skip_if_not_installed("RPostgres") library(sf) library(DBI) library(RPostgreSQL) library(testthat) can_con <- function(x) inherits(x, "DBIObject") db_drop_table_schema <- function(con, schema, table = NULL) { if (is.null(table)) { table <- paste(c("public", schema), collapse = ".") } else { table <- paste(c(schema, table), collapse = ".") } DBI::dbSendQuery(pg, paste("DROP TABLE ", table, " CASCADE;")) } require("sp") data(meuse) pts <- st_as_sf(meuse, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 28992) epsg_31370 = paste0("+proj=lcc +lat_1=51.16666723333333 +lat_2=49.8333339 ", "+lat_0=90 +lon_0=4.367486666666666 +x_0=150000.013 ", "+y_0=5400088.438 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-106.869,52.2978,", "-103.724,0.3366,-0.457,1.8422,-1.2747 +units=m +no_defs") pg <- NULL test_that("check utils", expect_false(can_con(pg))) # requires to apt-get install odbc-postgresql try(pg <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "PostgreSQL"), silent=TRUE) pg <- NULL # tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("can write to db", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") expect_silent(suppressMessages(st_write(pts, pg, "sf_meuse__"))) expect_error(st_write(pts, pg, "sf_meuse__"), "exists") expect_true(st_write(pts, pg, "sf_meuse__", overwrite = TRUE)) expect_true(st_write(pts, pg, "sf_meuse2__", binary = FALSE)) expect_warning(z <- st_set_crs(pts, epsg_31370)) expect_message(st_write(z, pg, "sf_meuse3__"), "Inserted local crs") expect_silent(st_write(z, pg, "sf_meuse3__", append = TRUE)) expect_warning(expect_equal(nrow(DBI::dbReadTable(pg, "sf_meuse3__")), nrow(z) * 2), "Unknown field type") expect_silent(st_write(z, pg, "sf_meuse3__", overwrite = TRUE)) }) test_that("can handle multiple geom columns", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") multi <- cbind(pts[["geometry"]], st_transform(pts, 4326)) expect_silent(st_write(multi, pg, "meuse_multi", overwrite = TRUE)) expect_silent(x <- st_read("PG:host=localhost dbname=postgis", "meuse_multi", quiet = TRUE)) expect_equal(st_crs(x[["geometry"]]), st_crs(multi[["geometry"]])) expect_equal(st_crs(x[["geometry.1"]]), st_crs(multi[["geometry.1"]])) expect_silent(x <- st_read("PG:host=localhost dbname=postgis", "meuse_multi", quiet = TRUE, type = c(1,4))) expect_silent(x <- st_read("PG:host=localhost dbname=postgis", "meuse_multi", quiet = TRUE, type = c(4,4))) expect_silent(x <- st_read("PG:host=localhost dbname=postgis", "meuse_multi", quiet = TRUE, promote_to_multi = FALSE)) expect_silent(x <- st_read("PG:host=localhost dbname=postgis", "meuse_multi", quiet = TRUE, geometry_column = "geometry.1")) x <- st_layers("PG:host=localhost dbname=postgis") multi2 <- cbind(pts[["geometry"]], st_set_crs(st_transform(pts, 4326), NA)) expect_silent(st_write(multi2, pg, "meuse_multi2", overwrite = TRUE)) expect_silent(x <- st_read(pg, "meuse_multi2")) expect_equal(st_crs(x[["geometry"]]), st_crs(multi2[["geometry"]])) expect_equal(st_crs(x[["geometry.1"]]), st_crs(multi2[["geometry.1"]])) expect_silent(x <- st_read("PG:host=localhost dbname=postgis", "meuse_multi2", quiet = TRUE)) #expect_equal(st_crs(x[["geometry"]]), st_crs(multi2[["geometry"]])) expect_equal(st_crs(x[["geometry.1"]]), st_crs(multi2[["geometry.1"]])) }) test_that("sf can write units to database (#264)", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") ptsu <- pts ptsu[["u"]] <- ptsu[["cadmium"]] units(ptsu[["u"]]) <- units::as_units("km") expect_silent(st_write(ptsu, pg, "sf_units__", overwrite = TRUE)) r <- st_read(pg, "sf_units__") expect_type(r[["u"]], "double") expect_equal(sort(r[["u"]]), sort(as.numeric(ptsu[["u"]]))) dbRemoveTable(pg, "sf_units__") }) test_that("sf can preserve types (#592)", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") dtypes <- data.frame( logi = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), chara = c("a", "", NA), nume = c(1.1e1, 2.2e2, NA), inte = c(1L, 2L, NA), fact = factor(c("a", "b", NA), levels = letters), #comp = c(complex(1, 2), complex(2, 3)), date = c(rep(Sys.Date(), 2), NA), time = c(rep(Sys.time(), 2), NA), x = c(1, 2, 4), y = c(1, 2, 4), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # cannot write lists #dtypes$lst <- c(list(matrix("a")), list(matrix(c("b", "c"))), list(NA)) dtypes <- st_as_sf(dtypes, coords = c("x", "y")) st_write(dtypes, pg, overwrite = TRUE) x <- st_read(pg, "dtypes") dtypes$fact <- as.character(dtypes$fact) expect_equal(x, dtypes) DBI::dbRemoveTable(pg, "dtypes") }) test_that("can write to other schema", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") try(DBI::dbSendQuery(pg, "CREATE SCHEMA sf_test__;"), silent = TRUE) q <- "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = 'sf_test__';" suppressWarnings(could_schema <- DBI::dbGetQuery(pg, q) %>% nrow() > 0) skip_if_not(could_schema, "Could not create schema (might need to run 'GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE postgis TO ')") expect_error(st_write(pts, pg, Id(schema = "public", table = "sf_meuse__")), "exists") expect_silent(st_write(pts, pg, Id(schema = "sf_test__", table = "sf_meuse__"))) expect_error(st_write(pts, pg, Id(schema = "sf_test__", table = "sf_meuse__")), "exists") expect_silent(st_write(pts, pg, Id(schema = "sf_test__", table = "sf_meuse__"), overwrite = TRUE)) expect_warning(z <- st_set_crs(pts, epsg_31370)) expect_silent(st_write(z, pg, Id(schema = "sf_test__", table = "sf_meuse33__"))) expect_silent(st_write(z, pg, Id(schema = "sf_test__", table = "sf_meuse4__"))) # weird name work expect_silent(st_write(pts, pg, c(NULL, "sf_test__.meuse__"), overwrite = TRUE)) expect_silent(st_write(pts.2 <- pts, pg, overwrite = TRUE)) expect_true(DBI::dbRemoveTable(pg, "pts.2 <- pts")) }) test_that("support for capital names (#571)", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") expect_silent(st_write(pts, pg, "Meuse_tbl")) expect_true(DBI::dbRemoveTable(pg, "Meuse_tbl")) try(DBI::dbSendQuery(pg, "CREATE SCHEMA \"CAP__\";"), silent = TRUE) q <- "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = 'CAP__';" suppressWarnings(could_schema <- DBI::dbGetQuery(pg, q) %>% nrow() > 0) skip_if_not(could_schema, "Could not create schema (might need to run 'GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE postgis TO ')") expect_silent(st_write(pts, pg, Id(schema = "CAP__", table = "Meuse_tbl"))) expect_true(DBI::dbRemoveTable(pg, Id(schema = "CAP__", table = "Meuse_tbl"))) dbExecute(pg, 'DROP SCHEMA "CAP__" CASCADE;') }) test_that("can read from db", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") q <- "select * from sf_meuse__" #expect_warning(x <- st_read(pg, query = q), "crs") expect_silent(x <- st_read(pg, query = q)) expect_error(st_read(pg), "table name or a query") y <- st_read(pg, "sf_meuse__") expect_equal(dim(pts), dim(y)) expect_identical(st_crs(pts), st_crs(y)) expect_identical(st_precision(pts), st_precision(y)) expect_warning(z <- st_read(pg, "sf_meuse3__"), "code \\d+ not found") expect_equal(dim(pts), dim(z)) #expect_identical(st_crs(NA), st_crs(z)) expect_true(st_crs(epsg_31370) == st_crs(z)) expect_identical(st_precision(pts), st_precision(z)) w <- st_read(pg, c("sf_test__", "sf_meuse__")) expect_equal(dim(y), dim(w)) expect_identical(st_crs(y), st_crs(w)) expect_identical(st_precision(y), st_precision(w)) expect_error(st_read(pg, "missing"), "not exist") expect_error(st_read(pg, c("missing", "missing")), "not exist") # make sure it reads in the correct schema expect_error(st_read(pg, c("sf_test__", "sf_meuse3__")), "not exist") }) test_that("can read views (#212)", { skip_if_not(Sys.getenv("USER") != "edzer") # this stopped working for me skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") expect_equal(DBI::dbExecute(pg, "CREATE VIEW sf_view__ AS SELECT * FROM sf_meuse__;"), 0) expect_equal(DBI::dbExecute(pg, "CREATE VIEW sf_test__.sf_view__ AS SELECT * FROM sf_meuse__;"), 