# test CL density model library(secr) ## to avoid ASAN/UBSAN errors on CRAN, following advice of Kevin Ushey ## e.g. https://github.com/RcppCore/RcppParallel/issues/169 Sys.setenv(RCPP_PARALLEL_BACKEND = "tinythread") msk <- make.mask(traps(captdata), buffer=100, type='trapbuffer', nx = 32) fitrD <- secr.fit(captdata, CL = TRUE, mask = msk, model= D~x, trace = FALSE) fitrDi <- secr.fit(captdata, CL = TRUE, mask = msk, model= D~x, trace = FALSE, link=list(D='identity')) test_that("relativeD estimates correct", { expect_equal(coef(fitrD)[1,1], 0.01261994, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE) expect_equal(derivedDcoef(fitrD)[1,1], 1.700941, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE) expect_equal(derivedDcoef(fitrDi)[1,1], 5.479395, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE) }) test_that("region.N correct with relativeD", { expect_warning(Nhat <- region.N(fitrD)[1,1]) expect_equal(Nhat, 116.314763, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE) })