message("\n---- Test projpar() / projname() ----") # testthat::skip_on_cran() # testthat::skip_on_travis() skip_gdal_tests() testthat::test_that( "Test longlat", { wgs84_projnames <- c( "WGS 84", "WGS 84 (with axis order normalized for visualization)", "unknown" ) crs_totest <- st_crs(4326) testthat::expect_true(projname(crs_totest) %in% wgs84_projnames) testthat::expect_warning( testthat::expect_true(projpar(crs_totest, "geogcs") %in% wgs84_projnames), gsub(" ", "[ \n]", "is now an alias of par = \"name\"") ) testthat::expect_equivalent(projpar(crs_totest, "unit"), "degree") testthat::expect_error( testthat::expect_equivalent(projpar(crs_totest, "datum"), "WGS_1984"), gsub(" ", "[ \n]", "is no longer accepted") ) } ) testthat::test_that( "Test UTM32", { crs_totest <- st_crs2("32N") testthat::expect_true( projname(crs_totest) %in% c("UTM Zone 32, Northern Hemisphere", "WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N", "unknown") ) testthat::expect_warning( testthat::expect_true( projpar(crs_totest, "geogcs") %in% c("UTM Zone 32, Northern Hemisphere", "WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N", "unknown") ), gsub(" ", "[ \n]", "is now an alias of par = \"name\"") ) testthat::expect_true(projpar(crs_totest, "unit") %in% c("Meter", "metre")) testthat::expect_error( testthat::expect_equivalent(projpar(crs_totest, "datum"), "WGS_1984"), gsub(" ", "[ \n]", "is no longer accepted") ) } )