0) expect_equal(DBI::dbExecute(pg, "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW sf_viewm__ AS SELECT * FROM sf_meuse__;"), 155) expect_equal(DBI::dbExecute(pg, "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW sf_test__.sf_viewm__ AS SELECT * FROM sf_meuse__;"), 155) x <- st_read(pg, "sf_meuse__") expect_identical(st_read(pg, "sf_view__"), x) expect_identical(st_read(pg, c("public", "sf_view__")), x) expect_identical(st_read(pg, c("sf_test__", "sf_view__")), x) expect_identical(st_read(pg, c("sf_viewm__")), x) expect_identical(st_read(pg, c("sf_test__", "sf_viewm__")), x) try(DBI::dbExecute(pg, "DROP VIEW sf_view__"), silent = TRUE) try(DBI::dbExecute(pg, "DROP VIEW sf_test__.sf_view__"), silent = TRUE) try(DBI::dbExecute(pg, "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW sf_viewm__"), silent = TRUE) try(DBI::dbExecute(pg, "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW sf_test__.sf_viewm__"), silent = TRUE) }) test_that("round trips", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") round_trip = function(conn, wkt) { query = paste0("SELECT '", wkt, "'::geometry;") returnstr = suppressWarnings(DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)$geometry) wkb = structure(returnstr, class = "WKB") ret = st_as_sfc(wkb, EWKB = TRUE) message(paste("IN: ", wkt, "\n")) # OUT contains WKB created in PostGIS from wkt, interpreted to R by sf, printed as WKT by sf message(paste("OUT: ", txt <- st_as_text(ret, EWKT=TRUE)[[1]], "\n")) if (length(grep("SRID", txt)) == 0) { query = paste0("SELECT ST_AsText('",sf:::CPL_raw_to_hex(st_as_binary(ret[[1]])),"');") received = suppressWarnings(DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)$st_astext) # PG: contains the PostGIS WKT, after reading the WKB created by sf from R native message(paste("PG: ", received, "\n")) } expect_equal(wkt, txt) } round_trip(pg, "SRID=4326;POINT M (0 0 0)") round_trip(pg, "POINT Z (0 0 0)") round_trip(pg, "POINT ZM (0 0 0 0)") round_trip(pg, "POINT (0 0)") round_trip(pg, "LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1, 2 2)") round_trip(pg, "MULTIPOINT (0 0, 1 1, 2 2)") round_trip(pg, "POLYGON ((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 0))") round_trip(pg, "MULTIPOLYGON (((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 0)), ((2 2, 3 2, 3 3, 2 2)))") round_trip(pg, paste("MULTIPOLYGON (((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 0),", "(0.2 0.2, 0.8 0.2, 0.8 0.8, 0.2 0.2)),", "((2 2, 3 2, 3 3, 2 2)))")) round_trip(pg, paste("MULTILINESTRING ((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 0),", "(0.2 0.2, 0.8 0.2, 0.8 0.8, 0.2 0.2),", "(2 2, 3 2, 3 3, 2 2))")) # other types; examples taken from the PostGIS manuals (ch 4): round_trip(pg, "CIRCULARSTRING (0 0, 1 1, 1 0)") round_trip(pg, "CIRCULARSTRING (0 0, 4 0, 4 4, 0 4, 0 0)") round_trip(pg, paste("CURVEPOLYGON (CIRCULARSTRING (0 0, 4 0, 4 4, 0 4, 0 0),", "LINESTRING (1 1, 3 3, 3 1, 1 1))")) round_trip(pg, paste("COMPOUNDCURVE (CIRCULARSTRING (0 0, 1 1, 1 0),", "LINESTRING (1 0, 0 1))")) round_trip(pg, paste0("CURVEPOLYGON (COMPOUNDCURVE (CIRCULARSTRING (0 0, 2 0, 2 1, 2 3, 4 3), ", "LINESTRING (4 3, 4 5, 1 4, 0 0)), ", "CIRCULARSTRING (1.7 1, 1.4 0.4, 1.6 0.4, 1.6 0.5, 1.7 1))")) round_trip(pg, "MULTICURVE (LINESTRING (0 0, 5 5), CIRCULARSTRING (4 0, 4 4, 8 4))") round_trip(pg, paste("MULTISURFACE (CURVEPOLYGON (CIRCULARSTRING (0 0, 4 0, 4 4, 0 4, 0 0),", "LINESTRING (1 1, 3 3, 3 1, 1 1)),", "POLYGON ((10 10, 14 12, 11 10, 10 10),", "(11 11, 11.5 11, 11 11.5, 11 11)))")) round_trip(pg, paste("MULTICURVE (LINESTRING (0 0, 5 5),", "CIRCULARSTRING (4 0, 4 4, 8 4))")) round_trip(pg, paste("POLYHEDRALSURFACE Z (((0 0 0, 0 0 1, 0 1 1, 0 1 0, 0 0 0)),", "((0 0 0, 0 1 0, 1 1 0, 1 0 0, 0 0 0)),", "((0 0 0, 1 0 0, 1 0 1, 0 0 1, 0 0 0)),", "((1 1 0, 1 1 1, 1 0 1, 1 0 0, 1 1 0)),", "((0 1 0, 0 1 1, 1 1 1, 1 1 0, 0 1 0)),", "((0 0 1, 1 0 1, 1 1 1, 0 1 1, 0 0 1)))")) round_trip(pg, "TRIANGLE ((0 0, 0 9, 9 0, 0 0))") round_trip(pg, "TIN