require(quanteda) options(seededlda_residual_name = "other") toks <- tokens(data_corpus_moviereviews[1:500], remove_punct = TRUE, remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_number = TRUE) dfmt <- dfm(toks) %>% dfm_remove(stopwords(), min_nchar = 2) %>% dfm_trim(max_docfreq = 0.1, docfreq_type = "prop") sifi <- c("space", "mars", "alien", "earth") test_that("LDA is working", { skip_on_os("mac") skip_on_cran() set.seed(1234) lda <- textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, max_iter = 200) # saveRDS(lda, "tests/data/lda.RDS") #lda_v081 <- readRDS("../data/lda_v081.RDS") #expect_equal(lda$phi, lda_v081$phi) #expect_equal(lda$theta, lda_v081$theta) expect_equal(dim(terms(lda, 10)), c(10, 5)) expect_equal(dim(terms(lda, 20)), c(20, 5)) expect_equal( colnames(terms(lda)), c("topic1", "topic2", "topic3", "topic4", "topic5") ) expect_true( sum(apply(terms(lda), 2, function(x) all(sifi %in% x))) == 1 # there is the sifi topic ) expect_equal( names(topics(lda)), docnames(lda$data) ) expect_setequal( topics(lda), c("topic1", "topic2", "topic3", "topic4", "topic5") ) expect_equal( levels(topics(lda)), c("topic1", "topic2", "topic3", "topic4", "topic5") ) expect_equal( rowSums(lda$phi), c("topic1" = 1, "topic2" = 1, "topic3" = 1, "topic4" = 1, "topic5" = 1) ) expect_equal( rowSums(lda$theta), structure(rep(1, ndoc(dfmt)), names = docnames(dfmt)) ) expect_equal( ncol(terms(textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 1))), 1 ) expect_equal( ncol(terms(textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 10))), 10 ) expect_error( textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 0), "The value of k must be between 1 and 1000" ) expect_output( print(lda), paste0("\nCall:\n", "textmodel_lda(x = dfmt, k = 5, max_iter = 200)\n\n", "5 topics; 500 documents; 22,544 features."), fixed = TRUE ) expect_equal( names(lda), c("k", "max_iter", "last_iter", "auto_iter", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "phi", "theta", "words", "data", "batch_size", "call", "version") ) expect_equal(lda$last_iter, 200) expect_equivalent(class(lda$words), "dgCMatrix") expect_equal(rownames(lda$words), colnames(lda$phi)) expect_equal(colnames(lda$words), rownames(lda$phi)) }) test_that("alpha and beta work", { lda <- textmodel_lda(dfmt, max_iter = 200) expect_equal(lda$alpha, rep(0.5, 10)) expect_equal(lda$beta, rep(0.1, 10)) lda2 <- textmodel_lda(dfmt, alpha = 0.7, beta = 0.2, max_iter = 200) expect_equal(lda2$alpha, rep(0.7, 10)) expect_equal(lda2$beta, rep(0.2, 10)) expect_error( textmodel_lda(dfmt, alpha = -0.1), "The value of alpha must be between 0 and Inf" ) expect_error( textmodel_lda(dfmt, alpha = rep(0.5, 5)), "The length of alpha must be 10" ) expect_error( textmodel_lda(dfmt, beta = -0.1), "The value of beta must be between 0 and Inf" ) expect_error( textmodel_lda(dfmt, beta = rep(0.1, 5)), "The length of beta must be 10" ) }) test_that("verbose works", { expect_output( lda1 <- textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, verbose = TRUE, max_iter = 200), paste("Fitting LDA with 5 topics\n", " [.]{3}initializing\n", " [.]{3}Gibbs sampling in 200 iterations\n", " [.]{6}iteration 100 elapsed time: .*\n", " [.]{6}iteration 200 elapsed time: .*\n", " [.]{3}computing theta and phi\n", " [.]{3}complete", sep = "") ) expect_output( suppressWarnings( lda2 <- textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, verbose = TRUE, max_iter = 200, model = lda1) ), paste("Fitting LDA with 5 topics\n", " [.]{3}loading fitted model\n", " [.]{3}initializing\n", " [.]{3}Gibbs sampling in 200 iterations\n", " [.]{6}iteration 100 elapsed time: .*\n", " [.]{6}iteration 200 elapsed time: .*\n", " [.]{3}computing theta and phi\n", " [.]{3}complete", sep = "") ) expect_output( lda3 <- textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, verbose = TRUE, max_iter = 100, batch_size = 0.5), paste("Fitting LDA with 5 topics\n", " [.]{3}initializing\n", "( [.]{3}using up to .* threads for distributed computing\n)?", "( [.]{6}allocating .* documents to each thread\n)?", " [.]{3}Gibbs sampling in 100 iterations\n", "( [.]{6}iteration 100 elapsed time: .*\n)?", " [.]{3}computing theta and phi\n", " [.]{3}complete", sep = "") ) expect_output( lda4 <- textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, verbose = TRUE, max_iter = 200, auto_iter = TRUE, batch_size = 0.5), paste("Fitting LDA with 5 topics\n", " [.]