# --- update ------------------------------------------------------------------- # since this seems not contrevsial, we do this only for 5 models # 1. evaluate test cases # 2. run update on seas model # 3. check if equal test_update <- function(x){ ccc <- parse(text = x) cc <- ccc[[length(ccc)]] set.seed(100) # because we have runif() in the examples (this should be removed) if (length(ccc) > 1){ for (i in 1:(length(ccc)-1)){ eval(ccc[[i]], envir = globalenv()) } } a <- eval(cc) all.equal(final(a), final(update(a))) } ll <- lapply(r[5:10], function(e) try(test_update(e), silent = TRUE)) failing <- which(sapply(ll, class) == "try-error") if (length(failing[!failing %in% c(47L, 52L, 53L, 60L, 98L)]) > 0){ stop("failing cases: ", paste(failing, collapse = ", ")) }