Z (((0 0 0, 0 0 1, 0 1 0, 0 0 0)), ((0 0 0, 0 1 0, 1 1 0, 0 0 0)))") }) test_that("can read using driver", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") layers <- st_layers("PG:host=localhost dbname=postgis") lyr_expect <- sort(c("sf_meuse__", "sf_meuse2__", "sf_meuse3__", "meuse_multi2", "sf_test__.sf_meuse__", "sf_test__.meuse__", "sf_test__.sf_meuse33__", "sf_test__.sf_meuse4__")) expect_true(all(lyr_expect %in% layers$name)) expect_true(all(layers$features == 155)) expect_true(all(layers$fields == 12)) skip_if_not(can_con(try(DBI::dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), dbname = "empty"), silent=TRUE)), "could not connect to 'empty' database") expect_error(st_read("PG:host=localhost dbname=empty", quiet = TRUE), "No layers") }) test_that("Can safely manipulate crs", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") srid <- 4326 expect_true(get_postgis_crs(pg, srid) == st_crs(srid)) expect_error(set_postgis_crs(pg, st_crs(srid))) expect_warning(expect_true(, "not found") new_crs <- st_crs(get_new_postgis_srid(pg), "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs", valid = FALSE) expect_message(set_postgis_crs(pg, new_crs, auth_name = "sf_test"), "Inserted local crs") expect_warning(expect_error(set_postgis_crs(pg, new_crs), "duplicate key"), "not found") expect_equal(delete_postgis_crs(pg, new_crs), 1) expect_equal(delete_postgis_crs(pg, new_crs), 0) }) test_that("new SRIDs are handled correctly", { skip_if_not(can_con(pg), "could not connect to postgis database") data(meuse, package = "sp") meuse_sf = st_as_sf(meuse, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = NA_crs_) crs = st_crs(NA_integer_, paste("+proj=sterea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=5", # creates FALSE, but new one "+k=1.0 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel", "+towgs84=565.4171,50.3319,465.5524,-0.398957,0.343988,", "-1.87740,4.0725 +units=m +no_defs"), valid = FALSE) st_crs(meuse_sf) = crs expect_message(st_write(meuse_sf, pg, overwrite = TRUE), "Inserted local crs") expect_warning(x <- st_read(pg, query = "select * from meuse_sf limit 3;"), "not found in EPSG support files") expect_true(st_crs(x)$proj4string == crs$proj4string) expect_silent(st_write(meuse_sf, pg, overwrite = TRUE)) }) test_that("schema_table", { expect_error(sf:::schema_table(pg, NA), "character vector") expect_error(sf:::schema_table(pg, NA_character_), "cannot be NA") expect_error(sf:::schema_table(pg, "a", NA), "cannot be NA") expect_error(sf:::schema_table(pg, letters), "longer than 2") expect_equal(sf:::schema_table(pg, "a", "b"), c("b", "a")) expect_equal(sf:::schema_table(pg, "a"), c("public", "a")) }) if (can_con(pg)) { # cleanup try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, "meuse_sf"), silent = TRUE) try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, "meuse_multi"), silent = TRUE) try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, "sf_meuse__"), silent = TRUE) try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, "sf_meuse2__"), silent = TRUE) try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, "sf_meuse3__"), silent = TRUE) try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, "meuse_multi2"), silent = TRUE) try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, '"sf_test__.meuse__"'), silent = TRUE) try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, "sf_test__", "sf_meuse__"), silent = TRUE) try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, "sf_test__", "sf_meuse2__"), silent = TRUE) try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, "sf_test__", "sf_meuse33__"), silent = TRUE) try(db_drop_table_schema(pg, "sf_test__", "sf_meuse4__"), silent = TRUE) try(DBI::dbExecute(pg, "DROP SCHEMA sf_test__ CASCADE;"), silent = TRUE) try(DBI::dbExecute(pg, "DELETE FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE auth_name = 'sf';"), silent = TRUE) try(DBI::dbDisconnect(pg), silent = TRUE) }