library(testthat) library(lavaan) library(semfindr) # This test is not thorough. Just a draft. dat <- cfa_dat mod <- " f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3 f2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6 f1 ~~ f2 " dat_gp <- dat dat$gp <- rep(c("gp1", "gp2"), length.out = nrow(dat_gp)) fit01 <- lavaan::sem(mod, dat) (out_01 <- approx_check(fit01)) suppressWarnings(fit05 <- lavaan::sem(mod, dat, group = "gp")) (out_05 <- approx_check(fit05)) fit01_cov <- lavaan::sem(mod, sample.cov = cov(dat[, -7]), sample.nobs = nrow(dat)) (out_01_cov <- approx_check(fit01_cov)) fit01_mlr <- lavaan::sem(mod, dat, estimator = "mlr") (out_01_mlr <- approx_check(fit01_mlr)) test_that("Check against the flags", { expect_true( out_01 == 0 ) }) test_that("Check against the flags", { expect_true( out_05 == -1 ) }) test_that("Check against the flags", { expect_true( out_01_cov == -1 ) }) test_that("Check against the flags", { expect_true( out_01_mlr == -1 ) }) test_that("Check against the flags", { expect_error( est_change_approx(fit05) ) expect_error( est_change_raw_approx(fit05) ) expect_error( fit_measures_change_approx(fit05) ) }) test_that("Check against the flags", { expect_error( est_change_approx(fit01_cov) ) expect_error( est_change_raw_approx(fit01_cov) ) expect_error( fit_measures_change_approx(fit01_cov) ) }) test_that("Check against the flags", { expect_error( est_change_approx(fit01_mlr) ) expect_error( est_change_raw_approx(fit01_mlr) ) expect_error( fit_measures_change_approx(fit01_mlr) ) })