library(testthat) library(lavaan) library(semfindr) #context("Test implied_scores with x variables free") mod <- ' iv1 ~~ iv2 m1 ~ c(a1, a2) * iv1 + iv2 dv ~ c(b, b) * m1 a1b := a1*b a2b := a2*b ' dat <- pa_dat dat0 <- dat[1:100, ] set.seed(856041) dat0$gp <- sample(c("gp2", "gp1"), size = nrow(dat0), replace = TRUE) head(dat0) fit0 <- lavaan::sem(mod, dat0, meanstructure = TRUE, group = "gp") group_label <- lavInspect(fit0, "group.label") implied_scores0 <- implied_scores(fit0) implied_scores0_g <- split(, dat0$gp) implied_scores0_g <- implied_scores0_g[group_label] fitted0 <- lavInspect(fit0, "fitted") est <- parameterEstimates(fit0) y_names <- c("m1", "dv") implied_means0 <- lapply(implied_scores0_g, colMeans) implied_means_lavaan <- lapply(fitted0, function(x) x$mean[y_names]) implied_vars0 <- lapply(implied_scores0_g, function(x) apply(x, 2, var)) y_evar0 <- est[(est$op == "~~") & (est$lhs %in% y_names) & (est$rhs %in% y_names), ] y_evar1 <- setNames(y_evar0$est, y_evar0$lhs) y_evar <- split(y_evar1, y_evar0$group) implied_vars1 <- mapply(function(x, y) {x + y}, x = implied_vars0, y = y_evar, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) implied_vars_lavaan <- lapply(fitted0, function(x) diag(x$cov[y_names, y_names])) test_that("Can implied means be reproduced?", { expect_equal(ignore_attr = TRUE, implied_means0, implied_means_lavaan, tolerance = .00001 ) }) test_that("Can implied variances be reproduced?", { expect_equal(ignore_attr = TRUE, implied_vars1, implied_vars_lavaan, tolerance = .01 ) }) #context("Test implied_scores with x variables fixed") mod <- ' m1 ~ c(a1, a2) * iv1 + iv2 dv ~ c(b, b) * m1 a1b := a1*b a2b := a2*b ' dat <- pa_dat dat0 <- dat[1:100, ] set.seed(856041) dat0$gp <- sample(c("gp2", "gp1"), size = nrow(dat0), replace = TRUE) head(dat0) fit0 <- lavaan::sem(mod, dat0, meanstructure = TRUE, group = "gp") group_label <- lavInspect(fit0, "group.label") implied_scores0 <- implied_scores(fit0) implied_scores0_g <- split(, dat0$gp) implied_scores0_g <- implied_scores0_g[group_label] fitted0 <- lavInspect(fit0, "fitted") est <- parameterEstimates(fit0) y_names <- c("m1", "dv") implied_means0 <- lapply(implied_scores0_g, colMeans) implied_means_lavaan <- lapply(fitted0, function(x) x$mean[y_names]) implied_vars0 <- lapply(implied_scores0_g, function(x) apply(x, 2, var)) y_evar0 <- est[(est$op == "~~") & (est$lhs %in% y_names) & (est$rhs %in% y_names), ] y_evar1 <- setNames(y_evar0$est, y_evar0$lhs) y_evar <- split(y_evar1, y_evar0$group) implied_vars1 <- mapply(function(x, y) {x + y}, x = implied_vars0, y = y_evar, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) implied_vars_lavaan <- lapply(fitted0, function(x) diag(x$cov[y_names, y_names])) test_that("Can implied means be reproduced?", { expect_equal(ignore_attr = TRUE, implied_means0, implied_means_lavaan, tolerance = .00001 ) }) test_that("Can implied variances be reproduced?", { expect_equal(ignore_attr = TRUE, implied_vars1, implied_vars_lavaan, tolerance = .01 ) })