set_inputs(tooltip_text = "Test tooltip") app$click(selector = "#target_1") # Animation/transition takes a bit of time app$wait_for_idle(1000) # Expect updated text to be present in HTML app$expect_text(selector = ".tooltip-content") app$stop() })