R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-05 r87692 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # CRAN OMP THREAD LIMIT > Sys.setenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = 1) > > library(testthat) > library(shapr) Attaching package: 'shapr' The following object is masked from 'package:testthat': setup > > test_check("shapr") Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: gaussian * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: gaussian * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Note: Feature names extracted from the model contains NA. Consistency checks between model and data is therefore disabled. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 128, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 128. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 7 * Number of observations to explain: 2 -- Main computation started -- i Using 128 of 128 coalitions. Note: Feature names extracted from the model contains NA. Consistency checks between model and data is therefore disabled. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 64, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 64. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 6 * Number of observations to explain: 2 -- Main computation started -- i Using 64 of 64 coalitions. Note: Feature names extracted from the model contains NA. Consistency checks between model and data is therefore disabled. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 2 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Note: Feature names extracted from the model contains NA. Consistency checks between model and data is therefore disabled. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_groups = 4, and is therefore set to 2^n_groups = 4. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of group-wise Shapley values: 2 * Number of observations to explain: 2 -- Main computation started -- i Using 4 of 4 coalitions. Note: Feature names extracted from the model contains NA. Consistency checks between model and data is therefore disabled. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_groups = 4, and is therefore set to 2^n_groups = 4. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of group-wise Shapley values: 2 * Number of observations to explain: 2 -- Main computation started -- i Using 4 of 4 coalitions. Note: Feature names extracted from the model contains NA. Consistency checks between model and data is therefore disabled. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_groups = 4, and is therefore set to 2^n_groups = 4. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of group-wise Shapley values: 2 * Number of observations to explain: 2 -- Main computation started -- i Using 4 of 4 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: independence * Iterative estimation: TRUE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- iterative computation started -- -- Iteration 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 6 of 32 coalitions, 6 new. -- Iteration 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 8 of 32 coalitions, 2 new. -- Iteration 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 10 of 32 coalitions, 2 new. -- Iteration 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 12 of 32 coalitions, 2 new. -- Iteration 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 14 of 32 coalitions, 2 new. -- Iteration 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 16 of 32 coalitions, 2 new. -- Iteration 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 18 of 32 coalitions, 2 new. -- Iteration 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 20 of 32 coalitions, 2 new. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: gaussian * Iterative estimation: TRUE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- iterative computation started -- -- Iteration 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 6 of 32 coalitions, 6 new. -- Iteration 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 10 of 32 coalitions, 4 new. -- Iteration 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 12 of 32 coalitions, 2 new. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_groups = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_groups = 32. * Model class: * Approach: gaussian * Iterative estimation: TRUE * Number of group-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- iterative computation started -- -- Iteration 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 6 of 32 coalitions, 6 new. -- Iteration 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 10 of 32 coalitions, 4 new. -- Iteration 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Using 12 of 32 coalitions, 2 new. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: ctree * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: ctree * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. • Model class: • Approach: independence • Iterative estimation: FALSE • Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 • Number of observations to explain: 3 ── Main computation started ── ℹ Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. • Model class: • Approach: empirical • Iterative estimation: FALSE • Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 • Number of observations to explain: 3 ── Main computation started ── ℹ Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. • Model class: • Approach: gaussian • Iterative estimation: FALSE • Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 • Number of observations to explain: 3 ── Main computation started ── ℹ Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. • Model class: • Approach: ctree • Iterative estimation: FALSE • Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 • Number of observations to explain: 3 ── Main computation started ── ℹ Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. • Model class: • Approach: empirical, ctree, gaussian, and ctree • Iterative estimation: FALSE • Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 • Number of observations to explain: 3 ── Main computation started ── ℹ Using 32 of 32 coalitions. The approximate 95% confidence intervals might be wide as they are only based on 3 observations. * Model class: * Approach: ctree * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 10 of 32 coalitions. * Model class: * Approach: ctree * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of group-wise Shapley values: 3 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 6 of 8 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: gaussian * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. -- Starting `shapr::explain()` at 2025-02-06 10:16:01 -------------------------- * Model class: * Approach: gaussian * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 * Computations (temporary) saved at: 'D:\temp\2025_02_06_10_05_17_27616\RtmpCMbspS\shapr_obj_112f48c02dd0.rds' -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: independence, empirical, gaussian, and copula * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: independence, empirical, gaussian, and copula * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: independence, empirical, gaussian, and