tests <- c("SB_UG_RLS", "pEBA2_UG_RLS", "EBA4_RLS", "pEBA6_RLS", "pOLS2_UG_ML") options <- sapply(tests, \(test) split_input(test)) test_that("split_input looks reasonable", { expect_equal(colnames(options), tests) expect_equal(dim(options), c(6, 5)) }) options <- lapply(tests, \(test) split_input(test)) result <- sapply(options, \(option) do.call(pvalues_, c(object, option))) test_that("split_input applied to p_values gives correct names", { expect_equal(names(result), tolower(tests)) }) test_that("using 'tests' in pvalues yield the correct results.", { expect_equal( pvalues(object, tests[1]), pvalues_internal(object, tests = NULL, trad = "sb", peba = NULL, eba = NULL, pols = NULL, unbiased = 2, chisq = "rls" ) ) expect_equal( pvalues(object, tests[2]), pvalues_internal(object, tests = NULL, trad = NULL, peba = 2, eba = NULL, pols = NULL, unbiased = 2, chisq = "rls" ) ) expect_equal( pvalues(object, tests[3]), pvalues_internal(object, tests = NULL, trad = NULL, peba = NULL, eba = 4, pols = NULL, unbiased = 1, chisq = "rls" ) ) expect_equal( pvalues(object, tests[4]), pvalues_internal(object, tests = NULL, trad = NULL, peba = 6, eba = NULL, pols = NULL, unbiased = 1, chisq = "rls" ) ) expect_equal( pvalues(object, tests[5]), pvalues_internal(object, tests = NULL, trad = NULL, peba = NULL, eba = NULL, pols = 2, unbiased = 2, chisq = "ml" ) ) })