{3}initializing\n", "( [.]{3}using up to .* threads for distributed computing\n)?", "( [.]{6}allocating .* documents to each thread\n)?", " [.]{3}Gibbs sampling in up to 200 iterations\n", sep = "") ) }) test_that("LDA works with empty documents", { dfmt_empty <- dfmt dfmt_empty[c(100, 200, 300),] <- 0 dfmt_empty <- as.dfm(dfmt_empty) set.seed(1234) lda_empty <- textmodel_lda(dfmt_empty, k = 5) expect_true( all([c(100, 200, 300)])) ) }) test_that("model argument works with LDA", { skip_on_cran() dfmt_train <- head(dfmt, 450) dfmt_test <- tail(dfmt, 50) # fit new model lda <- textmodel_lda(dfmt_train, k = 5) # in-sample prediction expect_warning({ lda1 <- textmodel_lda(dfmt_train[1:50,], model = lda) }, "k, alpha and beta values are overwriten by the fitted model") expect_false(all(lda$phi == lda1$phi)) expect_identical(dimnames(lda$phi), dimnames(lda1$phi)) expect_true(mean(topics(lda)[1:50] == topics(lda1)) > 0.8) expect_equal( levels(topics(lda1)), c("topic1", "topic2", "topic3", "topic4", "topic5") ) # out-of-sample prediction expect_warning({ lda2 <- textmodel_lda(dfmt_test, model = lda) }, "k, alpha and beta values are overwriten by the fitted model") expect_false(all(lda$phi == lda2$phi)) expect_identical(dimnames(lda$phi), dimnames(lda2$phi)) expect_equal( levels(topics(lda2)), c("topic1", "topic2", "topic3", "topic4", "topic5") ) }) test_that("select and min_prob are working", { set.seed(1234) lda <- textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5) expect_equal(, min_prob = 0.50)), rowSums(lda$theta > 0.50) == 0 ) expect_equal(, min_prob = 0.25)), rowSums(lda$theta > 0.25) == 0 ) expect_equal(, min_prob = 0.1, select = c("topic1", "topic2", "topic5"))), rowSums(lda$theta[, c(1, 2, 5)] > 0.1) == 0 ) expect_error( topics(lda, min_prob = -0.1), "The value of min_prob must be between 0 and 1" ) expect_error( topics(lda, min_prob = c(0.1, 0.2)), "The length of min_prob must be 1" ) expect_equal( topics(lda)[10:20], topics(lda, select = paste0("topic", 1:5))[10:20] ) expect_equal( as.integer(topics(lda, select = c("topic1", "topic2", "topic5")))[1:10], max.col(lda$theta[,c(1, 2, 5)])[1:10] ) # keep the order of levels expect_identical( levels(topics(lda, select = c("topic3", "topic2"))[1:10]), levels(topics(lda, select = c("topic2", "topic3"))[1:10]) ) # invalid input expect_error( topics(lda, select = 1:2), "The type of select must be character" ) expect_error( topics(lda, select = c(TRUE, FALSE)), "The type of select must be character" ) expect_error( topics(lda, select = character()), "The length of select must be between 1 and 5" ) expect_error( topics(lda, select = c("topic2", "xxxxx")), "Selected topics must be in the model" ) }) test_that("distributed LDA works", { # batch sizes expect_error( textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, batch_size = 0, max_iter = 200, verbose = FALSE), "batch_size musht be larger than 0" ) expect_error( textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, batch_size = -1.0, max_iter = 200, verbose = FALSE), "The value of batch_size must be between 0 and 1", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, batch_size = 2.0, max_iter = 200, verbose = FALSE), "The value of batch_size must be between 0 and 1", fixed = TRUE ) # threads options(seededlda_threads = "a") expect_error( textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, batch_size = 0.2, max_iter = 200, verbose = FALSE), 'seededlda_threads must be an integer', fixed = TRUE ) options(seededlda_threads = -1) # use all threads expect_silent( lda1 <- textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, batch_size = 0.2, max_iter = 200, verbose = FALSE) ) expect_equal(lda1$batch_size, 0.2) options(seededlda_threads = 2) expect_output( lda2 <- textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, batch_size = 0.2, max_iter = 200, verbose = TRUE), ".*using up to 2 threads for distributed computing.*" ) expect_equal(lda2$batch_size, 0.2) # reset options(seededlda_threads = NULL) }) test_that("auto_iter works", { expect_error( textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, auto_iter = -1, verbose = FALSE), "The type of auto_iter must be logical" ) expect_silent( textmodel_lda(dfmt, k = 5, auto_iter = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) ) })