copula * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: gaussian, gaussian, gaussian, and gaussian * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: independence, empirical, independence, and empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: independence, empirical, independence, and empirical * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_features = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_features = 32. * Model class: * Approach: gaussian * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of feature-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. Success with message: max_n_coalitions is NULL or larger than or 2^n_groups = 32, and is therefore set to 2^n_groups = 32. * Model class: * Approach: gaussian * Iterative estimation: FALSE * Number of group-wise Shapley values: 5 * Number of observations to explain: 3 -- Main computation started -- i Using 32 of 32 coalitions. [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 142 | PASS 39 ] ══ Skipped tests (142) ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (137): 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:16:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:34:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:52:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:71:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:89:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:107:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:125:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:144:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:162:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:180:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:199:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:217:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:235:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:254:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:272:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:292:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:312:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:331:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:357:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:375:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:394:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:412:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:431:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:453:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:474:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-output.R:493:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-setup.R:4:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-setup.R:221:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-setup.R:244:3', 'test-asymmetric-causal-setup.R:306:3', 'test-forecast-output.R:2:3', 'test-forecast-output.R:21:3', 'test-forecast-output.R:43:3', 'test-forecast-output.R:66:3', 'test-forecast-output.R:89:3', 'test-forecast-output.R:109:3', 'test-forecast-output.R:130:3', 'test-forecast-output.R:151:3', 'test-forecast-output.R:176:3', 'test-forecast-setup.R:5:3', 'test-forecast-setup.R:33:3', 'test-forecast-setup.R:108:3', 'test-forecast-setup.R:132:3', 'test-forecast-setup.R:158:3', 'test-forecast-setup.R:218:3', 'test-forecast-setup.R:289:3', 'test-forecast-setup.R:337:3', 'test-forecast-setup.R:429:3', 'test-forecast-setup.R:499:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:4:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:20:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:40:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:62:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:86:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:107:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:176:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:259:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:275:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:291:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:307:3', 'test-iterative-output.R:325:3', 'test-iterative-setup.R:76:3', 'test-plot.R:59:3', 'test-plot.R:83:3', 'test-plot.R:117:3', 'test-plot.R:141:3', 'test-plot.R:165:3', 'test-plot.R:191:3', 'test-plot.R:272:3', 'test-regression-output.R:3:3', 'test-regression-output.R:20:3', 'test-regression-output.R:36:3', 'test-regression-output.R:53:3', 'test-regression-output.R:69:3', 'test-regression-output.R:85:3', 'test-regression-output.R:104:3', 'test-regression-output.R:122:3', 'test-regression-output.R:143:3', 'test-regression-output.R:163:3', 'test-regression-output.R:180:3', 'test-regression-output.R:196:3', 'test-regression-output.R:213:3', 'test-regression-output.R:231:3', 'test-regression-output.R:247:3', 'test-regression-output.R:263:3', 'test-regression-output.R:281:3', 'test-regression-setup.R:4:3', 'test-regression-setup.R:40:3', 'test-regression-setup.R:161:3', 'test-regression-setup.R:216:3', 'test-regression-setup.R:275:3', 'test-regression-setup.R:314:3', 'test-regular-output.R:4:3', 'test-regular-output.R:19:3', 'test-regular-output.R:35:3', 'test-regular-output.R:50:3', 'test-regular-output.R:67:3', 'test-regular-output.R:84:3', 'test-regular-output.R:102:3', 'test-regular-output.R:119:3', 'test-regular-output.R:134:3', 'test-regular-output.R:149:3', 'test-regular-output.R:188:3', 'test-regular-output.R:227:3', 'test-regular-output.R:242:3', 'test-regular-output.R:257:3', 'test-regular-output.R:273:3', 'test-regular-output.R:288:3', 'test-regular-output.R:303:3', 'test-regular-output.R:321:3', 'test-regular-output.R:336:3', 'test-regular-output.R:376:3', 'test-regular-output.R:403:3', 'test-regular-output.R:430:3', 'test-regular-output.R:492:5', 'test-regular-output.R:516:3', 'test-regular-output.R:531:3', 'test-regular-output.R:554:3', 'test-regular-output.R:575:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:5:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:37:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:116:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:232:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:250:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:305:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:378:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:531:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:648:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:758:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:779:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:834:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:889:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:990:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:1097:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:1165:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:1207:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:1343:3' • torch::torch_is_installed() is not TRUE (5): 'test-regular-output.R:165:3', 'test-regular-output.R:204:3', 'test-regular-output.R:352:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:1551:3', 'test-regular-setup.R:1592:3' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 142 | PASS 39 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 432.76 10.93 444.34