S <- matrix(c(1, -1, -1, 1), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("x", "y"))) X <- data.frame(x = c("a", "b"), y = c(100, 10)) shp <- shapviz(S, X, baseline = 4) mshp <- c(shp = shp, shp2 = shp + shp) test_that("get_* functions work", { expect_equal(4, get_baseline(shp)) expect_equal(S, get_shap_values(shp)) expect_equal(X, get_feature_values(shp)) expect_equal(4, get_baseline(mshp)[[1L]]) expect_equal(S, get_shap_values(mshp)[[1L]]) expect_equal(X, get_feature_values(mshp)[[1L]]) expect_error(get_baseline(3)) expect_error(get_shap_values("a")) expect_error(get_feature_values(c(3, 9))) }) test_that("dim, nrow, ncol, colnames work", { expect_equal(dim(shp), c(2L, 2L)) expect_equal(nrow(shp), 2L) expect_equal(ncol(shp), 2L) expect_equal(colnames(shp), colnames(S)) }) test_that("<-dimnames work", { shp2 <- shp v <- c("a", "b") colnames(shp2) <- v expect_equal(colnames(shp2), v) expect_equal(colnames(get_shap_values(shp2)), v) expect_equal(colnames(get_feature_values(shp2)), v) v <- c("x", "y") dimnames(shp2) <- list(NULL, v) expect_equal(colnames(shp2), v) expect_equal(colnames(get_shap_values(shp2)), v) expect_equal(colnames(get_feature_values(shp2)), v) }) test_that("subsetting works", { expect_equal(dim(shp[, "x"]$S), c(2L, 1L)) expect_equal(dim(shp[, "x"]$X), c(2L, 1L)) expect_equal(dim(shp[1L, "x"]$S), c(1L, 1L)) expect_equal(dim(shp[1L, "x"]$X), c(1L, 1L)) expect_equal(dim(shp[1L, ]$S), c(1L, 2L)) expect_equal(dim(shp[1L, ]$X), c(1L, 2L)) expect_equal(get_baseline(shp[1L, ]), get_baseline(shp)) }) test_that("concatenating with + works", { expect_equal(dim((shp + shp)$S), c(4L, 2L)) expect_equal(dim((shp + shp)$X), c(4L, 2L)) expect_equal((shp + shp)$baseline, shp$baseline) expect_equal(dim((shp + shp + shp)$S), c(6L, 2L)) expect_equal(dim((shp + shp + shp)$X), c(6L, 2L)) # mshapviz mapply(function(x, dims) { expect_equal(dim(x$S), dims) expect_equal(dim(x$X), dims) }, x = mshp + mshp, dims = list(c(4L, 2L), c(8L, 2L))) mapply(function(x, x_sum) expect_equal(x$baseline, x_sum$baseline), x = mshp, x_sum = mshp + mshp) mapply(function(x, dims) { expect_equal(dim(x$S), dims) expect_equal(dim(x$X), dims) }, x = mshp + mshp + mshp, dims = list(c(6L, 2L), c(12L, 2L))) }) test_that("concatenating with rbind works", { expect_equal(dim(rbind(shp, shp)$S), c(4L, 2L)) expect_equal(dim(rbind(shp, shp)$X), c(4L, 2L)) expect_equal(rbind(shp, shp)$baseline, shp$baseline) expect_equal(dim(rbind(shp, shp, shp)$S), c(6L, 2L)) expect_equal(dim(rbind(shp, shp, shp)$X), c(6L, 2L)) # mshapviz mshp_rbind <- rbind(mshp, mshp) expect_equal(dim(mshp_rbind$shp$S), c(4L, 2L)) expect_equal(dim(mshp_rbind$shp2$S), c(8L, 2L)) expect_equal(dim(mshp_rbind$shp$X), c(4L, 2L)) expect_equal(dim(mshp_rbind$shp2$X), c(8L, 2L)) mapply(function(x, xbind) expect_equal(x$baseline, xbind$baseline), x = mshp, xbind = mshp_rbind) mapply(function(x, dims) { expect_equal(dim(x$S), dims) expect_equal(dim(x$X), dims) }, x = rbind(mshp, mshp, mshp), dims = list(c(6L, 2L), c(12L, 2L))) }) test_that("split() works", { x_subgroups_a <- split(shp, f = c("1", "2")) x_subgroups_b <- c(`1` = shp[1L, ], `2` = shp[2L, ]) expect_equal(x_subgroups_a, x_subgroups_b) }) test_that("print() gives no error", { capture_output(expect_no_error(print(shp))) capture_output(expect_no_error(print(mshp))) }) test_that("summary() gives no error", { capture_output(expect_no_error(summary(shp))) }) test_that("shapviz() gives