library(shinytest2) test_that("Shiny app creates correct parameter table", { # Don't run these tests on the CRAN build servers skip_on_cran() # Set up necessary files (internal function) - include results so we do not need to run models shinyMixR:::setup_shinymixr_test(dir = paste0(tempdir(),"/files"), overwrite = TRUE, record = FALSE, incres = TRUE) # Start driver for Shiny test shiny_app <- shinyMixR::run_shinymixr(paste0(tempdir(),"/files")) app <- AppDriver$new(app_dir = shiny_app, name = "run2-model", seed = 123) app$set_inputs(tabs = "par") app$set_inputs(`partable-EstLst` = "run1") app$click(selector = "#partable-EstLst option[value='run1']") app$expect_values(export = "partable-params") app$expect_values(export = "partable-params") # Stop and clean up app$stop() unlink(paste0(tempdir(),"/files"), recursive = TRUE) })