context("iterateHydOrder") ## tests library(aqp, quietly = TRUE) suppressWarnings(library(cluster, quietly = TRUE)) test_that("iterateHydOrder works as expected", { skip_if_not_installed("dendextend") # use local data data("OSDexamples") # ensure that SPC and geomorph prop mat share a common set of IDs o <- reconcileOSDGeomorph(OSDexamples, 'hillpos') # defaults res <- iterateHydOrder(o$geom, g = 'hillpos') # result should be a list expect_true(inherits(res, 'list')) # ordering vectors should be same length as SPC expect_true( length(o$SPC) == length(res$hyd.order) ) expect_true( length(o$SPC) == length(res$clust.hyd.order) ) })