library(shinytest2) test_that("Shiny app correctly creates new model code", { # Don't run these tests on the CRAN build servers skip_on_cran() temp_dir <- tempdir() # Set up necessary files (internal function) - include results so we do not need to run models shinyMixR:::setup_shinymixr_test(dir = paste0(temp_dir, "/files"), overwrite = TRUE, record = FALSE, incres = TRUE) # Start driver for Shiny test shiny_app <- shinyMixR::run_shinymixr(paste0(tempdir(),"/files")) app <- AppDriver$new(app_dir = shiny_app, name = "run3-model", seed = 123) app$set_inputs(tabs = "editor") app$click("editor-newmdl") # Capture state for debugging - do we need these intermediate steps? app$expect_values(input = "editor-newmdl") # Wait for modal to open Sys.sleep(1) app$click("editor-newgo") # Capture state for debugging - do we need these intermediate steps? app$expect_values(input = "editor-newgo") # Check if new model is created and contains correct naming modmade <- "run2.r" %in% list.files(paste0(temp_dir, "/files/models")) expect_true(modmade) if(modmade){ modcont <- readLines(paste0(temp_dir, "/files/models/run2.r")) expect_true(grepl("run2 <- function", modcont[1])) } # Perform test to save model with new name (be aware that save-as btn is a module as well) app$click("editor-adapt_meta_ed-go") # Wait for modal to open Sys.sleep(1) curvals <- app$get_values() expect_true(curvals$input$`editor-adapt_meta_ed-mdladpt`=="run3.r") expect_true(curvals$input$`editor-adapt_meta_ed-mdldesc`=="template models") expect_true(curvals$input$`editor-adapt_meta_ed-mdlimp`==1) app$click("editor-adapt_meta_ed-adpt") app$click(selector = ".swal2-confirm") expect_true("run3.r"%in%list.files(paste0(tempdir(),"/files/models"))) # Finally test if update inits works as expected (e.g. are initial changed, values itself tested outside shinytest) app$set_inputs(`editor-editLst` = "run1") app$click("editor-updinit") Sys.sleep(1) app$set_inputs("editor-tosave" = c("run99.r")) app$click("editor-goupdate",timeout_=120000) Sys.sleep(1) app$click(selector = ".swal2-confirm") # Left out testing of this part for r cmd check/covr # omod <- readLines(paste0(tempdir(),"/files/models/run1.r")) # amod <- readLines(paste0(tempdir(),"/files/models/run99.r")) # ores <- eval(parse(text=c("nlmixr2::nlmixr(",omod,")$ini"))) # ares <- eval(parse(text=c("nlmixr2::nlmixr(",amod,")$ini"))) # expect_true(any(!(ores$est==ares$est))) # Stop and clean up app$stop() #unlink(paste0(temp_dir, "/files"), recursive = TRUE) rml <- list.files(tempdir(), recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE, full.names = TRUE) unlink(rml, recursive = TRUE) })