error for default method", { expect_error(shapviz(1)) }) test_that("column order of X does no matter", { expect_equal(shp, shapviz(S, X[, 2:1], baseline = 4)) }) test_that("X can contain additional columns", { expect_equal(shp, shapviz(S, X = cbind(X, z = 1:2), baseline = 4)) }) test_that("some input checks fire", { expect_error(shapviz(S[1, , drop = FALSE], X)) expect_error(shapviz(S, X[1, ])) expect_error(shapviz(S, X[, 1])) expect_error(shapviz(matrix(S, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("d", "e"))), X)) expect_error(shapviz(matrix(S, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, NULL)), X)) }) test_that("shapviz works with single row input", { shp1 <- shapviz(S[1L, , drop = FALSE], X[1L, , drop = FALSE], baseline = 4) expect_s3_class(sv_waterfall(shp1), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(sv_force(shp1), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(sv_importance(shp1, kind = "beeswarm"), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(sv_importance(shp1), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(sv_dependence(shp1, "x", color_var = "y"), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(sv_dependence(shp1, "x"), "ggplot") }) test_that("shapviz works with single column input", { shp2 <- shapviz(S[, 1L, drop = FALSE], X[, 1L, drop = FALSE]) expect_s3_class(sv_waterfall(shp2), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(sv_force(shp2), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(sv_importance(shp2, kind = "both"), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(sv_dependence(shp2, "x"), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(sv_dependence(shp2, "x", color_var = NULL), "ggplot") }) # Interactions test_that("shapviz accepts correct S_inter", { S_inter <- array( c(1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1), dim = c(2L, 2L, 2L), dimnames = list(NULL, c("x", "y"), c("x", "y")) ) expect_silent(shp_inter <- shapviz(S, X = X, baseline = 4, S_inter = S_inter)) expect_silent( shapviz( S[1L, , drop = FALSE], X = X[1L, ], baseline = 4, S_inter = S_inter[1L, , , drop = FALSE] ) ) expect_silent( shapviz(S, X = X, baseline = 4, S_inter = S_inter[, c("y", "x"), c("y", "x")]) ) expect_identical( get_shap_interactions( shapviz(S, X = X, baseline = 4, S_inter = S_inter[, c("y", "x"), c("y", "x")]) ), S_inter ) expect_silent( shapviz( S[, "x", drop = FALSE], X = X["x"], baseline = 4, S_inter = S_inter[, "x", "x", drop = FALSE] ) ) expect_equal(dim(shp_inter[, "x"]$S_inter), c(2L, 1L, 1L)) expect_equal(dim(shp_inter[1, ]$S_inter), c(1L, 2L, 2L)) expect_equal(dim(shp_inter[1, "x"]$S_inter), c(1L, 1L, 1L)) }) test_that("shapviz does not accept S_inter with bad colnames", { S_inter_noname <- array(c(1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1), dim = c(2L, 2L, 2L)) expect_error(shapviz(S, X = X, baseline = 4, S_inter = S_inter_noname)) S_inter_badname <- S_inter_noname dimnames(S_inter_badname) <- list(NULL, c("x", "z"), c("x", "z")) expect_error(shapviz(S, X = X, baseline = 4, S_inter = S_inter_badname)) dimnames(S_inter_badname) <- list(NULL, c("x", "y"), c("y", "x")) expect_error(shapviz(S, X = X, baseline = 4, S_inter = S_inter_badname)) }) # More tests on interactions S_inter <- array( c(1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1), dim = c(2L, 2L, 2L), dimnames = list(NULL, c("x", "y"), c("x", "y")) ) shp_inter <- shapviz(S, X = X, baseline = 4, S_inter = S_inter) mshp_inter <- c(shp1 = shp_inter, shp2 = shp_inter + shp_inter) test_that("get_shap_interactions, +, rbind works for interactions", { expect_equal(S_inter, get_shap_interactions(shp_inter)) expect_equal(length(get_shap_interactions(mshp_inter)), 2L) expect_error(get_shap_interactions(4)) expect_equal(dim((shp_inter + shp_inter)$S_inter)[1L], 2 * dim(shp_inter$S_inter)[1L]) expect_equal( dim(rbind(shp_inter, shp_inter, shp_inter)$S_inter)[1L], 3 * dim(shp_inter$S_inter)[1L] ) }) test_that("dimnames() and replacement work for interactions", { shp2 <- shp_inter colnames(shp2) <- c("a", "b") expect_equal(colnames(shp2), c("a", "b")) expect_equal(colnames(get_shap_interactions(shp2)), c("a", "b")) dimnames(shp2) <- list(NULL, c("x", "y")) expect_equal(colnames(shp2), c("x", "y")) expect_equal(colnames(get_shap_interactions(shp2)), c("x", "y")) }) test_that("split() works for interactions", { x_subgroups_a <- split(shp_inter, f = c("1", "2")) x_subgroups_b <- c(`1` = shp_inter[1L, ], `2` = shp_inter[2L, ]) expect_equal(x_subgroups_a, x_subgroups_b) }) test_that("print() and summary() gives no error (with interactions)", { capture_output(expect_no_error(print(shp_inter))) capture_output(expect_no_error(print(mshp_inter))) capture_output(expect_no_error(summary(shp_inter))) }) test_that("mshapviz object contains original shapviz objects", { expect_equal(mshp_inter[[1L]], shp_inter) expect_equal(mshp_inter[[2L]][1:nrow(shp_inter)], shp_inter) }) test_that("shapviz objects with interactions can be rowbinded", { expect_equal(dim(rbind(shp_inter, shp_inter)), dim(shp_inter) * (2:1)) expect_error(rbind(shp_inter, shp)) }) # Check on mshapviz test_that("combining non-shapviz objects fails", { expect_error(c(shp, 1)) expect_error(mshapviz(list(1, 2))) }) test_that("combining incompatible shapviz objects fails", { shp2 <- shp[, "x"] expect_error(mshapviz(list(shp, shp2))) expect_error(c(shp, shp2)) }) # Multiclass with XGBoost X_pred <- data.matrix(iris[, -5L]) dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(X_pred, label = as.integer(iris[, 5L]) - 1L, nthread = 1) fit <- xgboost::xgb.train( params = list(nthread = 1L, num_class = 3L, objective = "multi:softprob"), data = dtrain, nrounds = 1L ) shp3 <- shapviz(fit, X_pred = X_pred, which_class = 3L, interactions = TRUE) mshp <- shapviz(fit, X_pred = X_pred, interactions = TRUE) test_that("is.shapviz() and is.mshapviz() functions work", { expect_true(is.shapviz(shp3)) expect_true(is.mshapviz(mshp)) expect_false(is.shapviz(mshp)) expect_false(is.mshapviz(shp3)) }) test_that("shapviz on class 3 equals mshapviz[[3]] for classification", { expect_equal(mshp[[3L]], shp3) }) test_that("combining shapviz on classes 1, 2, 3 equal mshapviz", { shp1 <- shapviz(fit, X_pred = X_pred, which_class = 1L, interactions = TRUE) shp2 <- shapviz(fit, X_pred = X_pred, which_class = 2L, interactions = TRUE) expect_equal(mshp, c(Class_1 = shp1, Class_2 = shp2, Class_3 = shp3)) expect_equal(mshp, mshapviz(list(Class_1 = shp1, Class_2 = shp2, Class_3 = shp3))) }) test_that("single row predictions work with shapviz (see issue #141)", { expect_no_error( shp1 <- shapviz(fit, X_pred = X_pred[1L, , drop = FALSE], interactions = TRUE) ) shp2 <- shapviz(fit, X_pred = X_pred, interactions = TRUE) for (j in names(shp1)) { expect_equal(shp1[[j]], shp2[[j]][1L, ]) } })