context("test-sample_combinations.R") test_that("Test sample_combinations", { # Example ----------- ntrain <- 10 ntest <- 10 nsamples <- 7 joint_sampling <- FALSE cnms <- c("samp_train", "samp_test") set.seed(123) # Ensuring consistency in every test x <- sample_combinations(ntrain, ntest, nsamples, joint_sampling) # Tests ----------- expect_true( expect_equal(names(x), cnms) expect_equal(nrow(x), nsamples) # Expect all unique values when nsamples < ntrain expect_true(length(unique(x$samp_train)) == nsamples) expect_true(length(unique(x$samp_test)) == nsamples) expect_true(max(x$samp_train) <= ntrain) expect_true(max(x$samp_test) <= ntest) # Example ----------- ntrain <- 5 ntest <- 5 nsamples <- 7 joint_sampling <- FALSE x <- sample_combinations(ntrain, ntest, nsamples, joint_sampling) # Tests ----------- expect_true(max(x$samp_train) <= ntrain) expect_true(max(x$samp_test) <= ntest) expect_equal(nrow(x), nsamples) # Example ----------- ntrain <- 5 ntest <- 5 nsamples <- 7 joint_sampling <- TRUE x <- sample_combinations(ntrain, ntest, nsamples, joint_sampling) # Tests ----------- expect_true(max(x$samp_train) <= ntrain) expect_true(max(x$samp_test) <= ntest) expect_equal(nrow(x), nsamples) }) test_that("test sample_gaussian", { if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) { # Example ----------- m <- 10 n_samples <- 50 mu <- rep(1, m) cov_mat <- cov(matrix(rnorm(n_samples * m), n_samples, m)) x_test <- matrix(MASS::mvrnorm(1, mu, cov_mat), nrow = 1) cnms <- paste0("x", seq(m)) colnames(x_test) <- cnms index_given <- c(4, 7) r <- sample_gaussian(index_given, n_samples, mu, cov_mat, m, x_test) # Test output format ------------------ expect_true( expect_equal(ncol(r), m) expect_equal(nrow(r), n_samples) expect_equal(colnames(r), cnms) # Check that the given features are not resampled, but kept as is. for (i in seq(m)) { var_name <- cnms[i] if (i %in% index_given) { expect_equal( unique(r[[var_name]]), x_test[, var_name][[1]] ) } else { expect_true( length(unique(r[[var_name]])) == n_samples ) } } # Example 2 ------------- # Check that conditioning upon all variables simply returns the test observation. r <- sample_gaussian(1:m, n_samples, mu, cov_mat, m, x_test) expect_identical(r, # Tests for errors ------------------ expect_error( sample_gaussian(m + 1, n_samples, mu, cov_mat, m, x_test) ) expect_error( sample_gaussian(m + 1, n_samples, mu, cov_mat, m, as.vector(x_test)) ) } }) test_that("test sample_copula", { if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) { # Example 1 -------------- # Check that the given features are not resampled, but kept as is. m <- 10 n <- 40 n_samples <- 50 mu <- rep(1, m) set.seed(123) # Ensuring consistency in every test cov_mat <- cov(matrix(rnorm(n * m), n, m)) x_train <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu, cov_mat) x_test <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, mu, cov_mat) x_test_gaussian <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, mu, cov_mat) index_given <- 3:6 set.seed(1) ret <- sample_copula(index_given, n_samples, mu, cov_mat, m, x_test_gaussian, x_train, x_test) X_given <- x_test[index_given] res1.1 <-, each = n_samples), nrow = n_samples)) res1.2 <-[, ..index_given]) colnames(res1.1) <- colnames(res1.2) # Example 2 -------------- # Check that conditioning upon all variables simply returns the test observation. index_given <- 1:m x2 <-, ncol = m, nrow = 1)) res2 <- sample_copula(index_given, n_samples, mu, cov_mat, m, x_test_gaussian, x_train, x_test) # Example 3 -------------- # Check that the colnames are preserved. index_given <- c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6) x_test <- t( colnames(x_test) <- 1:m res3 <- sample_copula(index_given, n_samples, mu, cov_mat, m, x_test_gaussian, x_train, x_test) # Tests ------------------ expect_equal(res1.1, res1.2) expect_equal(x2, res2) expect_identical(colnames(res3), colnames(x_test)) expect_error(sample_copula(m + 1, n_samples, mu, cov_mat, m, x_test_gaussian, x_train, x_test)) expect_true( } }) test_that("test create_ctree", { if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE) & requireNamespace("party", quietly = TRUE)) { # Example 1----------- m <- 10 n <- 40 n_samples <- 50 mu <- rep(1, m) set.seed(123) # Ensuring consistency in every test cov_mat <- cov(matrix(rnorm(n * m), n, m)) x_train <- data.table::data.table(MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu, cov_mat)) given_ind <- c(4, 7) mincriterion <- 0.95 minsplit <- 20 minbucket <- 7 sample <- TRUE # build the tree r <- create_ctree( given_ind = given_ind, x_train = x_train, mincriterion = mincriterion, minsplit = minsplit, minbucket = minbucket, use_partykit = "on_error" ) dependent_ind <- (1:dim(x_train)[2])[-given_ind] # Test output format ------------------ expect_true(is.list(r)) expect_equal(length(r), 3) expect_equal(class(r$tree)[1], "BinaryTree") expect_equal(r$given_ind, given_ind) expect_equal(r$dependent_ind, dependent_ind) df <- data.table(cbind( party::response(object = r$tree)$Y1, party::response(object = r$tree)$Y2, party::response(object = r$tree)$Y3, party::response(object = r$tree)$Y4, party::response(object = r$tree)$Y5, party::response(object = r$tree)$Y6, party::response(object = r$tree)$Y7, party::response(object = r$tree)$Y8 )) names(df) <- paste0("V", dependent_ind) expect_equal(df, x_train[, dependent_ind, with = FALSE]) # Example 2 ------------- # Check that conditioning upon all variables returns empty tree. given_ind <- 1:10 mincriterion <- 0.95 minsplit <- 20 minbucket <- 7 sample <- TRUE # build the tree r <- create_ctree( given_ind = given_ind, x_train = x_train, mincriterion = mincriterion, minsplit = minsplit, minbucket = minbucket, use_partykit = "on_error" ) expect_equal(length(r), 3) expect_true(is.list(r)) expect_true(is.list(r$tree)) expect_equal(r$given_ind, given_ind) expect_equal(r$dependent_ind, (1:dim(x_train)[2])[-given_ind]) } }) test_that("test sample_ctree", { if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE) & requireNamespace("party", quietly = TRUE)) { # Example ----------- m <- 10 n <- 40 n_samples <- 50 mu <- rep(1, m) set.seed(123) # Ensuring consistency in every test cov_mat <- cov(matrix(rnorm(n * m), n, m)) x_train <- data.table::data.table(MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu, cov_mat)) x_test <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, mu, cov_mat) x_test_dt <- data.table::setDT(as.list(x_test)) given_ind <- c(4, 7) # build the tree dependent_ind <- (1:dim(x_train)[2])[-given_ind] x <- x_train[, given_ind, with = FALSE] y <- x_train[, dependent_ind, with = FALSE] df <- data.table::data.table(cbind(y, x)) colnames(df) <- c(paste0("Y", 1:ncol(y)), paste0("V", given_ind)) ynam <- paste0("Y", 1:ncol(y)) fmla <- as.formula(paste(paste(ynam, collapse = "+"), "~ .")) datact <- party::ctree(fmla, data = df, controls = party::ctree_control( minbucket = 7, mincriterion = 0.95 ) ) tree <- list(tree = datact, given_ind = given_ind, dependent_ind = dependent_ind) # new r <- sample_ctree( tree = tree, n_samples = n_samples, x_test = x_test_dt, x_train = x_train, p = length(x_test), sample = TRUE ) # Test output format ------------------ expect_true( expect_equal(ncol(r), m) expect_equal(nrow(r), n_samples) expect_equal(colnames(r), colnames(x_test_dt)) # Example 2 ------------- # Check that conditioning upon all variables simply returns the test observation. given_ind <- 1:10 dependent_ind <- (1:dim(x_train)[2])[-given_ind] datact <- list() tree <- list(tree = datact, given_ind = given_ind, dependent_ind = dependent_ind) r <- sample_ctree( tree = tree, n_samples = n_samples, x_test = x_test_dt, x_train = x_train, p = length(x_test), sample = TRUE ) expect_identical(r, } })