library(seriation) m <- matrix(c( 1,1,0,0,0, 1,1,1,0,0, 0,0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1,1 ), byrow=TRUE, ncol=5) d <- dist(m) as.matrix(d) context("criterion") expect_equal(criterion(d,method="AR_events"), structure(2, names="AR_events")) ## 2 expect_equal(criterion(d,method="Path_length"), structure(4, names="Path_length")) ## 1+2+1=4 expect_equal(criterion(d,method="Lazy_path_length"), structure(8, names="Lazy_path_length")) ## (4-1)*1 + (4-2)*2+ (4-3)*1 = 8 expect_true(zapsmall(round(criterion(d, method="AR_deviations"), 6) - 0.504017) == 0) ## 2.000000 - 1.732051 + 2.236068 - 2.000000 = 0.504017 expect_equal(criterion(d, method="Gradient_raw"), structure(4,names="Gradient_raw")) ## 6 - 2 = 4 expect_true(zapsmall(round(criterion(d, method="Gradient_weighted"), 6) - 3.968119) == 0) ## -1 *(1.000000 - 2.236068 + 1.000000 - 2.000000 + 2.236068 - 2.000000 + 2.000000 - 1.732051 + 1.000000 - 1.732051 + 1.000000 - 2.000000 + 1.732051 - 2.000000 + 2.000000 - 2.236068) ## = 3.968119 ## test stress expect_equal(round(criterion(d, method="Neumann"), 3), structure(7.787, names="Neumann_stress")) expect_equal(round(criterion(d, method="Moore"), 3), structure(11.539, names="Moore_stress")) expect_equal(criterion(m, method="Neumann"), structure(22, names="Neumann_stress")) expect_equal(criterion(m, method="Moore"), structure(44, names="Moore_stress")) ## RGAR ## for w = 2 -> 1/4 ## for w = 3 -> 2/8 expect_error(criterion(d, method="RGAR", w=1)) expect_error(criterion(d, method="RGAR", w=4)) expect_equivalent(criterion(d, method="RGAR", pct=0), .25) expect_equivalent(criterion(d, method="RGAR", w=2), .25) expect_equivalent(round(criterion(d, method="RGAR", pct=100), 3), .25) expect_equivalent(round(criterion(d, method="RGAR", w=3), 3), .25) expect_equivalent(criterion(d, method="RGAR", w=3, relative = FALSE), 2) ### BAR expect_error(criterion(d, method="BAR", b=0), "Band") expect_error(criterion(d, method="BAR", b=4), "Band") # b=1 -> Ham. path length expect_equivalent(criterion(d, method="BAR", b=1), criterion(d, method="Path_length")) # b = n-1 -> ARc expect_equivalent(round(criterion(d, method="BAR", b=3), 3), 21.936) ### Cor R m <- diag(100) expect_equivalent(criterion(m, method="Cor_R"), 1.0) expect_equivalent(criterion(m[nrow(m):1,], method="Cor_R"), -1.0) # this should be close to 0 set.seed(1234) r <- replicate(100, criterion(m[sample(nrow(m)),], method="Cor_R")) # hist(r) expect_true(abs(mean(r)) < 0.1) # test for data.frame and table expect_equal(criterion(, criterion(m)) expect_equal(criterion(as.table(m)), criterion(m))