test_that("session_diff", { lines1 <- readLines(test_path("fixtures", "lines1.txt")) lines2 <- readLines(test_path("fixtures", "lines2.txt")) sd <- session_diff(lines1, lines2) expect_equal(sd$old$si, lines1) expect_equal(sd$old$arg, lines1) expect_equal(sd$old$text, lines1) expect_equal(sd$new$si, lines2) expect_equal(sd$new$arg, lines2) expect_equal(sd$new$text, lines2) sd$old$si <- sd$old$arg <- sd$old$text <- NULL sd$new$si <- sd$new$arg <- sd$new$text <- NULL expect_snapshot(class(sd)) expect_snapshot(unclass(sd)) }) test_that("format.session_diff", { # tested via print expect_true(TRUE) }) test_that("print.session_diff", { lines1 <- readLines(test_path("fixtures", "lines1.txt")) lines2 <- readLines(test_path("fixtures", "lines2.txt")) expect_snapshot(print(session_diff(lines1, lines2))) }) test_that("get_session_info 1", { arg <- NULL abort <- function(...) stop("test failure") local_mocked_bindings(get_session_info_local = function() abort) local_mocked_bindings(get_session_info_clipboard = function() abort) local_mocked_bindings(get_session_info_url = function() abort) local_mocked_bindings(get_session_info_literal = function() abort) local_mocked_bindings( get_session_info_local = function(...) arg <<- list(...) ) get_session_info("local", pkgs = "foo") expect_equal(arg, list(pkgs = "foo")) arg <- NULL local_mocked_bindings(get_session_info_local = function() abort) local_mocked_bindings( get_session_info_clipboard = function(...) arg <<- list(...) ) get_session_info("clipboard", pkgs = "foo") expect_equal(arg, list()) arg <- NULL local_mocked_bindings(get_session_info_clipboard = function() abort) local_mocked_bindings(get_session_info_url = function(...) arg <<- list(...)) get_session_info("https://acme.com", pkgs = "foo") expect_equal(arg, list("https://acme.com")) arg <- NULL local_mocked_bindings(get_session_info_url = function() abort) local_mocked_bindings( get_session_info_literal = function(...) arg <<- list(...) ) get_session_info(c("foo", "bar"), pkgs = "foo") expect_equal(arg, list(c("foo", "bar"))) }) test_that("get_session_info_local", { expect_equal( get_session_info_local()$text, format(session_info()) ) }) test_that("get_session_info_clipboard", { lines <- readLines(test_path("fixtures", "lines1.txt")) local_mocked_bindings(clipboard_read = function() lines) clp <- get_session_info_clipboard() expect_equal(clp$arg, "") expect_equal( clp$text, get_session_info_literal(lines)$text ) local_mocked_bindings(clipboard_read = function() "clipboard") expect_equal(get_session_info_clipboard()$text, "clipboard") }) test_that("get_session_info_url", { html <- readLines( gz <- gzfile(test_path("fixtures", "gh.html.gz")), encoding = "UTF-8" ) close(gz) local_mocked_bindings( download.file = function(url, destfile, ...) writeLines(html, destfile), .package = "utils" ) # Needs Internet connection skip_on_cran() url <- "https://github.com/r-lib/sessioninfo/issues/6" expect_equal( get_session_info_url(url), find_session_info_in_html(url, html) ) }) test_that("find_session_info_in_html", { # We skip this on old R, because it does not calculate the width # of the emojis properly, and that messes up the output of the # character vector of lines. We also cannot compare the UTF-8 text # on Windows. if (getRversion() < "4.0") skip("Needs R 4.0 at least") skip_on_os("windows") html <- readLines( gz <- gzfile(test_path("fixtures", "gh.html.gz")), encoding = "UTF-8" ) close(gz) url <- "https://github.com/r-lib/sessioninfo/issues/6" expect_snapshot( find_session_info_in_html(url, html)$text ) url2 <- paste0(url, "#issuecomment-937782988") expect_snapshot( find_session_info_in_html(url2, html)$text ) url3 <- paste0(url, "#dfgdfgdfgdfgdfgdfg") expect_equal( find_session_info_in_html(url, html)$text, find_session_info_in_html(url3, html)$text ) html <- html[ !grepl("^(#>)?