context("Test grow (ensure that grow() still work)") toks <- ECB_press_conferences_tokens[1:10] test_that("LDA works", { expect_silent(LDA <- grow(LDA(toks), 10)) expect_output(print(LDA), "An LDA model with 5 topics. Currently fitted by 10 Gibbs sampling iterations.") }) test_that("rJST works", { expect_silent(rJST <- grow(rJST(toks, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald), 10)) expect_output(print(rJST), "A reversed-JST model with 5 topics and 3 sentiments. Currently fitted by 10 Gibbs sampling iterations.") }) test_that("JST works", { expect_silent(JST <- grow(JST(toks, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald), 10)) expect_output(print(JST), "A JST model with 3 sentiments and 5 topics. Currently fitted by 10 Gibbs sampling iterations.") }) test_that("sentopicmodel works", { expect_silent(sentopicmodel <- grow(sentopicmodel(toks, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald), 10)) expect_output(print(sentopicmodel), "A sentopicmodel topic model with 5 topics and 3 sentiments. Currently fitted by 10 Gibbs sampling iterations.") })