skip("To be tested in an interactive session") library(testthat) library(lavaan) library(semfindr) # NOTE # Do this after the print methods for # other functions it calls are ready. #context("Test influence_stat.R") mod <- ' iv1 ~~ iv2 m1 ~ iv1 + iv2 dv ~ m1 ' dat <- pa_dat dat0 <- dat[1:50, ] fit0 <- lavaan::sem(mod, dat0) rerun_out <- lavaan_rerun(fit0, parallel = FALSE) in_rerun <- influence_stat(rerun_out) print(in_rerun, first = 10) print(in_rerun, first = 10, what = "parameters") print(in_rerun, first = 10, what = "fit_measures") print(in_rerun, first = 10, what = "mahalanobis") print(in_rerun, first = 10, what = c("parameters", "mahalanobis")) print(in_rerun, first = 10, what = c("parameters", "fit_measures"), sort_fit_measures_by = "chisq", sort_parameters_by = "est")