context("test-observations.R") test_that("Test observation_impute", { if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) { # Examples n <- 20 m <- 2 sigma <- cov(matrix(MASS::mvrnorm(m * n, 0, 1), nrow = n)) x_train <- as.matrix(MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, m), Sigma = sigma), ncol = m) x_test <- t(as.matrix(MASS::mvrnorm(1, mu = rep(0, m), sigma))) colnames(x_train) <- colnames(x_test) <- paste0("X", seq(m)) S <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = m) W_kernel <- matrix(rnorm(n * ncol(S), mean = 1 / n, sd = 1 / n^2), nrow = n) r <- observation_impute(W_kernel, S, x_train, x_test) # Test the default argument n_samples expect_equal( observation_impute(W_kernel, S, x_train, x_test, n_samples = 1e3), observation_impute(W_kernel, S, x_train, x_test) ) # Test the default argument w_threshold expect_equal( observation_impute(W_kernel, S, x_train, x_test, w_threshold = .7), observation_impute(W_kernel, S, x_train, x_test) ) # Test that w_threshold reduces number of rows expect_true( nrow(observation_impute(W_kernel, S, x_train, x_test, w_threshold = .7)) > nrow(observation_impute(W_kernel, S, x_train, x_test, w_threshold = 0.5)) ) # Test that n_samples reduces number of rows expect_true( nrow(observation_impute(W_kernel, S, x_train, x_test)) > nrow(observation_impute(W_kernel, S, x_train, x_test, n_samples = 10)) ) # Tests error expect_error(observation_impute(1, S, x_train, x_test)) expect_error(observation_impute(W_kernel, 1, x_train, x_test)) expect_error(observation_impute(W_kernel, tail(S, -1), x_train, x_test)) expect_error(observation_impute(tail(W_kernel, -1), S, x_train, x_test)) # Test single result cnms <- c(colnames(x_train), "id_combination", "w") expect_true( expect_true(ncol(r) == m + 2) expect_true(all(colnames(r) == cnms)) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(r, is.numeric)))) expect_true(is.integer(r$id_combination)) } })