library(testthat) library(lavaan) mod <- ' iv1 ~~ iv2 m1 ~ iv1 + iv2 dv ~ m1 ' dat <- pa_dat dat <- pa_dat dat0 <- dat[1:60, ] set.seed(856041) dat0$gp <- sample(c("gp2", "gp1"), size = nrow(dat0), replace = TRUE) #dat0[1, 2] <- dat0[2, 3] <- dat0[3, 4] <- dat0[4, 1:4] <- NA head(dat0) suppressWarnings(fit0 <- lavaan::sem(mod, dat0, meanstructure = TRUE, group = "gp")) fit0_data <- lav_data_used(fit0) head(fit0_data) case_idx <- lavInspect(fit0, "case.idx", = FALSE) case_idx_full <- unlist(case_idx, use.names = FALSE) fit0_implied <- implied_scores(fit0, output = "list") y_names <- colnames(fit0_implied[[1]]) fit0_observed <- lapply(lavInspect(fit0, "data"), function(x) x[, y_names]) fit0_residual <- mapply(function(x1, x2) {x1 - x2}, x1 = fit0_implied, x2 = fit0_observed, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) fit0_resid_md <- lapply(fit0_residual, function(x) { mahalanobis(x, colMeans(x), cov(x)) }) fit0_resid_md <- unlist(fit0_resid_md, use.names = FALSE) names(fit0_resid_md) <- case_idx_full resid_md_ordered <- order(fit0_resid_md, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = NA) resid_md_top <- 4 resid_md_selected <- resid_md_ordered[seq_len(resid_md_top)] resid_md_selected <- resid_md_selected[!] rerun_md_top <- suppressWarnings(lavaan_rerun(fit0, to_rerun = resid_md_selected, parallel = FALSE)) rerun_out <- suppressWarnings(lavaan_rerun(fit0, resid_md_top = 4, parallel = FALSE)) test_that("Check the number of reruns", { expect_equal(length(rerun_out$rerun), resid_md_top) }) test_that("Check the names of reruns", { expect_equal(names(rerun_out$rerun), as.character(resid_md_selected)) }) test_that("Check selected", { expect_equal(rerun_out$selected, resid_md_selected) }) # With Case ID set.seed(80689) case_id_test <- paste0(sample(letters, nrow(dat0), replace = TRUE), sample(letters, nrow(dat0), replace = TRUE)) rerun_out <- suppressWarnings(lavaan_rerun(fit0, case_id = case_id_test, resid_md_top = 4, parallel = FALSE)) test_that("Check the number of reruns", { expect_equal(length(rerun_out$rerun), resid_md_top) }) test_that("Check the names of reruns", { expect_equal(names(rerun_out$rerun), case_id_test[resid_md_selected]) }) test_that("Check selected", { expect_equal(case_id_test[rerun_out$selected], case_id_test[resid_md_selected]) })