context("SEMinR dot_graph themes can be created.\n") test_that("Basic themes are created without error", { expect_error({ seminr::seminr_theme_default() seminr::seminr_theme_smart() }, NA) }) test_that("Modify theme edge multipliers", { set.seed(123) mobi <- mobi #seminr syntax for creating measurement model mobi_mm <- constructs( reflective("Image", multi_items("IMAG", 1:5)), reflective("Expectation", multi_items("CUEX", 1:3)), reflective("Quality", multi_items("PERQ", 1:7)), reflective("Loyalty", multi_items("CUSL", 1:3)) ) #seminr syntax for creating structural model mobi_sm <- relationships( paths(from = "Image", to = c("Expectation", "Loyalty")), paths(from = "Expectation", to = c("Quality")) ) mobi_pls <- estimate_pls(data = mobi, measurement_model = mobi_mm, structural_model = mobi_sm) mobi_boot <- bootstrap_model(mobi_pls, nboot = 100, cores = 1) thm <- seminr_theme_create() thm$sm.edge.width_multiplier <- 1 thm$mm.edge.width_multiplier <- 1 thm$plot.specialcharacters <- TRUE thm$sm.edge.boot.template <- edge_template_default() thm$sm.edge.boot.show_ci <- TRUE thm$sm.edge.boot.show_p_stars <- TRUE thm$mm.edge.boot.template <- edge_template_minimal() thm$mm.edge.boot.show_p_stars <- TRUE thm$mm.edge.boot.show_p_value <- TRUE thm$mm.edge.boot.show_t_value <- TRUE thm$mm.edge.boot.show_ci <- TRUE thm$sm.edge.positive.color <- "red" thm$sm.edge.negative.color <- "blue" thm$sm.node.fill <- "gray" thm$mm.node.fill <- "red" thm$sm.node.label.fontcolor <- "red" thm$mm.node.label.fontcolor <- "green" thm$sm.edge.label.fontcolor <- "blue" thm$mm.edge.label.fontcolor <- "gray" thm$plot.bgcolor <- "black" thm$plot.title.fontcolor <- "white" testthat::expect_error(dot_graph(mobi_pls, theme = thm), NA) testthat::expect_error(plot(mobi_boot, theme = thm), NA) plot <- plot(mobi_boot, title = "Dark theme", theme = thm) #vdiffr::expect_doppelganger(title = "Plot with other theme", fig = plot, writer = write_test) testthat::expect_warning(plot(mobi_boot, thm)) #testing if (FALSE) { DiagrammeR::grViz(dot_graph(mobi_pls, theme = thm)) DiagrammeR::grViz(dot_graph(mobi_pls, theme = thm, measurement_only = TRUE)) DiagrammeR::grViz(dot_graph(mobi_pls, theme = thm, structure_only = TRUE)) DiagrammeR::grViz(dot_graph(mobi_mm, theme = thm)) DiagrammeR::grViz(dot_graph(mobi_sm, theme = thm)) } }) unlink("Rplots.pdf")