[ ]*\\[[0-9]\\] ", html) & !grepl("^(#>)?[ ]*[-\u2500]+$", html) ] expect_error( find_session_info_in_html(url, html), "Cannot parse session info" ) re_start <- "[-=\u2500\u2550][ ]Session info[ ]" html <- html[!grepl(re_start, html)] expect_error( find_session_info_in_html(url, html), "Cannot find session info" ) }) test_that("parse_url", { expect_snapshot(parse_url( "https://github.com/r-lib/sessioninfo/issues/6" )) expect_snapshot(parse_url( "https://github.com/r-lib/sessioninfo/issues/6#issuecomment-937772467" )) }) test_that("get_session_info_literal", { si <- session_info() expect_equal( get_session_info_literal(si), list(arg = si, si = si, text = format(si)) ) lines <- format(si) expect_equal( get_session_info_literal(lines), list(arg = lines, si = lines, text = lines) ) col <- paste0("\033[31m", lines, "\033[39m") expect_equal( get_session_info_literal(col), list(arg = col, si = col, text = lines) ) str <- paste0(lines, collapse = "\n") expect_equal( get_session_info_literal(str), list(arg = str, si = str, text = lines) ) ktr <- paste0("#> ", lines) expect_equal( get_session_info_literal(ktr), list(arg = ktr, si = ktr, text = lines) ) ktr2 <- paste0("#> ", lines) expect_equal( get_session_info_literal(ktr2), list(arg = ktr2, si = ktr2, text = lines) ) expect_error( get_session_info_literal(structure(1, class = "foo")), "Could not interpret" ) }) test_that("strsplitx", { expect_equal(strsplitx("", "\n"), list("")) }) test_that("check_session_info", { expect_warning( check_session_info("foo"), "This does not look like" ) expect_silent(check_session_info("- Session info")) expect_silent(check_session_info("= Session info")) expect_silent(check_session_info("\u2500 Session info")) expect_silent(check_session_info("\u2550 Session info")) }) test_that("beginning", { expect_snapshot(beginning("foo\nbar\nfoobar\nnotthis")) expect_snapshot(beginning(c("foo", "bar", "foobar", "notthis"))) expect_snapshot(beginning(strrep("123456789 ", 20))) }) test_that("session_diff_text", { x <- c("", " ", " date 2020-01-01", "foo", "bar", " ", "") y <- c(" date 2010-01-01", "foo", "baz", "") expect_snapshot(print(session_diff_text(x, y))) # if matching packages fails, we still have meaningful output local_mocked_bindings(expand_diff_text = function(...) stop()) expect_snapshot(print(session_diff_text(x, y))) }) test_that("diff_drop_empty", { cases <- list( list(character(), character()), list("foo", "foo"), list(c("", "foo"), "foo"), list(c(" ", "", "foo"), "foo"), list(c("", "foo", ""), "foo"), list(c(" ", "", "foo", "", " "), "foo"), list(c("foo", "", " "), "foo") ) for (c in cases) { expect_equal(diff_drop_empty(c[[1]]), c[[2]], info = c[[1]]) } }) test_that("diff_no_date", { x <- c("foo", "date 2000-01-01", "date 2000-01-01") expect_equal(diff_no_date(x), x[-2]) x2 <- c("foo", " date 2000-01-01", "date 2000-01-01") expect_equal(diff_no_date(x2), x2[-2]) x3 <- c("foo", "bar") expect_equal(diff_no_date(x3), x3) }) test_that("diff_min_line", { x <- c("= 3456 ============", "- 345678 -----------", strrep("x", 1000)) x2 <- gsub("=", "\u2550", gsub("-", "\u2500", x)) expect_equal(diff_min_line(x), 19) expect_equal(diff_min_line(x2), 19) expect_equal(diff_min_line(strrep("-", 100)), 80) }) test_that("diff_fix_lines", { x <- c("= 3456 ============", "foo", "- 345678 ----------", "bar") x2 <- gsub("=", "\u2550", gsub("-", "\u2500", x)) exp <- c("= 3456 ===", "foo", "- 345678 -", "bar") exp2 <- gsub("=", "\u2550", gsub("-", "\u2500", exp)) expect_equal(diff_fix_lines(x, 10), exp) expect_equal(diff_fix_lines(x2, 10), exp) withr::local_options(cli.unicode = TRUE) expect_equal(diff_fix_lines(x, 10), exp2) expect_equal(diff_fix_lines(x2, 10), exp2) }) test_that("expand_diff_text", { lines1 <- readLines(test_path("fixtures", "lines1.txt")) lines2 <- readLines(test_path("fixtures", "lines2.txt")) xp1 <- expand_diff_text(lines1, lines2) expect_snapshot(xp1) xp2 <- expand_diff_text(lines2, lines1) expect_equal(xp1$old, xp2$new) expect_equal(xp1$new, xp2$old) expect_equal( expand_diff_text(lines1, "foobar"), list(old = lines1, new = "foobar") ) }) test_that("insert_instead", { cases <- list( list(1:10, 1, 1, 11:15, c(11:15, 2:10)), list(1:10, 1, 3, 11:15, c(11:15, 4:10)), list(1:10, 2, 2, 11:15, c(1, 11:15, 3:10)), list(1:10, 2, 5, 11:15, c(1, 11:15, 6:10)), list(1:10, 5, 10, 11:15, c(1:4, 11:15)), list(1:10, 10, 10, 11:15, c(1:9, 11:15)), list(1:10, 1, 10, 11:15, c(11:15)), list(1, 1, 1, 11:15, c(11:15)), list(1:10, 0, 0, 11:15, c(11:15, 1:10)), list(1:10, 11, 11, 11:15, c(1:10, 11:15)), list(1:10, 2, 1, 11:15, c(1, 11:15, 2:10)) ) for (i in seq_along(cases)) { c <- cases[[i]] expect_equal( insert_instead(c[[1]], c[[2]], c[[3]], c[[4]]), c[[5]], info = i ) } }) test_that("parse_pkgs", { lines <- readLines(test_path("fixtures", "lines4.txt")) pkgs <- parse_pkgs(lines) expect_equal(pkgs$begin, 17) expect_equal(pkgs$end, 40) expect_snapshot(names(pkgs$pkgs)) expect_snapshot(pkgs$pkgs[["!"]]) expect_snapshot(pkgs$pkgs$package) expect_snapshot(pkgs$pkgs) pkgs2 <- parse_pkgs(lines[1:40]) expect_equal(pkgs, pkgs2) expect_null(parse_pkgs("foobar")) }) test_that("parse_pkgs_section", { lines <- readLines(test_path("fixtures", "lines3.txt")) pkgs <- parse_pkgs_section(lines) expect_snapshot(names(pkgs)) expect_snapshot(pkgs[["!"]]) expect_snapshot(pkgs$package) expect_snapshot(pkgs) lines2 <- c( " package * version date (UTC) lib source", " cli 2021-10-11 [1] local", " crayon 1.4.1 2021-02-08 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)", " prettycode 1.1.0 2019-12-16 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)", " prompt 1.0.0 2021-03-02 [1] local", " ps 1.6.0 2021-02-28 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)", " sessioninfo 2021-10-12 [1] local", " withr 2.4.2 2021-04-18 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)" ) pkgs2 <- parse_pkgs_section(lines2) expect_snapshot(names(pkgs2)) expect_snapshot(pkgs2[["!"]]) expect_snapshot(pkgs2$package) expect_snapshot(pkgs2) }) test_that("find_word_lengths", { cases <- list( list("", numeric()), list(" ", numeric()), list(" ", numeric()), list("x", 2), list(" x", 3), list(" x ", 4), list("foo bar", c(4, 4)), list("foo bar", c(7, 4)), list(" foo", 5), list(" foo bar", c(8, 4)) ) for (c in cases) { expect_equal(find_word_lengths(c[[1]]), c[[2]], info = c[[1]]) } }) test_that("get_symbol_name", { expect_equal(get_symbol_name(as.symbol("x")), "x") expect_equal(get_symbol_name("x"), "x") expect_null(get_symbol_name(call("foo", "bar"))) })